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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Why do you say that? I really like the Aeris tho So continue as you may. *wistles*
  3. This is the 4th greatest thread ever
  4. Easiest thing ever, just plugged it into the wall, and was on in 10 minutes.
  5. Dude, SquareSoft made Micky Mouse badass!
  6. And spyware free Since when Shareaza had spyware? Strange, when I used it I HAD adware.
  7. The Final MVS, and hopefully AES game. Being released in Limited Quantities too.
  8. Gotta hate INTEL Stockboards. Well, with a little bios flash here and there I bet you could at least change the FBS.
  9. I'm 16 And over here in canada, minimum wage here(at least in Quebec) is $8.25/per hour. So $9.50 is pretty good.
  10. I need a picture of him so it can be my avatar here or at another board
  11. I start my job in at the end of June >_<. 2 Months of work could get me a new computer I need to be ninja and take money from my mom Damn, I didn't know I could read minds... Yes I will be a FedEx GUY! Actually I'm going to work at a Elecontronics Development Facility in the store section and will be getting paid around 9.50 CAD every hour. 8 hour days for 5 days in a week, times 4 weeks in a month = just a little over $1,500 CAD. And since I'll work as a student, I don't have to pay taxes
  12. At least we didn't talk in Binary for 2 weeks. That died out in a day.
  13. I start my job in at the end of June >_<. 2 Months of work could get me a new computer I need to be ninja and take money from my mom
  15. Thats my Generals intro screen LOL
  16. Pokemon gay Yu Gay ho is gay too. The Pokemon concept was great. The show made it sh!t/
  17. Insted of reviving the Cosplay thread, you bring this. oh well.
  18. Nope, my parents don't...more like doesn't lend money out to me nor my sister. so yeah, i have to go money hunting in my room. People have lost 5 dollar bills and 10 dollar bills, my room has all my money O_o it will eat you if don't like it.
  19. They should teach our history all over the world. We're just that important. It would be cool, but World history would be a pain.
  20. Does the attack on Pearl Harbor mean anything? What I'm saying is that the century and half statement isn't false. This country became partners with Japan back then. It was interrupted by Pearl Harbor and WWII, but they began their trading alliance a century and half ago. Does knowing your history mean anything? Although the trading was kind of forced because the American Navy was stationed outside of the harbors, so the Japanese really didn't have much of a choice. Have you seen The Last Samurai? That kind of situation wasn't just made up. America helped Japan modernize by taking them out of the feudal Shogun period. Never learned American history. Then again, I do live in Canada.
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