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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Althought 3D fighters are welcomed to me, hatred for series such as VF and Tekken, DoA3 to me is maybe the worst DoA game ever released. The only reason is came out was because the lead of Team Ninja has a problem with Sony. Sure if showed off some of the Xbox's Ablities. The controls are sloppy, due on part of the Xbox's freakishly large-takes a crew of 60 men just to get to one side button- controller. The game handles very responsively, but its overall presentations are poor for a fighter.
  2. You may have your views, but I completely hate the VF and Tekken series. I find that their engines and combos system totally useless. They are very pretty, but handle like crap.
  3. What other companies? Besides Apple, I don't see any other IBM processors on the market. Are you talking about Cyrix? I don't call those people real computer enthusiasts. I call them morons. Intel mostly. AMD's can overclock better and are normally unlocked unlike Intel.
  4. Knowing that your staff, you have no closing rights Weirdanzeige ?
  5. If his computer is better then yours, screw driver + his house key = the computer is yours for the taking.
  6. You should make an AOL CD Launcher out of some cardboard, compressed air and duct tape.
  7. Very sorry that I am out of the loop with Monty Python. I've seen it once and I had no idea what was going on.
  8. Wait, wait....what album is that? Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Disc 2 And on that note; Hitoshi Sakimoto And Nobuo Uematsu - Undefeated Heart
  9. Hitler was cool apart from the whole take of the world and killing the jews thing.
  10. AMD is the enthusist's choice amongest all other Company's. They function just as well as an Intel system.
  11. Hitoshi Sakimoto And Nobuo Uematsu - Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe
  12. Christ that didn't fix my edit. I'M A RAGING HYPOCRITE LALALALALALALA.
  13. No, its not out yet. It's still in Loke testing.
  14. I'm with Shiba, I refuse to call it PhotoShop 8. ITS CS, NOT 8 GAHH! & > 8.
  15. Since when there was 8!!??!?! Is it PHOTOSHOP CS?
  16. No, they will run just as well on an AMD64 3400+. Yes the advance architecture makes up for it. This benchmarks shows that an AMD64 3400+ paired up with the right RAM and motherboard, is better then an AMD64 FX-51 and an Intel PIV 3.4GHz EE.
  17. THE AMD64 series does not run at over 3.0+ GHz. AMD64 3000+ = 2.0 GHz with 1MB CACHE /w HyperTransport AMD64 3200+ = 2.2 GHz with 1MB CACHE /w HyperTransport AMD64 3400+ = 2.4 GHz with 1MB CACHE /w HyperTransport AMD64 FX-51 = 2.6 GHz with 2MB CACHE /w HyperTransport AMD64 FX-53 = 2.8 GHz with 2MB CACHE /w HyperTransport Edit: I have an AMD64 3000+, 1GB OCZ PC3200 RAM, and an ASUS KV8DLX a64 motherboard not installed yet.
  18. Uhh. AMD64 3400+ runs at 2.4 GHz, not 3.4 GHz. If your getting that, you should get 512/1GB PC3200/4000 DDR RAM. RDRAM is faster then DDR ram, but not supported on AMD boards because AMD boards run best and only on DDR. (Unless an older model, like Athlon 2500+)
  19. Roses are red. Violet are blue. This line doesn't rhyme. And neither does this one.
  20. Get Direct X 9.0b and ATi Catalyst drivers 4.0+. Choose your OS, then Graphics Driver, then RADEON Family. From there choose which driver pack you want to download. Then the game *should* run. I mean RUN, if you experience slow downs, heh go figure, the specs of the Doom3 Alpha in a 96kb game.
  21. That was Capcom's cheesey translation of it. Everyone else prior to knowing what capcom did, was/is still called "The Maiden's 8 Wine Cups" or "8 Wine Cups of the Madien," the translation mind you. "The Raging Demon" is what Capcom of America called it. It's real and true name is "Shun Goku Satsu" or "Murderous Intent," depending on how you translate it. It's around Murderous Intent or Intentional Death Spree . Nothing to do with demons you see It still rules.
  22. BY the sells figures GameCube > Xbox but to many fan boys Xbox > Gamecube
  23. Radiohead - Winter Wonderland You guys, shut up
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