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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. ttp://www.kofmi.com the site has been updated with info on 3 characters, some story and tons of screencaps (Ryo, Yuri, Ralf, Kyo have been confimired !)
  2. I got my Gamecube just as the price dropped acoured( actually a day before it went offical) and grabbed RE0 and RE1 for cheap (29.99 CAD both) and a 261 memory card
  3. Linkin Park is a poor man's RATM. They try to rap and play good alertnative music and they use a big box, as oppose to Rage. "All sounds are made with drums, bass, guitar and vocals." Who can't forget their cover of Cypress Hill's How I Could Just Kill A Man, ITS JUST A GUITAR MAN! RATM brought out the Rap-Rock/Metal Fusion in 1990 yo. If you've seen my playlist, I like a varity of music, I just listed the ones that I have sticken too and have some sort of creative connection with.
  4. Unless Sony has the ballz(not to mention the price) to place 3 cpu's in the PS3 motherboard so it would be uber backward compatibility. I say place the PS1, The Emotion Chip and the Cell onto one board, so it doesnt end up looking like my friend's server box.
  5. Well sh!t. How do you get the isos to WORK with Neb.
  6. I saw a thread like this on a another forum. About music artists/bands that influences/stuck to us for such a long time for one thing or another. Be it their messege or just for fun. Abit their style, lyrics or skill. Which artists you've sticken with and actually supported all these years. Rage Against The Machine - These guys passed messeges that sometimes the media are just money hungry wh0rz. They raised awareness of the U.S` actions to both the innocent and guilty parties. From music censoreship to the mischarged Mumia. These guys have the greatest concerts and style. With Zack de la Rocha's MC ways in Mic Check to the hermonic guitar riffs of Tom Morello's guitar in People of the Sun, y.Tim.k pumping up the bass and Brad Wilk on drums in Bulls on Parade. These guys get the messege across loud and hard. Radiohead - This band could be simply put as, "amazing." From Pablo Honey to Hail to the Theif, these guys have come a long way. Backen as the old Pink Floyd like rehashs to the synthesizers in Idiotque. This group has put a meaning on originallity above everything else. You always hear something new and strange from Radiohead. Be it Street Fade or 2+2=5, this group amazes me no matter how much bad you say about it. System Of A Down - Just like Rage, these guys got their messege across with one of their singles, entitled "Boom!" Which opressed good old Dubya's attack on Iraq. Nu-Metal is great in some cases, this band shows it. Oh, Rage ISN'T NU-METAL. Public Enemy - Ah, the great Public Enemy. These guys rule in everyway, they wrote the book on hip-hop. These guys is what rap is all about. Freestyling. Fear Factory - Progressive Rock/Metal band Fear Factory also is with getting a messege across, with their new album Archetype on the way, the band looks like their coming back again after a year hiatus. Their music lays down pretty much on what they think of the world. Archetype's first song is Slave Labor. Have I sold my soul already? A Perfect Circle - Maynard's (From Tool) voice is what attracted me towards the band of misfits. A project that took 4 years to complete, the winning forumal is Maynard on the vocals, Billy Howerdel(also from Tool ) on guitar, Josh Freese on drums and the ever so changing roster of the other guitarist (was Troy Van Leeuwen, then Danny Lohner, now its James Iha) and the bassist (was Paz Lenchantin, now it's Twiggy Ramirez). It amazes me of what free time the 2 Tool memberes have to this. If their tour ever comes to Montreal, I am so going. Last but not least, Tool - This band...is simply amazing. They simply ask for you to think for your self and question authority. Their music has impacted alot of fans along the years and is one of the original bands that started out in the 90's and is still together(Rage, Soundgarden, Pumpkins, Nirvana[a part of Cobain being dead] broke up). These guys make their presence known well, with their 2000 album, "Lateralus" made even more fans, with their single of the same name, they've seperated them selves of the latter of other groups that try their style. My Ænema is not like yours. Hush is one of their only videos that you actually SEE the band in their videos. Check em out, bound to change something you believe in.
  7. I hope you guys know I'm joking right o.o Anyways, yeah, a few friends of mine are trying to break it. I don't think we ever will, don't have that much expericene with arcade boards, just GBA carts :/
  8. Finally a use for the fscking forsaken program!
  9. I got a few Neo-Geo ISO's off BT and I don't know which emulator they work with. Google isnt my friend this time.
  10. Only at Mardi Gras + a couple of beads = you know what I mean.
  11. I have succeeded emulating the CPS3 on a 459 MHz CPU with 2 GB of ram
  12. Highest flash card is like 2 GB is what my friend tells me.
  13. Kyosuke is top tier because if you get your enemy into a cornor you can just keep juggling them (its been done). Just take it like Oro in SF3s on his energy bug.
  14. My sister's computer had that problem. I just did a fresh install of winxp :/
  15. a quick system restore would fix that. or you can be like me and hunt down the god forsaken registry to remove.
  16. Counter-Strike Day of Defeat warez meh music never sleep KOF2k2/3 combo practice intarweb irc movies go out ut2k4 repeat process every day
  17. Oh yeah, Kyosuke is also Top Tier in CvS2, most because the of the air juggles is why he is.
  18. A Perfect Circle (live) Tool (Live from Toronto) Rage Against The Machine (Various Live sounds 95-96) AudioSlave (Live from Dublin) Blueman Group (<- Fscking ownage)
  19. Dude, rapping in text is just bad, get a mic and mix and tape it
  20. Yes, yes I have been sleeping under a rock, like Oro.
  21. Thats because were thats SNK, who has been known to add alot of detail into their characters (because the characters are based like they would actually exist in the real world)
  22. I wanna try to crack it A few friends of mine have experience decyphering GBA games (OMFG DONT ARREST ME NINTENDO!) Ah, a dream that will never be come true.
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