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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Ok, as of a few days ago. I've started to get majorly annoying, god forsaken, painful headaches every day. It's driving me nuts and making want to kill everything. I need something to relieve me other then seppuku/hara-kiri or pills. Rest does NOT work, My sleeping habits are disrupted(sleeping 2-to-15 hours, or when I come home from school at 2 PM, I would go straight to sleep and wake up the next morning- since the headaches first began) because of the frequent headaches. I need ways to at least calm these damn pains. Help me x_x
  2. The Sims 2 looks nice. I mean, the age thing and the genetics. My god i'm a nerd.
  3. I've been following that thread for a while. If its done right. I'll love it. If it ends up being crap. Capcom can go to hell.
  4. Christ. I don't know what to compare :/ Me to Yumej o_O Bored, dillusional, needs something to do.
  5. I've read that already. Proves nothing then just brain storming.
  6. Crap, I summoned Cthulhu and he ate my food. I'm pissed.
  7. My god, so much Room. I hate having movies on my HDD. 200 GB is enough for me...untill it gets full, then a 250GB will hold me off until i reach 1 TB.
  8. I can't stop listening to Radiohead. Towering Above The Rest.
  9. I prefer typing leet, other then "1337," "1337" is so over rated, lets go back to the basics of l33tn3ss.
  10. I would say underclock your card or put it back to stock if you've clocked it. You must uninstall all your video drivers(meaning, components and all) and reinstall, then restart.
  11. Nice site. You guys aint no Orichiangi, but your combos are ok.
  12. K man is leet then me. ALL PRAISE HIM!
  13. Read here for it. It runs on supergun just fine, execpt High Resolution mode doesn't work on his TV.
  14. I would want to get a supergun/jamma test rid just for an Atomiswave system, they're not rediculisly over priced like MVS boards.
  15. Well, they were selling it. And since when was it my site? The Neo-Geo Custom AES system was made by someone and was selling it on Neo-Geo.com (it's gone now, look on ebay for it). And bios update? Some people would do that for you if you asked.
  16. Thats because the DnD's d20 system is supiror above everything else. Everyone elses is just a modified version! DnD owns all other rule sets. *At a test* Will I pass? teacher: roll a d20, must get higher then 15 *rolls* WOOT I PASS! Teacher: thats 17, so you get 70% on your test sigh, only if life was THAT easy. Neverwinter Nights > all other PC (execpt Pools of Radience (sp?) DND games.
  17. n-g.com is selling a customized version of the AES. S-Video Port, 3 looking audio plugs and unibios. Should be worth it o.o
  18. Ohhh right, your running on another browser. Renaming a a picture file is a way to fool GeoCities into hotlinking/remote linking pictures. Running on IE, its a picture.
  19. What exactly is Cthulhu? Sorry, I'm not cool enough so I don't know. I had some fried shrimp today. Pretty good. Read H.P. Lovecraft's "Call of Cthulhu," one of the greatest books I've ever read. Its not satanic as everybody things. It is a powerful evil that roams the earth because it was summoned to do so by the Haitian's hundreds of years ago - So says H.P. Lovecraft. A few games are coming out this year based on the Cthulhu mythos. Expect them to be mind twisting like what Silent Hill is today. Execpt, you lose your sanity. One...peice...at...a...time... Cthulhu Fghn! I'm going to eat some home made sushi today. Pretty hyped.
  20. Thats just for you Edit: Dang, you beat me to it.
  21. This has to be the 3rd best thread on 1Emu. Ever.
  22. Rather that, or stops posting and opens a new account o_O
  23. You have TOO MUCH TIME. Edit SCREEN SHOT!
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