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  1. Game: Crysis System: PC - DVD9 Requirements: * Windows XP/Vista * 2.8 GHz or faster (XP) or 3.2 GHz or faster (Vista) Processor * 1.0 GB RAM (XP) or 1.5 GB RAM (Vista) * 256MB Video Card * 12GB Free Hard Drive space * DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card Reviewer specs: * Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz * 2046MB RAM DDR2 400.0MHz * SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio (2.09.0016) * nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB 585MHz@900MHz (ForceWare Release 169) * Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300) * Seagate 300 GB SATA-II 7200 RPM ** Updated game version to 1.1 after installation Played on Medium (frist play through), High, Hacked High (XP) @ 1024x768 75Hz The spiritual successor to Crytek's previous effort, Far Cry. Crysis pushes the limits of current GPUs and CPUs alike with it's high end graphic capabilities. Months ago, when I first heard about the title, I was stunned at it's very impressive visuals, but brushed it off because the game simply felt like a glorified tech demo. Boy was I wrong. CG or in game? You be the judge. It took me two run through the game to get a good grip around it's story. While cheesy for the most part, it does offer a great experience similar to Activision's Call of Duty series. It's intuitive, easy to get into and as all typical FPS games, a sweet action experience. Complete with it's sandbox nature, it's replayability is great on how you can do each objective very differently on each play through. Sporting four different play difficulties as well. From the very Easy to the barely survivalable Delta Force. Which in Delta Force, makes everything infinately harder. Retardedly harder. Raptor Team. On screen: Prophet and Jester You control Nomad (Lieutenant Jake Dunn), a U.S. Army Delta Force operative sent to an island in the South Pacific with Raptor Team to recover and extract a team of American archaeologists trapped on the island by North Korea People's Army. Equipped with a very expensive suit that Tony Stark would be proud of, you para-drop towards the island, the beginning of a series of unfortuned events begin to happen as you get knocked down and seperated from the rest of the crew. After getting to your senses, you begin your trek on the island to regroup with your seperated comrads. It goes deeper then that, beyond it's simple story, you'll be suddenly thrown into something that makes Prey's story enjoyable (well Prey's story is enjoyable). Aliens, anti-gravity to make you motion sicken and retardedly huge walking crab. Epic battles ahead, I garuntee it. Damn! How do you go about this is totally up to you. You can ninja your way through picking off guys with your silenced weaponary, or go Rambo on their ass (Not recommended in Delta Force difficulty). With your suit's Speed, Strength and Cloaking devices will help you, run, choke, punch, throw and ninja your way throught the game. The suit also has built in armor and is rechargable, ala Halo. But you have to choose and decide which power to use during the coarse of the game. As you can only use one at a time, that includes deciding should you keep the armor on? Or use the strength setting. Each setting has it's uses and garunteed you'll be using them all through out the game and experiminting with each result. Such as grabbing a KPA and using him as a shield while shooting other soliders up, or just throwing him off a cliff. You decide how climactic (or-anti-climactic) you should be. Want to throw a barrel to kill everyone? Go for it. Want to stab someone in the face with a bottle, SURE! Possbilities are endless to what you can do with your power ups. The only limitation would be your mind (and maybe the engine, I didn't really give it a go since everything runs so SMOOTHLY). KPA. Meat shields and potentional projectile! The A.I. in the game is also impressive. Not on a massive revolutionairy scale of course, but it plays well to your advantage when using your stealth power. They hold no remorse towards you killing their comrads, but also exhibit qualities only found in the Konami's Metal Gear Solid series. They'll be confused, they'll be scared, they'll be cautious and they'll work in groups, also in some