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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. If you're also going to paint it, I suggest you spray paint, then prime with a gritted sand paper to remove the uneven spots, then paint again, then use light sand paper, then polish.
  2. That explains the freakish avatar. Some of us are asian too you know :/ Fillipino's have a diffrent skin tone then most of the asians, I can say that because I am one. Russains are techniclly asians since the most part of Asia is Russia. So no argument. So, what the hell was I talking about again? Right FREAKISH AVATAR.
  3. Thanks for your help and all, but nothing works. I guess i just gotta install Win2k and delete it from there.
  4. Ok, make sure you dont have any cordless phones that were made after 1997 (<*2.4GHZ). It seems that they operate on the same frequence as the current wireless routers. Make sure also that you don't set a the telephone recivier near it, keep it in another room altogther. You're best bet is not using anything like a cordless telephone or cell phone near or around the wireless router
  5. Or you know, make em see the light and train them to be assassins, but thats just me.
  6. I hope you become the next Maynard Kennan. I have no idea why.
  7. The 100 Levels of Underground i think is a direct translation is. I have no idea what Square named it when it came state-side. <- Level 5 Street Samurai, cutting up baddies since 2001.
  8. Radiohead Live at Earl's Court 11/26/2003
  9. In general, it is hard to get teh seckz. So yeah, most of us would say yes
  10. I say we start a ShadowRun esque RPG ! No codes or what ever, just plain old text! I'm back to 60% in FFx-2 after my brother jacked and deleted my memory card stuff.
  11. Yes, comedic is a word John Carpenter's The Thing is possibly the greatest Horror movie I've ever seen. I suggest you read "Who Goes There?" The original short story that inspired the movie. I wish Carpenter would make a sequal, but I guess the game would act like that The Ring(u) - The original japanese novel is just as scary. The movies are just as good as the book. Sam Ramani's Within The Woods/Evil Dead Trilogy - American B-rated horror films at its best! Knowing that the Within the Woods and Evil Dead 1 were made with almost no buget. Greatest example of an indy director going pro (same guy made Spiderman the movie!)
  12. I was laughing for a while because I'd never see amazon have a website reviwer. Now only if I can remember my Amazon stuff.
  13. Wrestling is entertainment. Sure everything is fixed, but when a company like ECW came around, it changed the wrestling scene forever. Every pain; every chair shot, every table, every blood spot isn't what it seems sometimes. For one, most of the wrestlers prefer a stock table other then the pre cut ones, they sell the bump much more. Chairs are normal aluminum chairs, ever see someone take it full force in the head? (Balls Mahony has a tendecy to go over the edge with his chair shots, made several wrestlers get concussions/made them actually bleed when they didn't protect their head's). Anyways, American wrestling sucks, want good, actual wrestling, watch Zero-One, MLW or New Japan. Their wrestling skill beats the WWE shizzle there is.
  14. Actually it can. Someone just needs to make a better emu then the one now.
  15. That has to be the MOST. RANDOMEST. THING. EVER.
  16. I found this link at n-g.com fourms. About someone making a Neo-GeoCD Emulator for the Dreamcast! w00t! http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=47271 I am so happy (since I have Neo-CD stuff, thanks to Cinder)
  17. Warezing influences alot of people to go out and actually buy the game. Same thing we music and movies. Particularly MP games. If someone thinks their good enough to play in leagues, they would need a legal copy. Thus going out and getting one. Edit: And games are getting bigger these days, Far Cry is 3 GB download, who wants to download 3 GB when you can go out and get the game, supporting, and not killing your dl/ul when your playing. UT2k4 is 6 GB download. People who want games eventually just give up downloading and go out to buy them. Who wants to download X GB for a game. Takes too long, costs too much (you'll be also killing your bill and opening your computer to teh spyzzzzz)
  18. I think S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is going to be scarier then D3. CHRIST, PLAYING THE GAME WILL MAKE YOU SCREAM AHHHH CTHULHU! Go check the pictures @ gamespot. You'll be bound to say it.
  19. SNK AES was a collector's item, not for the everyday gamer. Since it was a perfect converstion from MVS to AES. Atari brought gaming here in the first place, and gets my vote, because We wouldn't have home consoles. Just console games ( = pong system ). Nintendo brought out the best in home consoles. Sega proove worthy for it also. Everything goes back to Atari and the 800. Gaming evolution has come far in 2 decades.
  20. Namco for bringing a VF alternative? Ubisoft because Splinter Cell sucks? Note: Ubisoft montreal owns all other Ubisofts
  21. I say "My Karma ran over your Dogma."
  22. Too bad Westwood died when EA bought them C&C: Tiberian Dawn(Date: 1995-1997 war) is the Sequal to Red Alert(World War 2) BAH I hate xp, I want to play them again.
  23. I stopped going there cuz i don't understand a damn thing anymore.
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