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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Links are fixed for anyone who wasn't able to download any of these Click here to goto the post.
  2. Heh, I am constantly port scanned, not but haxx0rz or script kiddies. Its my own isp.
  3. There is no link, its a Password and Usename you need. Trust me, I own a Primium account to know this (And the betas along with it )
  4. Downloading popular files requrie a line, but some files don't because there isn't a user demand for it.
  5. This is The Joke thread. Someone should just put a general discalimer here.
  6. Edit: Fixed links, you must Right Click and choose "Save Target As...) for them to download. http://www.freewebs.com/hauntingproject/kofneowave-1.zip http://www.freewebs.com/hauntingproject/kofneowave-2.zip http://www.freewebs.com/hauntingproject/kofneo-asf.zip They work, but bandwidth is crap, so don't rape it. This next video is neowave-1.zip (?, not sure if its the right zip), a "mirror" pre se. Neowave Loke video
  7. OMG, SO YOUR THE OTHER NINJA! I don't know why, but shouldn't this be in the emu art section?
  8. I got em and I'll upload em on to my site soon, i have like 4 vids that I'll be uploading
  9. Although wrestling sucks now, the Smackdown games are always good. Whats new this time?
  10. What question? I miss something? *acts all confused and dazed from his own stupidity*
  11. Hip-Hop talk is so 80's. Christ, don't you have morals Fatal. I would understand if she was sorta abused, but dude, this thing has SIN written all over it.
  12. Geese is the only one to have a new sprite. I saw some gameplay vids of him and his Rapuuken looked, well big and scary, like in SVCC. Like I said before, they have a chance to improve it since it is still in beta. If the final product is anything LIKE the beta, then this is possibly the worst Rehash of KOF. The game play is almost exactly like 2k2, but with the new "HEAT" mode (I loved the gameplay of 2k2 and 98 respectively, but this game....sigh). Some say almost all combos from 2k2 can still work. But yeah, poor rehash with good gameplay... I sense another game where it has GREAT ART but crap at everything else (expect gameplay )
  13. The game is still in beta, theres still a chance for improvement. When the game goes final, I'll judge it accordingly on what I think. I'm just saying now it looks and feels like a rehash of 2k2 with a little 98 in the mix and the cheesey 3D backgrounds of PS2 kof`01.
  14. I am prepared to get flamed *loads up his guns*
  15. Not to mention getting owned by various people.
  16. If you took the time to read most of my info (Sources are realible, they were at the loke test in Osaka, read threads, unlike some of you, I check my sources, no I'm not calling you dumb, I'm just saying your unresourceful) The game is possibly the biggest rehash of KOF ever. This is a bad, frist try for SNKplaymore and Sammy, I was expecting more out of this, but it turns to be a cheap MVC2 copy (Hi-res sprites look blurry, backgrounds look bland).
  17. We can wait until the offical site releases some pictures. Remember the frist screens of kof2k3? One of them turned out to be fake. Edit: Alrite I did some digging around and found these shots http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_10.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_09.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_08.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_07.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_06.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_05.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_04.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_03.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_02.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_01.jpg http://oggg.dip.jp/photo/kofneo_00.jpg this is the character roster, off s-c.com, Boss information from n-g.com 1.kyo, beni, daimon 2.clark, ralf, leona 3.terry, andy, joe 4.chang, jhun, choi 5.iori, vice, mature 6.saishu, kula, shingo (The so called, "Mid-boss" team) 7.athena, sie, chin 8.Mary, yamazaki (2k2 sprite), billy 9.yashiro, shermie, chris 10.ryo, robert, tak 11.k, maxima, whip 12.mai, king yuri 13. (Young) Geese (Boss) Noise Factory, Sammy and SNK is making this (so screw the Sammy is doing this idea). Judging from the screen shots, the art looks great (Falcoon again, one who did SvCC, but I prefer Nona's art, side notes; Yuri looks meh and Whip looks cute) and the "3D" backgrounds look kinda bland (like KOF01 on PS2). The game plays almost exactly like KOF2k2, execpt theres a new button (WTF!?!?!) called Heat; A B C <- Heat D E Punch Punch Heat Kick Kick What does heat do? No one is exactly sure :/ CD move is BE, Roll is AD, etc etc etc. Takes too long to explain, you know what I mean. All characters play exactly like their 2k2 counter-part, with the execption of Geese (plays like SVCC, new sprite to look like AOF2 version) and Saishu(plays like '98 with a few new tricks made with existing animations, no sprite improvements), Jhun plays like 2000 and NO KIM! (GASP) The Engrish translation of the system; http://www.geocities.jp/mnzk21/kofneowave.html Read more threads if you can find any (i suggest mmcafe, s-c.com, n-g.com and orichinagi forums) The game is still in beta, and theres a REALLY GOOD TIME FOR IMPROVEMENT (Trust me, it needs alot just by reading from people who played it). A few vids floating around, so look out for those too.
  18. Are the people at Blockbuster really that smart to notice anything? Hell no, they charged me wrong once, and I told them to fix it. Took me a while, but I mentioned it was a cheap day. Anyways, most of the people at the counters are as dense as a Tree in the middle of forest.
  19. Why isnt this in the PS2 section? A Developer PS2 is hard to come by, i've seen one on ebay just before it came out in North Amierca.
  20. I loved Tribes 1 to a certain stand point, Tribes 2 was a kick in the pants (info for the term: penny-arcade). Also a double note, I can get it off Fileplanet! WOOT!
  21. It's safe to say that word Xtreme has been beaten to death already. I would make a fighting game. With high-res kof-like art. Now only if I can get a name down :s Another would be an FPS, which I am doing with a bunch of friends for Doom3 or UT2k4. Survival Horror at its best.
  22. I say all of the above. But mostly cookies, because I love cookies.
  23. Just the illegal private ones you douche.
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