cases do something complete random when you aren't around. Weather it's fighting aliens or fighting soldiers, bullets to the head make em dead. Weee! LASERS! Which leads me to weaponary. Your basic assault rifle, AK47, rocket launcher, shotgun, pistolas, submachine gun and 2 flavors of sharpshooting weapons. Sure it doesn't sound fabulous, but the fun comes in with each weapon's customizability. Nearly each weapon is customizable with silencers, a varity of scopes, grenade launcher, tranqulizer dart, optical aiming or flash light. Each weapon is also capable of a melee attack (with the exceptions of the Minigun and Alien Gun I believe). Each addon has it's pros and cons, such as the silencer will kill, well silently, but at the cost of lowering the weapon's overall range, similarly the flash light will help you in dark places, but it risks the chance of exposing you, including when your in cloak mode. While limited, I did find myself mixing and matching addons per weapon enjoyable. Experimiting weather or not to equip certain addons is a challenge for maximum efficency into killing people, preferably en masses. Nothing says 'AWESOME' like a AK47 with a Assault Scope, Grenade Launcher, Targeting Laster and Silencer! In addition to the weapons, you are able to drive vehicles, such as pickup trucks, jeeps and for a few levels, tanks and a VTOL. Sadly the KPA's HIND helicopter and various alien vehicles aren't playable. BOOM HEADSHOT But after all that nifty stuff, it wouldn't be possible without it's engine. Bluring the lines between CG and in game, it offers a very cinematic experience. The island is lush, vibriant and feels full of life when looked upon. The vegatation is also very expendable and for the most part can be shot up and knocked down As dark as it maybe, it's visually impressive none the less. Character models themselves are very impressive. Detailed down the rinkle on an old man's face. So enjoy these pictures. Oops, I guess forgot to mention the hud. In certain levels, the hud will some times freeze up, as in the moisture on the screen will freeze and you'll see ice on it, and moving to a heat source will usually melt it. Which you can enjoy watching as well. Even your scopes will have the same frozen moisture effect! As seen in the screenshot above, even rain effects your hud with the drops hitting your mask. This plus gives an effect of how intuitive it can get. All in all. The game is pretty sweet. It sets a new graphical standard for FPS games and shows that it can go above and beyond the cliche FPS gameplay. Offering very impressive close to/nearto /picture perfect photorealistic graphics, excellent voice acting & sound production and a very intuitive, cinematic storyline feel. While only lasting eight hours, it offers replayability with it's online play and as previously mentioned, open world-do-it-how-you-want-too single player missions, while still keeping it's very linear path. Although problems arise as sometimes the ally A.I. goes funky making you have to restart the level or load a previous save. Probably the most common problem being, not everyone can run the game. You need a pretty beefy machine to run this, espeically at higher settings. I don't mind higher settings, as long as I have 1024x768, I'm set for life, I don't need to go any higher. Additional screens; ]Controls: 10 - Solid. Responsive. Gameplay: 10 - It goes hand in hand with sandbox and customizable guns Graphics: 10 - Picture perfect, even on a somewhat top tier machine such as mine. Since I hacked my config to play on "Very High" DX9, a couple of frame rate drops, but still enjoyable and very much playable. Sound: 9 - Excellent soundtrack, voice overs and ambiant sounds. My main complaint is there isn't enough ambiance in the game. Espeically in such a big setting of a tropical island, you'd expect more nature sounds, such as animals and insects. I'm a nut when it comes to sound. Overall Score: 9.75/10 Grade: A Final Say: I'm glad I didn't pass this up. Espeically since I hated Far Cry (I liked the engine, I hated the game), Crytek showed off more developer powress in their latest effort and I cannot wait for Crysis 2. My concern for Crysis 2 is that it won't come out in the next few years until DX11 or DX10.1. They left us hanging on a cliffhanger here!
