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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. That song rules Currently listening too the BF:V album.
  2. EA has no rights to be there, their games are based off companies they've bought and placed under the EA banner. Westwood (Pioneered RTS games WAY BEFORE Blizzard enter the picture with StarCraft. RED ALERT FOREVER!). i.d. with their Wolfenstine3D
  3. I'm trying to rip Yumeji sprites from the game, but it seems the DIP switchs 1-1 dont work ??? I am terribly confused and need help.
  4. In SS64, Shiki was a mere puppet being controlled, then gradually, she became selfaware (ala Cammy in SFA3) and had fallen in love with Asura. Because of their betrayal, the puppet master(i forgot his name), made copies of them because they were his "favorities." They killed them off. Shiki's goal was to find Hoahmaru and to give her baby to him. In SS64-2, Shiki was captured by the puppet master and Asura and Hoahmaru set out to find and destroy The Puppet Master seperatly. It was also the time Ukyo _actually_ died this time (he fullfilled his goal, he found the perfect flower for his lover, who was also suffering from turburcolosis).
  5. I broke it good. Because the file WAS read only, and every time I uncheck that, it still doesnt delete (I do click APPLY then OK, Try to delete, NOTHING HAPPENS!). I've gone thru the process several times, AND NOTHING WORKS.
  6. If you read the news, last year, RIAA uses a 14 year old girl. Thats just not right, people were in shock.
  7. Ultimate Fighting Championship. A mixed martial arts event. In KOF sense, Angel would fit in nicely
  8. We talked about that picture in Current Affairs, its a fake.
  9. Removing this thread is like, getting rid of Kman's funniness!
  10. As much as I want a ShadowRun sequal or MMORPG, i believe no company owns the rights to make them.
  11. What the hell is a Radio !?!?! And this TV you SPEAK OF! Quit messing with such objects that do not exist I have more albums because of mp3s.
  12. And legal sharing music in Canada, THIS WEEK IS THE GREATEST WEEK EVER!
  13. Atari, it brought arcade and home gaming to North America. Without them, we'd all have PC's and no Neo-Geos.
  14. Gotta love that blank quote there.
  15. Mexico is so poor, because of that they have 12 year old arcade hardware. Oddly enough, there are alot of Double Dragon champions.
  16. It's so a cross dresser dude. Fsck I want to kill it so bad and set it ablaze like its The Thing.
  17. I wonder how the fsck was FF9 easy. Unless he schemed thru it. I got everything on the first try, took me a while, but i did it. We should make a ShadowRun-like RPG here
  18. I'm currently having the same problem GHA Some stupid file doesnt want to delete. I've tried what you guys mentions. NONE OF THEM WORK!. I am teh angry!
  19. His avatar is so a man-guy. It Frightens me so.
  20. Actually, at a recent KOF Tournement in Cannes, France. The top 5 were all french! Beating out everyone! Sad but true! Who ever said the French was useless, it seems their love for KOF is just as good as Korea's.
  21. I vist them regularly, but I'm not registered(although guest posting a few times) (For those, I'm not Mr. Wizard )
  22. For the last time, AKUMA ISNT EVIL! He's already powerful, he just uses 1/3 of his power so he doesn't kill anyone who isn't worthy enough to die. Shin Gouki, is when he uses all his power The man behind SF2 and 3 left. The team wants to make a new one, with a completely new cast(or rehashes of SF3 and more new characters and FOR CHRIST SAKE, STORY thats CANONABLE!), then everyone will 8itch on why [character] isn't in the game. Christ, get over it, Chun-Li, Ken, Ryu and Gouki is all we need. Everyone else could go on with their lives (although seeing Cammy against Ibuki I would like )
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