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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Problem is you can only play NTSC and J-NTSC games, none of the PAL ones.
  2. I like swords and Yumeji is cool. The greatest mix of Ukyo and Hibiki ever!
  3. The movie looks interesting, but the original score sounds great!
  4. I did that once, Hooked my comp to my tv and watched some movies and played some SNK vs CAPCOM Chaos. Yes I am aware that some use a couch, my friend uses his bed. When I said "Computer chair couch potato," since the majority of the god forsaken world uses chairs, it would be work. Hell if it doesn't apply to you, at least it gets across.
  5. http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/news/04132004_bb_sapphire.html This could be the next generation of cooling if it can cool heat from PCs. A liquid substance that can't get anything wet.
  6. At the arcade you can standup o.o The problem with Fighting games online is the lag. So you have no right to say anything because you cannot control the lag. A Computer? We sit, some of us eat at our desks, what are we? Computer Chair Potatos? Same goes with consoles, you sit down, and computers, you sit down. WERE FRIKING COMPUTER CHAIR POTATOS!! WTF? Console gaming online is good in some sense. It just has to determine on the game. But there’s one thing you'll always see, and it’s LAG. You cannot control what others connections are. DVD Playback? That’s more of an offering, because 1 view isn't going to change the whole gaming world. That was one of the main selling points of the PS2. There are different types of "gamers" then the KB+M guys. There are PC gamers and Console gamers. Hardcore gamers are the ones that can balance both in between and own a favorable collection of console games and paraphernalia. So don't talk like your a lamer your self, you bring the console experience to your computer with 4 gamepads. So really, who is the lamer now? edit: minor spelling and grammar fixes
  7. Huh? How was SpiderMan well done? It was just another superhero movie, only this time with good special effects. This is true for Xmen as well. Blade was alright, but not that great. The superhero movies that are good are Hulk, The Batmans and the Supermans. The rest are uninspired. Anon. Spiderman was a pretty good movie overall. Both Xmen movies are decent. Blade 1 was good compared to Blade 2 (Music was good tho). The Batman movies were bleh, Superman is the same thing, Hulk was boring ( I feel asleep during the movie ). The rest uninspired? Bleh, each one of these takes on something from the comics and is being retold in a new form. The Hulk was inspiring? In what WAY?! It must be the worst superhero movie I've ever seen besides the Fantastic Four. And I can think of anything anymore so i'm going to say INSUBSTANIAL!
  8. That's M$ way of buying a remote to play dvd's. Anyways, rumores say that after their next NextGen console comes out, their out of the business.
  9. Its more of a problem with the both the actual game and the rom. People complain about the controls being more pricise and timing.
  10. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - Amber Valley Trent Razor - Quake 2 Theme Liberty Island - Staue Exterior Radiohead - Where The Blue Birds Fly Radiohead - Live in Montreux, Switzerland @ The Montreux Jazz Festival 05/06/03 Rage Against The Machine - Guerilla Radio
  11. There already is a Fantastic 4 movie, It was never released, You can find it on kazaa, Its pretty bad.
  12. Well, it was ditched by Ubi and picked up by another company. The Matrix Online is going to be for all the fanboys who wished the Matrixe didn't end. God get over it. 2 movies and 1 game later, it deemed as one of the worst. thing. ever. I don't believe the hype on this. The Matrix Online is also a Fantasy game. Sci-Fi/futuristic is a sub-genra to Fantasy in general means. Replace things in a Fantasy Realm with Guns, and certain skills with a dash of "hacking" (Or magic or mana or mp wtv) and you got this game. WoW beta will now last another 6 months for more feedback information and testing other races/classes (They aren't all avaliable at the moment). People will stop playing those(Fantasy) games? They've proven to be much better then the rest of other MMORPG. EverQuest (After 6? Expansions, It is still the top selling MMORPG out there today), ShadowGate, Final Fantasy XI, Ultima - All fantasy based(with Hack n Slash and magic and wtv) and have outlast the latter version of the Sci-Fi. Galaxies isn't that great, E&B was shut down and various others that pay2play have failed or are currently struggling right now. Now back to my hockey (Montreal vs Boston in OT2 )
  13. Saw those same screenshots at system16. looks like someone used a jamma test box and a screen capture card.
  14. Games are cheap, you should just go crazy and get em. Get some used games too insted of the new ones. Save $$$.
  15. Heh, i was just sketching around, getting used to the java-drawboard. I'll make something (hopefully) nice sometime later.
  16. Look, you can play for free, but its illegal to do so. Go google Private RO servers in google. Some of them don't work and you need the kRO client.
  17. This game will be one big disapointmeant. WoW will blow it out of the water and into the fire where it can be burned and charred.
  18. Yes, the game caused quite a stirring. Sadly one in the UK and US might not be able to play it because of Sony. So We might as well buy the now price dropped Xbox :/
  19. Arg, what the hell was I on when I made this. This is what happens when you mix a Swordsman, Ukyo, a dash of final fantasy (looks fimilar? Play 7), a little bit of Mortal Kombat 5. He's blind, the red markings represent blood(dried). Gah I don't know anymore.
  20. LOL dude, they show CS in the photo. Partly true. As of September 2002, All games that are not manufactured and not resold in any form of media is consider freeware unless the product is re-relased by the company holder. It's shotty on how the law is told, but it means that most roms are legal because they are not being redistribute and resold by the/any LEGAL(Non bootlegging, offical distributer for the game) companies. Lets take Chrono Trigger. If the PS1 remake never came out, the SNES ROM would be consider free and legal. But since it was re-released for the PS1 (remanufactured for a new system, but still the same game, under new a media[CD rom]. Even if it did come with extra stuff, it is still considered the same game to the law, unless stated other wise. Since the law is hard to understand to begin with.). The article was misinformed to begin with. Although the reverse engineering thing goes either way.
  21. I am going to break out laughing and crying.
  22. Whoa, u go there too? Who r u in that forum? Dude, I hang around the Naruto forum alot as a lurker (just reads all the threads). Man, small world we live in eh You might know this term, VOTE RAMEN GIRL! lol Small world we live in.
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