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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. The New Testment was re-written during the Dark Ages to be up-to-date. Jesus might of or might not of been extisted at all. And since it is very late, and I'm out of ideas to counter. EXUBERENCE!
  2. Remember what I said before in the last Neowave thread? Well, 99.5% of it is all true. The Roster is as followed, but both me and my aunt (who is an avid KOF player in Japan, although she sucks, its fun. It rules when you family in 4 countries, I would tell you, but i'm lazy, its friking 1 AM and i'm sleepy) sense a disturbence. My aunt has been playing since KOF`98, which was introduced by her husband, my uncle. When she played, she liked it because it was like playing 2k2 (which is what `98 is, but funner to me). I'm not saying thats a bad thing, but theres a few problems. But yeah roster first (Maybe missing -as in HIDDEN- characters and i'm going from the top of my head.). All Women's Team - Mai, King, Yuri K` Team - K`, Whip, Maxima Fatal Fury Team - Terry, Andy, Joe Art of Fighting Team 2002 - Takuma, Robert, Ryo Korea Team - Jhun, Chang, Choi Orochi New Face Team/KOF98 Team - Shermie, Yoshiro, Chris Iori Team/KOF96 Team - Iori, Mature, Vice KOF97 Team - Yamazaki, Blue Mary, Billy Kane Team Japan - Kyo, Benimaru, Goro Daimon Ikari Team - Leona, Clark, Ralf Pyscho Soliders Team - Athena, Chin, Kensou Edit Characters Team - Kula, Shingo, Saishu Boss - AOF2 Geese Ok, the run down on most of the characters is; Based on their KOF2k2 versions. The absence of Kim is real. The 5 buttons, real. She told me that theres 3 modes to choose from, Super Cancel mode, which is like, cancling special moves into other special moves etc, Kinda like the 2k2 one, 3 Stocks. SDM and HSDM's cost 2 stocks. Gaurd Break Mode - which is Just Defend from Garou. Can't AB Attack and SDM/HSDM cost 2 stocks. MAX2 MODE - Ha ha, this mode apparently owns all the rest. Remember when you had 1/4 HP in 2k2 and able to pull off HSDM's with 2 stocks? Well, here, once your on the speck of death, it only uses 1 stock! Yes 1! W00t! Your gauge builds up automaticly. Can't do AB Rolls, although you can Recovery Roll *whep* The HEAT mode is in all 3. You get 1 extra move and you do more damage at the cost of your life. Which you lose bit by bit as you are in HEAT MODE. There is a set timelimit or when you get hit it ends. Character changes; Mostly what everyone has said already at other forums (s-c.com, n-g.com, mmcafe, orochinagi, gamefaqs) made out everything already. Just to recap if you've didn't read them. Saishu plays like `98 version. DM is Orochinagi. SDM is like Orochinagi, HSDM is a big friking Orochinagi No Style - You can move him around and possibly do a combo. Ralf's Far C comes out faster. King and Shingo play like their DC 2k2 counter parts with a few slight, unnoticable changes. No one can find out Jhun's HSDM. My aunt used Kula, Iori and Whip(Whip was my request, Shes cute ), and found nothing much diffrent from their 2k2 versions. My aunt compained about the art. She's like, "Is that Takuma?!?" and such and such. With various characters, Kyo, Iori, Takuma, Ryo, Robert, Saishu and Ralf all look freaky. She wasn't able to reach AOF2 Geese, but. Gathering information about him from GrandC(another person who went to the loke test) from the gamefaqs board. Well holy crap. Hes strong, almost like his SVCC carnation, sans infinity. HEY! At least its not a fscking overpowered for 4 games RUGAL. Final say; From what she tells me, its fun because its like an Upgraded 2k2. But theres many ways to go and *hope* that they don't pull a SvCC and put un-tested, very, very, very, VERY FSCKING overpowered, hidden characters with infinties. If she ever goes back, or when more info comes araise, I will update this thread. Which should be stickied because its KOF and its info to it. And we all love KOF don't we now. (Please sticky the sake of something that isn't related to emulation, but KOF)
  3. What? He means that, our Cosplay thread, compared to other boards is low post count. GFAudio's Cosplay Reloaded thread had 1,243 replies, thats about 189 pages ALONE to their board. Without counting the original thread, which did about 80 pages.
