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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I think the term for that sentence is, "Fanboy."
  2. I could be the richest person in Canada with 1 AMERICAN dollar.
  3. If you want more stuff thats made in code and uses procedural texturing. check this site http://www.farb-rausch.de/
  4. This is what this game is. The game is written mostly written in C++, not assembly language. This is taken from the FAQ: I got it off the [H]forums,
  5. Everyone has their mind, and the evo artica, upon re-readingl is crap. DDay doesn't completely know what hes talking about.
  6. And we all have to buy what everyone else does because they are always right, of course. Anon. Hah, that's got nothing to do with it. The point is it sells more because it's POPULAR as i've said, n for a reason. I beg to differ. It is the case. People who owned the system and whose peers disbelieved the hype come to notice the qualities of the PS2. The reason why its popular is because of its HYPE. Yes, hype. The more hype there is, the more it sells, thus being more popular. Why is everyone else buying it? *Does reasearch* SO THATS WHY!? Its because of the hype its so popular. I doubt word of mouth would spread this much if there was no hype at all.
  7. Good for you, and I don't really like being called a moron. It would be your cause of death if you ever said that to me face to face. Christ, everyone makes threats. Face to face or not. And you should of searched before hand. Unless you came back.
  8. I can tell you now. Your computer needs to BE REALLY FSKCING GOOD TO RUN THIS. Ok, from my slideshow experience, yes slideshow. It's fun, but my weak computer can't handle it.
  9. There is a higher plain of existence is what I believe. Not heaven, nor hell, more like an obmil. You still walk in normal plain, but within the higher plain of existence where only those who have "crossed" you might say will be able to see you, continuing life as it was in the previous plain. Heres some more stuff you can read on.
  10. U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights 2nd Edit: It applies to those living in the Untied States because the Bill of Rights is flawed when compared to the 10 Commandments.
  11. They did throw a bunch of Nukes at them, and they still walked.
  12. Homage to the classic samurai movies, such as The Seven Samurai, Rash-O-mon, Zatoichi, Yojimbo and the such.
  13. So, most of us should know that most of the law systems in the world are claimed to based on the 10 Commandments. Well.... 7 out of 10 of the Commandments violate the Frist Amendment. I give you, exibit A: The link. It's funny because its true. Now, I give you this. Its about the useal suspects; God, teh Devil, Heaven, Hell, etc... Very good read. That Devil really is GOD. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND, Apparently, the Bible is big on Capital Punishment! I kid you not, read this to believe it. I have more, so don't silence me yet oh so ones of the none believers! (Crap, I'm sounding like a preacher.) I give you the Gnostic self-defeatism, which is; was Jesus = God? Whose covering heaven? A flaw in evolution? This may question you. I ask; If we were evolved from monkeys/apes, why can't we use their blood? Theres also this. Which is; Creationism: Is it a science? Then theres the Bible hinting hate here. I leave you with this. WHEN MORMONS STRIKE BACK I am so glad I don't believe in some sort of "God," "Messiah," or "Allah." Because religion is really funny when you don't believe in any. Yes this post is not spam, it's a (funny to me, and possibly you) post on religion. The Infedel Guy is the coolest person ever.
  14. My dream is for CAPCOM to friking bring back Ibuki to Top tier status. I like ninja girls. Although she isn't top tier anymore, I can still do an avarage amount of damage with her by being quick about it.
  15. My comment applies to both games. Anyways, as both Chipp and Milla minorly tweaked in #Reload, I can still rip open some new hate with them.
  16. GGXX#Reload -Correction: Its an update to a game I dispise dearly. The only thing that was fixed was the balanced issues from GGXX. I used to be a GGXX fanboy, now I just hope something will come along to rekindle the lost soul of mine to play the it ever again. Superb in most catacgories. Backgrounds are medicore Although most of the character designs are excellent, Justice, Ky, Kliff seem like "I've Been Done" before. Half of the music is repeative and annoying. I'm all up for guitar solos, but christ, IN MOST OF THE SONGS. Not a big graphical and system update from GGX/X+.
  17. So I took out VF3 for my DC. Plays much better then 4 overall to me
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