  2. I agree with the graphics, it feels like PSX 3D with tons of filtering.
  3. Release notes for 1.86 January 14, 2008 * Standardized and improved the system messages in group chats. * Fixed the ability to disable Xfire In-Game in Tools | Options | Games in case of problems. * Improved the rendering speed of Xfire In-Game 2.0. * Added the *beta* ability to capture video using Xfire. You can enable this for testing by going to Tools | Options | Video. Please read the FAQ. * Added Xfire In-Game 2.0 support including the mouse to the following games: * New games supported: BMW M3 Challenge, Dofus, Quake (Steam), SEGA Rally Revo, Planeshift, Alpha Prime, Ghost in the Sheet, Ascension, Speedball 2 - Tournament, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Fiesta, Universe At War: Earth Assault, RACE 07, Battle for the Pacific, Warmonger - Operation: Downtown Destruction, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Shogun: Total War, Shaiya, The Golden Compass, and Dream Of Mirror Online. Xfire Website
  4. It's why theres throwing and special normals
  5. Yet they gave Ryu a side kick in SF3 to expand his (marvelous) 2 moveset. A few moves is all you need, because it's very likely you'll be using those 3-4 moves as you base over and over unlike in other games.
  6. They removed it in SF3 series for the most part. No more invincibility on the way up. Back in ST, it was THE move to use against fireballers.
  7. It's random crashing could be the engine's fault (Aurora = crap) but alas, The Witcher is very good game, but I feel some of NWN1/NWN2's user mods are some what better. IMO Fallout 3 should be like this, very good use of cause and effect, although somewhat limited.
  8. Should of just put up a different thread for your review jit. Speaking of which, The Good, The Bad and The Queen's selftitled shall be reviewed in a few days time.
  9. As long as you remember what's the username/email+password your all good. There was once a time I didn't use my Steam account for a whole year and it still worked.
  10. ------------- Character Changes ------------- Charges will be done in 1.8 Seconds as oppose to the 2 Seconds. Charge partitioning is back in, as well as buffering from previous SF games. U+P/K or D+P/K results in an extra hit similarly too Pursuits. Street Fighter II Well, time for improvements! First off are the SFII characters. Guile Now with Guile in CFJ, he was a hell of a battery character, but what he lacked was a strong offense. He played great defensively, but if you wanted to win with him, you'd have to turtle practically all match. So Let's change some things; Pursuit: D+K Animation is his Standing MK. Knee Bazooka: B/F+MK Let's bring it to CE-Status. In CFJ, it's an alright move but suffers from a lag time that's worst from CvS2. Reverse Spin Kick: B/F+LK Well, it just sucked. Period. So we'll make it a risk/reward type of move, comes out slow but does enough damage. (EX) Flash Kick: D, U+K The EX version hits multiple times. (EX) Sonic Boom: B, F+P EX Sonic Boom has a slightly recovery time, but hits twice. (EX) Sonic Hurricane: B, F, B, F + P Brought back the missing super. The big spinny thing from CvS2. Normal version is a barrage of Sonic Booms, it's EX version is the big spinning disc from CvS2. Dictator A personal favorite of mine. An excellent all-rounded type of character. Not CE quality, but good enough (Upper Mid in CFJ). Adopting the SF2HD philosophy, we'll improve some parts to make him an even bigger threat. Pursuit: U+K Animation is his double stomp. (EX) Psycho Crusher: B, F + P A little more CE flavor for you. LP is safe, MP is somewhat safe, and HP is a wake up killer. Increase the chip damage on it to make it somewhat CE like. EX Version can be used as a reversal and hits 5 times. (EX) Knee Press: B, F + K Can be done as an instant reversal now! EX version can go through projectiles but has a much shorter range and hits 3 times. Zangief Well uh, I dunno. Overall, let's just make him like ST-Zangief. Pursuit: U+P Diving splash! (EX) Banishing Punch: F, D, DF + P No changes, EX