  4. It shall be done *plays The National Anthem*
  5. You are forgetting Xbox Live and its many games and headset.
  6. To those who are lazy to get FireFox/Opera. To those who have used other browsers such as FireFox and Opera before but found them to a pain.
  7. Hook it up K'Dash Should I post it here because it is totally irrelevent to this topic or start a new one? hmmmmmmmmmm.
  8. So does anyone want info on KOFNeowave My aunt was at the loke testing in Osaka.
  9. I have every right to critize his facts and the way he said it. A part from the fact he did not play the game properly is because it did not interest him fully enough to engage to get within its deeper depts(Holy christ that sounds like a sexual innudeno o_O). Does not mean a person can critize. Hell, you can call me wrong about it and it won't matter. Cause he, me, him and everyone has an opinion,
  10. Then make him stop defending it like a fanboy
  11. Gotta love it when someone goes into FANBOY MODE!!!!!!11111111111111111///////////////
  12. At least she's very good at a competive level if in the right hands, and very hot too. Edit: Reffering to An-hell / Angel.
  13. At least none of them are pulling an Elioth with a character that all you can do is button mash and _actually_ get moves out of *coughan-hellcough*
  14. Correction. Almost every style in Soul Calibur is a real weapon art. Ninjitsu, Taijisu, Crab, Half/Full Moon, Double Sword, Iai etc. SC is very unrealistic compared to VF. SC is more fantasy than anything. But yes SC does have some real martial arts weapon based moves in it. Storyline and setting wise. Although I would hate comparing now to the Japan fudeal era.
  15. Correction. Almost every style in Soul Calibur is a real weapon art. Ninjitsu, Taijisu, Crab, Half/Full Moon, Double Sword, Iai etc.
  16. Radiohead - A Wolf at the Door bloody great song live.
  17. Minor corrections in SF3? Let's see; (Note, each game is from the "Arcade" or "Single Player" side from the console version) SF3; New Generations - Great gameplay mechanics. Certain Unblance issues. Frist release. Double Impact - Gouki, Hugo and Urien added, Yun and Yang are now seperate characters. Character balance issues from New Generations fixed. New levels and music. Gill A.I. increased. Gouki/Shin Gouki hidden boss added. Second release. Thrid Strike - Chun-Li, Remy, Makato, Q, and Twleve added. New levels. Several (yes, several) characters minorly/severaly toned down or changed completely. New stages and music. Gill and enemy A.I. increased. Q hidden mid-boss added. Replay ablitity added to change options. New endings for some. Now, VF4; Virtual Fighter 4 - Version 1.0, 2 new characters added to the series, gameplay and engine is superb from a technical view, minor balance issues. VF4: Evolution - Brad and Gou added, more replayablity added. Minor fixes, added stages. Minor imbalance issues. Added/removed moves for some characters. VF4: Final Tuned - Fixed imbalanced issues from both V1 and V2(Evo). More stages, more replay ablity. Added/Removed moves for some characters. "Challenger" mode added. --------- Overall: Sega pulled a Capcom.
  18. Thats really strange for 1.46. I didn't have to change its Combatability mode to 98.
  19. I corrected my self. I meant SF3.
  20. Sega is pulling a Capcom with VF4. Although it is highly sold in the markets. It's SF3 all over again.
  21. I hope people know that its the same person in both the movies and Vol.2 is the conclusion. This is what happens when the company you made the movie for cuts a 4 hour saga into two 90 minute movies.
  22. I would say using Real's own burner. But Real is evil.
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