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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. If your burning images, A120% is the way to go, but if you want to burn DATA discs, Nero is king.
  2. CTV news reported that the charred remains was a rioter yesterday night when I was watching the news waiting for Daily show.
  3. No, the standard has risen since then. 450W+ is the standard now.
  4. Yes, I am turning 20 this year. In fact, in just about a month's time (April). So I was think to do some thing pretty rad on the weekend of the 5th. At first, I thought of "See a hockey game." My Montreal Canadiens are doing well, not a losing skid, not a winning skid, but have a nice 75 points for a 3 way tie for 2nd place in the east overall. (The other two teams are Devils and the Pens). Sounds like a good idea right? Espeically since yo, it's the Montreal Canadiens and I haven't been a hockey game in 2 years AND their poised to make the Playoffs (NHL has really bad system, all the division leaders get the top 3 seeds? I hate it then and I still hate it now, that's a whole different story though). Like I said sounds like a good idea. Or the other idea is to put on a show at a restaurant me and family are practically in cahoots with. Supported them since the beginning and we still go there to eat, even though it's every once in a while with the whole family. Incidentally, it was also the first place I did a solo show with a friend. I still have the napkin we wrote our first setlist on. Both are sweet ideas, but I don't know which one to do. I could probably do both in the same day, with the hockey game later at night and a matinee show in the day. Oh and the next day is either sobering up or rockband the whole day. Or both.
  5. It would suck in practice unless they got full access to everything. If they had the dreamcast's SDK, it would cerintaly be feesiable, but considering even Beats of Rage took ALOT of coding to even run on the dreamcast, we'll never see a mugen for dreamcast. In practice: Loads everything to memory then play, it's what all the homebrew projects do with the dreamcast. Loads itself to memory, and there isn't enough memory to do it.
  6. Well, the market value for a 8800GTS 640MB is still pretty good I believe, unless they bring down the 8800GTS6 640MB down to match more or less the 9x cards. Might be good for me since I'll go SLI with my setup if that happens.
  7. http://www.capcom.co.jp/sf4/ aou trailer is up http://www.gamespot.com/video/943709/6186544/videoplayerpop? gamespot has a bunch of vids lower right of the page. Chun = CVS2
  8. QFT. Makes me feel like an idiot that I got my 8800GTS now.
  9. *sigh* All you'll notice is one is more darker (360), one handles shadows differently (PS3) and one has less jaggies (Give or take either system). Honestly, that's all you'll notice. What I don't like about the PS3 is; 1) Price tag 2) Multiple SKU choices 3) Home (Live takes the cake. Home only sounds good in theory.) 4) Game Selection - Why get it on PS3 when I already can get it on my 360, or even better yet, my PC. It's exclusive titles aren't that much very appealing. When we first saw MGS4, I was stunned. It looked perfect, but when we saw what it looked like in actual game play was less then stunning. It looks too bright (lol) and a little too plastic. Rising development costs call for multi console releases. I wouldn't bank MGS4 being on PS3 forever. We'll see a port, eventually. The only thing PS3 has going own is it's jRPGs. Edit: Only 2 of my 4 dislikes about the PS3 are the same critisms the 360 was met with. Guess which ones.
  10. I don't believe the 200 dollar price tag for the low range model. I'll see if I can confirm it later. 200 bucks for this, I don't believe it until I see it.
  11. http://www.gametrailers.com/game/5667.html moar vids. this time frmo GDC. Looks like the same build from AOU.
  12. Been a hardcore player for the better part of the past 12 years. FPW:Returns is probably the best FPW game since D. It's CAW mode is very similar to the No Mercy and WM2k, mix and match parts. But the depth doesn't come from that, it come froms the move selections, the character stats, A.I. development and the sheer number of wrestlers that can be created. Garunteed you won't be able to make about 200 CAWs complete with their own different federations. Unless you download CAW packs, which I've been also doing for D.