version hits twice and excellent for wake up. Flying Power bomb: HCB, BU + K Changed the command too Half Circle Back, Back Up. Reverse Tiger Knee motion. It still has the running start up. Atomic Suplex: 360 + K Added whiff animation. Spinning Piledriver: 360 + P Beefing it up some more for the HP verison, but more lag time on it. Changing the LP version to come out the fastest (4-5 frames) and no whiff animation. Sounds broken? Probably, but LP version will suck. Final Atomic Buster: 360, 360 + P Command is changed so it's bufferable, similarly to Hugo's Gigas Breaker. (EX) Aerial Russian Slam: QCF, QCF + K EX version changes it completely, making it a diving air power bomb into german suplex. E.Honda Mix the best of both worlds. CvS2 and ST Honda! Pursuit: U+K Butt drop D:~ Pursuit: D+K Crouching Roundhouse animation. (EX) Super Hyakkan Otoshi: B, F + K EX version comes out faster and knocks upwards then downwards for 3 hits. (EX) Hyakuretsu Harite: P(rapidly) EX version comes out faster and can move Honda forward if you hold F while doing the EX version. Think of it as an EX lighting legs. (EX) Super Zutsuki: B, F + P EX version hits twice and can cause screen knock back for an additional hit. Ooichou Nage: HCB + P This is a feared command throw. Changing it into it's ST counter part (HCB+P) and gains a whiff animation to boot. Still as fearful, but now you'd get punished. Boxer Since CvS2 Boxer is like, crap. ST Boxer is to be FEARED. Pursuit: D+K Downward punch. Turn Around Punch: PPP/KKK Alrighty, what is crap in CvS2, I shall make it FEARED. Up to a 5 seconds, and you'll hear the announcer say it! Depending on how long it's charge the damage is variable. (EX) Dashing moves in general: Speed them up just by a bit to keep constant pressure against others. EX version of either Dash Punch will hit twice and knock back against the screen for an additional hit. Similarly to Q. Low dash punch will hit low then hit mid causing a knock down. Buffalo Headbutt: D, F + P Back to beast status. Quick, can go through fireballs and excellent on wake up. But not unbeatable, as each different strength punch makes him go higher. So LP would technically be his best. Crazy Buffalo: B, F, B, F + P/K As in ST, making it DEADLY. When you have full meter, it will go through any projectile, any. Making mind games alot harder. And it would be cancelable from any of the Dashes via buffer. Gigaton Blow: QCF, HCB + P Changed the command. This is basically a beefed up Turn Around Punch. It's also his Super Art MAX (Level 3). Goes through fireballs and negates certain attacks. Gouki Well uh, let's see. In ST he took damage like a little biatch and did some pretty beast combos but had no super. Let's go back to that! Partly! Shin Gouki is a completely different character, so we'll go to him later. Shakunetsu Hadouken: HCF + P Well, each version does different amount of hits like SF3. Zanku Hadouken: QCF + P (in the air) Changed that the HP version will throw 2 out but he'll stay up in the air longer. No free action. Hyakki Shuu: F, DF, D + K Added to his move set. Blanka ST Blanka with more supers. Nuff said. Pursuit: U+K looks like his Back step Leap. Similarly to Felicia's. (EX) Rolling Attack: B, F + P EX version hits multiple times. Vertical Rolling: D, U + K Can be used as a reversal. Back step Leap: B, F + K Additional overhead properties. Sagat King of Muy Thai! Toned down bit though. Crouching Roundhouse: TONED THE HELL DOWN. (EX) Tiger Shot: QCF + P HP will get faster boost/slower recovery time. LP will get slower/fastest recovery. EX version launches two fireballs. (EX) Ground Tiger Shot: QCF + K HK will get 37 frames (like CE-Sagat). EX version launches two fireballs. (EX) Tiger Uppercut: F, D, DF + P HP will get ST-like properties. EX comes out faster and hits 5 times. Tiger Cannon: QCF, QCF + P / QCF, QCF + K P goes high, K goes low. K version goes slower then the P verison. Tiger Genocide: QCB, QCB + P Changed command. 