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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Like sprig said, we'll all go back to 3s. Well me, him and most likely you too nigga. About Parrying: You can look at it in 2 ways. If you can read the play while rushing down it goes to your favor, but if your a turtler (hint hint, majority of Chunny players) it can help you build meter faster. But thankfully most of us have learned not to randomly throw projectiles half the time.
  2. Live without regret. /cue the Kenshiro fist in the air look
  3. There, now I believe we've all had our emo moment. This was taken the night of the christmas party I had to go to. I usually let my hair dry over time, but I was a little late so I fired up the blow dryer and afterwards told my sister to straighten my hair because my hair was hella poofy.
  4. Well if we take more life into the equation. That one night stand I had was pretty dope.
  5. Once they you know, get their grasp around working with it's many processors we'll see something. But most people don't have access to a PPC-type CPU unless their on a MAC or on some developing IBM machine to go and dive into the fray with that.
  6. So out of curiosity how much did you choose to pay for the Radiohead album? 80 bucks for two 12" vinyls, bonus disc, lyrical booklet, artbook and the album itself all enclosed in a big 15x15 sleeve that opens like a book. A little something Radiohead made for all the "hardcore" and collectors. There could be a few still left in stock at http://www.waste.uk.com/ (Radiohead's official fanclub)
  7. New Radiohead album. The fact that I own something that will be never made again is truely sweet. Street Fighter 4 Bioshock. Oh and my all time favorite of BS FAS level.
  8. There's a difference between crying and manly tears.
  9. Yeah that's pretty much how I feel. "Impressed, but should I be?"
  10. It still sounds iffy in some parts because of the removal of parry. But it still looks good so far. We'll see in 6 months on what else is up. Speed of the game looked like ST on crack, but they tuned it up on purpose so yeah. edit: wmv version is 294 MB AT is 600 MB ipod is something like 112 or 224mb
  11. http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/16818 I don't know how to feel. Edit more links: ZIP file WMV http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/1UP/1upshow_sfiv_640x360.zip QT http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/1UP/1upshow_sfiv_quick.zip Ipod http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/Podcasts/122807.m4v
  12. Flash it with Roxbox then you can just drag and drop your files. And it adds more filetype supports, but you have to make sure your ipod generation is supported. http://www.rockbox.org/ Or if you don't want to flash it, WinAMP's shoddy ipod's implamentation should suffice.
  13. Solution: Knock em out and take your comp back. Secure Harddisk Eraser seems like the best idea though. Although you might be on a trim for time.
  14. No, porn would break the mold of hot chicks. Keep it like /s/. No roosters only fine, beautiful women.
  15. I believe I am the main source of those "wassup niggas." You feel the sarcasm! Seriously, you need to stop doing that Actually, I do feel that I am the main source of them. I'm serious. (because we don't have a more accurate emote)
  16. I believe I am the main source of those "wassup niggas."
  17. 1. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (This is probably THE song that defined the early 90s) 2. Smashing Pumpkins - Zero 3. Prodigy - Smack my biatch Up 4. Radiohead - Karma Police 5. Pixies - Head On (featured on Trompe le Monde) 6. Pearl Jam - Jeremey (Another song that helped defined the early 90s) 7. Alanis Morissette - Hand in My Pocket 8. Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (I was obsessed with this song in 95) 9. RHCP - Give It Away 10. RHCP - Scar Tissue (lol 2 RHCP songs) 11. Radiohead - My Iron Lung (The song that made their sound more "mature") 12. R.E.M. with Patti Smith - E-Bow the Letter 13. Rage Against The Machine - Killing in The Name (Rap-Rock Fusion SUCKA!) 14. Metallica - Enter Sandman 15. Tupac - Changes (Tupac lives!) 16. Oasis - Wonderwall 17. The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony 18. Pearl Jam - Last Kiss 19. Dave Matthews Band - Satellite 20. Radiohead - Creep (I hate to admit it, since I hate the song, it was the song that propelled them to stardom)
  18. Then she cast her self into self-exile from the country and came back last year. She is definately the lesser of two evils.
  19. HDD and 5.1 LPCM I can live with, but a bonus disc? Get the hell out. Capcom played their cards right because both machines in both countries are different (Sorry BK, but Oceania and Europe aren't the big money makers to them as previously seen. They do put an effort though, so you aren't completely forgotten). I believe the fan feedback in Americas will certainly get them thinking to give 360 owners the same possible bonus disc content.
  20. I'm not blaming it on SPAM outright (if I did, I'd say it outright). I'm with the news band wagon with you (Hell we probably have the same sources), I simply don't post them because of what you said. Gone are the days when someone would actually type up a meaningful, constructive post on the topic. Ironically, the only ones discussing this far are us staff. Makes you think if I should of posted this elsewhere XD EVEN THAT'S COOLER THEN OUR EMOTES!
  21. It's might as well be just me, but day after day. I keep seeing threads and some of them are old and some of them try too hard due to a few posters (like one telling them to go into more detail and another to simply just post. You know who you are). This been bugging me for the longest time. But I feel the overall post quality of the forum has died down. Now I don't know the cause mind you, but it certainly feels like that. Now I'm probably along with the certain group(s) that has contributed to this overall quality drop. I don't post alot of topics anymore, I pretty much spam in threads with mostly useless insight and while Fatal runs rampemt with bringing in new users and still calls me Ian (seriously, don't use my name dude. Sakon change my name to ohwiznuki while your at it :V), you'd think the quality of posts would of changed. Now I'm not saying the most recent users are the cause as well, they've put the effort into it (Belthasar is doing a great job here if I say so myself while I'm starting to doubt Reaper as a quality poster, although the man is full of QUALITY, nothing bad to say about Kitten, I like Kitten, alot, although this is probably because she's also Montrealer and as a Montrealer we're full of pride and everything. MONTREAL REPRESENT! F TORONTO! Screw those Leafs and their Mats Sundin and Toronto Raptors!), but it seems to most of us classic guys, we simply aren't putting a huge effort into posts (beyond Fatal once again, he really tries, but it never really seems to click with the rest of us without a little push and shove). This is taking an effort to post also Emsley even brought it up in a way with his "Man you guys suck at starting topics that rule." thread over in spam. Now while that's spam, he did raise a point, maybe we aren't taking alot of risks jumping over the gap and into the fire. Maybe because of the advent of the spam forum, potentional threads are being overlooked by the >100 posters. I don't know, maybe we just have to do SOMETHING that isn't a rip off (lol1emuawards, yeah I'll get to doing it by this friday), boring (our illfated radioshows, I seriously had hopes we'd do something bi- or tri-weekly with this, but the effort doesn't seem there, beyond the fact that we are all "DOWN" for it) or timespace-reality-causality breaking cosmic event. But the most imporant part of this topic is this. I think our emotes suck. There I said it! OUR EMOTES SUCK! edit: My poll broke.
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