  13. Dude if I knew, you'd be smokin what I'd be smokin that came with free CDRs.
  14. I hate dogs with every bone in my body. and they always know it. they either shy away in fear of a boot to the head or get aggressive around me. I dunno why I hate em. maybe I was traumatized as a little kid but I seriously can't stand dogs. Yeah same with me. The few selected breeds that aren't afraid of me come up and respect me for some reason. Mixed breed inus and golden retreviers have a particular fondness of me, they aren't aggressive towards me. Their all up going "sup mate" while other dogs would bark at me, case me or all around avoid me. I dunno why I hate dogs. Random story, when dog came up to me, I immedily hid behind my ex. Who pet the dog while I was going "is it safe? is it safe?" hiding behind her.
  15. Centrino (and in turn, the whole Core 2 series) allows more sets of instructions to run by means of lower power consumption rates. For example, my Core 2 Duo E6750 can out preform an older P4, such as yours, on stock, which is 2.66 GHz/333. In fact, it is very possible, since I underclocked my E6750 too 1.6 GHz/333 multiplyer, I still managed to handle Crysis pretty well. It is all to do how they handle instructions. Since the world wants to be greener, lower power consumption rates + handles better then older CPUs at lower clock speeds = win! Since then I've overlocked my E6750 to 3.0GHz (from the original 2.66) Runs flawlessly with no probs. And i'm running on 550W of power too. No voltage increse required. I've heard people have gotten up to 3.69GHz on stock as well.
  16. When you download MP3s you're downloading COMMUNISM.
  17. Blasphamy, the originator of all that is 3D Survival Horror is hated by thou? HERETIC! BURN THE HERETIC!
  18. I hate dogs. Seriously, I hate them. Alot, only a few selected breeds I'll even consider touching. Also; afraid of dogs. I'm a cat lover by nature. Cats win. They don't bug you, they look retardedly cute when doing something and more imporantly, they don't bug you. EDIT: I'm also a very bored person in real life. I'm always bored and require something to stimulate my mind. I don't care what it is, as long as I am entertained. Hence why I'm always on the internet.
  19. Because they'd all be in the same family. The Core 2 series a family of CPU all to it's own. Similar to how the Core series is it's own family and the Pentium D and M is as well. They all handle instructions differently is what seperates all the families of CPU from each other. What Core 2 is being basically is Pentium 3 was to desktop computers, it's a new generation of CPU. Like they could keep using the Pentium brand, but unlike nVidia who made the transisation from the FX series back to more popular Thousand series, Core 2 has made a name for it all on its own and everyone knows about that. I don't see people talking about Pentiums anymore, I see them talking about Core Duo (even though their wrong in saying Core Duo, it's Core 2 Duo) or just plainly saying "Dual Core."
  20. You can think of it as P5s. Soley because it seems like after Pentium D (the small line after 4) came this series. Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad. Not that hard because if P5s were out, it would be the exact same thing, P5 Double Core and P5 Quad Core.
  21. Couldn't notice, possibly a light french accient. Obviously english isn't her mother tongue, possibly french or farsi.
  22. So, after a decent game and a really bad movie. Atari has the balls to ask Eden Games to make Alone in the Dark 5. Since I can't embed stuff from Gametrailers; Tech Demo 1 (SD) Shows off some great gameplay elements, such as being able to mix & match items for different effects and a very promising and new engine that handles dynamic lighting. Very impressive work on the engine and making things VERY seamless transision between switching 1st Person to 3rd Person to your vest. I love the very simple No Hud concept, and love the fact all your items are in your coat. The Very First Trailer Title says it all. Since I watched the tech demo first, gotta be in game. The Central Park commerical As is. The Central Park Trailer Possibly CG or in game, but I'm leaning towards in game after the Tech Demo. I'd like to note, I love the score. Central Dark Trailer (SD) Excellent soundtrack, fantastic visuals and more interesting gameplay mechanics to do with item physics. Interview with Todd Slepian Interview :V Set to be released on PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and PSP by Eden Games with the PS2 and Wii by developed seperately by Hydravision Entertainment). Definately on my wishlist.
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