8 Hits Tiger Upper ender instead of 6. Shin Gouki The same as his CFJ counter part, except he takes 2.5 times more damage then before. Street Fighter III SF3 needs ALOT of work. Nearly all of the existing characters are very dependent on meter. Let's change that. Overall changes to all characters is that their faster then before and charge partitioning is back in. Alex He's partly dependent on meter sadly. He's considered lower mid I believe. Buffing will come all around. This time, he will closely be like his 3s counter part. Pursuit: U+K Double stomp! Spinning DDT: HCB + K It's back! It still has it's 3s properties though. Power bomb: HCB + P Sped up, LP version comes straight out, no whiff animation and is unblockable now. Hyper Bomb: 360 + P Major change here is that it's going to come out as quick (or quicker) as Gief's Final Atomic Buster super, and like that super, it will do mad SPD like damage. Although it will be whiffable. Stun Gun Headbutt: QCF, QCF + K Changed slightly. It doesn't begin with a flipping attack anymore, hence it's not unblockable at the right range. Instead it becomes a Flash Chop into his F+HP Headbutt command normal, the initial chop is blockable, but the grab after it isn't. Chun Li mmm delicious legs! Chunny in CFJ is considered to be one of the worst characters in CFJ. So we'll buff her up back to her 3s counter part! But we'll have to make a few changes... Pursuit: U+K It's her stomp! How imaginative! Standing HP: HP This is something that beats out everything (nearly) everything in 3s. Crouching MK: D + MK Slower then 3s, but still usable. Don't want to make it completely useless, however I don't want it to be a powerhouse either. Still cancelable into Hyokousen! Yoku Senkyaku: F + HK 3s properties. Still possible to link a super into it. Same properties are her standing HK. Hakkei: B + HP What made this so good was the fact, it could beat things up close. Tweaked a bit so it's a tad bit slower to come out, but still has all it's uses from 3s. Souren Shou: B + MP Her double slap from 3s. Sped back up to it's 3s form and still has it's uses. (EX) Kikouken: HCF + P Back to 3s! Each punch variation fades out while the EX version travels the whole screen. (EX) Hyakuretsu Kyaku: K (repeatedly) Also returning to 3s form. EX version is more tuned to be used on wake up to beat moves. (EX) Spinning Bird Kick: D, U + K 3s form as well. EX version will be more useful as a wake up counter now. (EX) Hazan Shu: HCB + K 3s form. EX version knocks down. Tensei-Ranka: DB, DF, DB, U + K Brought back and changed commands. Perfect as an anti-air super, extended range as well. Urien No changes except charge buffering should greatly increase his offensive uses, thus making him similar to 3s. Yun No changes, but overall speed will be increased to be 3s-CvS2 mix. Ryu What about Ryu? Well that's for another post.
  11. Good luck, their all buggy sadly and all running a version or 2 back from the official servers.
  12. The ironic thing is, even with MAME++ out of the picture, he still doesn't bother to do anything with Zinc. Prove me wrong and I'll donate something to that. No ax, Mame++ is dead because all it really added was online play (basically just made it kaillera enabled) from the Mame+ build. Funny thing is, if any of the mame devs don't like something about ANY mame build, they'll say it's an abomination and that it shouldn't exist. Most of them are really stuck up bastards. Some of them are really nice though. I'm not gonna say any names other then Belmont's.
  13. This is probably the most retardest thing ever. Go out and spend that extra 100 for something that actually RUNs something.
  14. Just as weird, as the demo files as well only come up to 1.1GB.
  15. you mean the hacker sim from way back? that game rocked Naw the HL1 SP demo. Uplink was a cut segment from the game.
  16. Because Ikeno likes his women with some legs and hips.
  17. So yeah. Free stuff. Only if you have a nvidia card though. Any type of card. I have a beefy 8800 GTS 640 MB. My e-peen is so large :V
  18. FORCESE AT WORK! Yoda will have a small hitbox. He'll be a bieach to hit. Watch.
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