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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I've been playing it recently, very fun indeed. My friend is an Apple Ninja Clown.
  2. Will you guys start to support SSV? Cuz I would love to see match or combo vids for it.
  3. Why were you even using ME in the first place, they cut of support for that thing 30 seconds after it came out. If you want to run old apps that work on XP/win2k, then 98SE. Or you know, just use one your comfortable with.
  4. I was expminating with Paint Shop Pro's latest version, 8.0 and some Photoshop 7 action!. Its a wall of Yumeji, art and banner are from the offical site and I ripped the sprite my self. Enjoy. Wallpaper 1024x768 Theres another version here, the bmp. Mind you, the server I uploaded to sucks so yeah. BMP version, Zipped, for those who care ;/
  5. I would say modchip, because with bootdisc you need a fliptop or a card holder.
  6. Actually, the lastest versions of Nero have sucked balls. Best off with Nero 5.5 or Alchoal 120%
  7. Underworld is a bad movie, it takes everything of Reloaded, and makes it worse. It's expensive to rent games in montreal, its like, 12 bucks for 3 games, and thats just the local place, Blockbuster is like, the wh0r3 of renting here.
  8. I know the game takes place after the movie, but the game has connections to the movie after it ended. ( A rescue team was sent in to check out on what happened at the outpost. They searched the base for a while and they find Child's frozen body, they (The search and rescue team) searches the frozen Antartic for survivors )
  9. You know, that didn't strike me. You just reminded me that you sorta act like Ash too, minus (or unshown?) evil.
  10. The game has blood. You can either use a cheat dat for Nebula or the Samurai Showdown 4 blood cheat code. And I think you can change the blood settings in the Soft Dip Settings. But yea, that game has no english plot, just the win screens and menus. Thats just for the emus and the MVS and for people who have unibios in their AES'.
  11. Depends on which port is the tracker is on, also take note that recently a few ISPs have closed them for some undisclosed reason.
  12. Radiohead - Live in Salamanca 07/08/2002 ___^- One great live set, this was a few months right before they released Hail to the Theif. The version of "There There" is so awesome and intense.
  13. It was because of imblance issues mostly (I liked Ibuki more when she was top tier because of her Hashin-Shou SA) So they sorta pulled an SNK when 3s came around, added more characters, and plot, improved/downgraded other characters, and fixed some balance issues from DI. 3s would be perfect if they removed that stupid grading system and gave some characters (yes I am an Ibuki fanboy) their moves back.
  14. Where did you hear this juicy but of info? Is it from an Idologist or a Doomologist? But seriously, where did you hear that? I thought Trent Reznor was doing all the music for Doom III. From The Tool Shed (Which is semi-offical, Maynard has given the site info before) and IGN. Third Eye would be a good song, but you know company's, Original or cover :/
  15. You know that SNK and english dont mix and match well. There is no story mode in the US AES/MVS version of the game. Hell, no blood either.
  16. Who knows what Capcom Fighting All-Stars was made for. Looks like Naomi to me, or possibly Namco's board, maybe even Sega's. Point to the matter, we don't want to be shot down like for what Capcom did with CFAS, All set to go, then boom, production is canceled. I for one don't want to see it happen. On the side note, whos D.D. I keep seeing in the CFAS screenshots? What game is he from? Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom gave up fighting games all together, I hope they don't. But its based on their decision on where the company should go now after the Fighting Era has ended. They can put out some qualitiy fighters into the market, you just need a team of people that want to be deadicated into the game. SF3: 3s was the wrost version of SF3.
  17. Last time I checked, Maynard James Keenan isn't a video game character. Unless Tool and A Perfect Circle are games... But Violence reminds me of Benimaru. Ah crap I forgot about the videogame character thing. Yeah, Violence reminds me also of Benimaru. Has to look all good and all (And Tool might do the Doom 3 Theme song )
  18. Basara and shib i'm bring the hub, you guys better have the game started when I get there. Q3A never gets old for me. Playing it at a competive level is one of the greatest things I've ever done. Oh yeah, I would bring...a search engine would be good, you know, if theres internet and all. If not, then a gamecube, several controllers(for the monkeys) and Super Smash Brothers Melee.
  19. What random_guy said is also true. But its a system to blame. Most people on this board are or finished high school. I'm in my 9th grade and everyone knows who I am, why? Because of my history of getting into fights and my hair(no really, my hair. Ask anyone, "Do you know Him? He has/used to have Long Hair" And i'll be braught up almost immedatly). And to this day, I'm still low tier compared to the "elite." I also get pissed off easily when ever someone braught up I could be a nothing (I was held back) was also another reason why people knew me. You got the High, the low, the middle and "roamers" (Those who do not stand out in any class at all, I.E. Homeless). At least over at my school, when someone dies, we acknowledge them anyways, regardless of status/class. A few years ago, a kid, died when he was in hosipital. No body knew him that great(just started middle school, I talked to him 15 minutes before he got into an accident), but a great amount of people did feel sorry, no one assigned anything for the first few days of school. Another one happened recently, he died of complications when he was in hospital for something. A not so popular person, but always made something to stand out. People mourned his death, and nothing was assigned for the day. It was told all over school too. People did bring flowers to his locker, some people even got a chance to talk to his mother. Point is, some class will acknowledge the lower class if something terrible has happened to someone. It all depends on the work place. This world is very much like high school when you go down into comparing it side-by-side.
  20. Hey, at least you Euro (at least I think) don't live in Greece. Importing the way to live in Europe ( I hear from my friend, whose like, frikin rich, everything he has is imported, hell even FFIX is imported! ). Well back to the topic at hand. Is the game lannable at all?
  21. I liked Reloaded, and hated Revolutions, it was like DBZ damnit. The game was worst. But it did lead into the movie, which hasn't been done since what? The Thing? Which was a good game, just TOO dam long. Matrix Online is = ShadowRun ShadowRun would be better
  22. Hey its the world, if you don't like it too bad. Ranking in society is how everyone is identifiable. From the ghetto to the rich and famous. The bottom feeder to the unstoppable. It's a system society is based on, its not a fair system, but its there because it justifies the parties. Words are meaningless now, and actions speak louder then words.
  23. Oh, if Violence wasn't mentioned yet. Him = Maynard James Kennan
  24. That is possibly the greatest concept ever for boosting morale around the work place. DONT DO ANYTHING WRONG, YOU WONT DIE.... "ph34r teh m4ng4rz*
  25. Man, this is why I don't eat fast food anymore. Instant ramen > all fast food. Edit: As I read this thread, I made ramen. And now. I will try not to get any more sick then it is.
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