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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. At least the 360 Official Warrenty is covered for 3 more years :V
  2. While XGears was good, I wouldn't call it a must have title. I was a little bored of it's motif and most of the character designs sucked (Elly is the only design I liked). It's storytelling was decent and not up to par to past Square titles (Read: Pre-96 SQ=Win). It was an sleeper hit, similarly to the Lunar series (Which should see a re-release I find, espeically to what Working Designs did to it. Good package, terrible translation.)
  3. Yeah tell me about it. Writers Guild? Pssh. If someone can make a film without Film Guild involved, why not TV and such?
  4. Awesome show. NBC canned the series. No renewale in sight.
  5. lol like a3? Because technically all thsoe fights didn't happen in a3. A couple of sparring-friendly matches and alot of talking is what happened.
  6. Word, but I didn't grab the sat version of SOTN since I could never find it. Panzer is a great game and could be a turn off to some folks. NiGHTS however, was just a brilliant game. Very fun. Also note that I am a big N fan compared to Sega (I considered their things a little subpar until I tired it personally). I don't want to ruin my Sat by modding it. It's pretty much boxed up now also, getting occasional play out of it.
  7. And you should see KOF played on the competitive level. Poke, Poke, Poke, Poke, Block, Poke, Poke, Poke cancel into DM. 98 and 2k2 are the only KOF games worth playing. I agree with that. With Tekken, Namco just retconned a whole bunch of shiet so they could bring back nearly everyone legitmentally (At least their true to their word on Jun. She's dead and never coming back). DOA's story in itself is pretty shallow, but it connects all the characters together, even the useless ones (Zach lol).
  8. I guess then I'm young then by your standards. edit: lol fatel is going vf defensivemode edit 2: fatal is also a realistic junkie. accepting no more then that, it's like how all those guys on SRK still say Tekken & VF suck (Tekken to a degree does suck, and everyone just hates on DOA, so that doesn't really count). I called it like it is, too bad you didn't speak to those who actually do care about design and story. Hell all those KOF geeks even keep up with it.
  9. Well; http://www.ene3.com/archives/019892.html These are the exact same shots that appeared in EGM.
  10. I believe that part is confirmed from what the scans indicated. I need to re-read it since I'm forgetful. But I do believe that's right.
  11. nah!! REALLY??? 1. Which Mame version?? MAME ++ 0.117 ?? ... mmm... Good to hear that... I will try then... and If it that so, Which Sf3 are already emulated? all those first, second and third strike? ... Is it needed to do the same with games like Killer instinct 1 and 2.. I mean, getting those hd files appart from the zip rom? 2. wHAT ABOUT that tourney you mentioned? how does it work? RUBIO PD: I wanna die! 1; Yes, it's been emulated in MAME since 0.114/115, around there I believe, I don't remember exactly. Yes KI1 and KI2 are also emulated as well, and require those HDD files. Same with the CPS3 roms that require CHDs as well. 2. I dunno, ask SYN. We gather on the apporpirate day, and fight it out to advance. I think we're doing 2/3 Matches all around and 3/5 Sets for grand finals, I dunno about these parts, it's Syn's tourney.
  12. That is definately better on my part because I'm free (If it's the weeknd of the 5th that is). Excuse me.. what are you talking about people? Tournament? Mame? SF3?? .... I 've heard about playing these games online by Kaillera right?... but Actually I've never tried... It should be interesting... One more thing... I've just played SfIII on my dreamcast emu... I 've been told that mame doesn't emulate it right? I really wanted to play Street fighter 3 1 and second strike.. lol bye! RUBIO A tournement, using MAME ++ 0.117 with SFIII3rd Strike. MAME emulates it, rather well.
  13. so he's blocking in the air but there's no air blocking? No, what I mean is, most people precived his j.jab animation looks like his airblocking, which he's not.
  14. Yeah, the only way I'd make it was if it was during the day (as in between 1 and 5 PM EST, which would be about 10 AM - 2 PM Pacific). In fact, it would benifit me greatly if I was eliminated early because I'm gone after 6 on the 24th very likely.
  15. Not a typo, a bunch of posts do mention the 2% completeltion for those who got it a week early. Edit: Also, I just got my hands on scans, no airblocking, it looks like Ryu is doing his jumping Jab then blocking in the air. Yay for me, no frigging air blocking!
  16. Big post time. I got this off SFD forum, which in turn they took from SRK. There you have it. No scans links (well there were some on srk, but mr.wiz deleted the posts).
  17. It's safe to say Street Fighter IV is a big deal. When you factor in the long wait since the last game in the series -- numbered or not -- and the new hardware introduced in recent years, the time feels right for a revival. And that's not us guessing -- the reaction to the recent teaser trailer was as strong as the Internet has seen in years. And now we've got the exclusive first look at the game itself. Throughout December and into January, we've got major coverage plans for the game, starting with the EGM cover story hitting in December, and continuing online with retro features, companion stories, and much more. Ever wanted to know if Chun-Li's thighs are that large for a reason? We've got you covered. So be sure to check back often -- this page will be updated frequently over the coming weeks with everything we've been able to find out about the new game, and a look back at where it came from. This one's gonna be big. - EGM/1Up.com I know, I know, everyones heard the news already, but because you probably don't browse 1up, or even bother to read magazines anymore (lol) here it is. Inkysuace started up a thread for it and is usually updated with random stuff from the Capcom BBS. From rumors (Is it really between SFII & SFIII?) to character discussion (WTF, SIM?) to the removal of Parrying (Capcom = bastards). Join us as we join the rest of the internet in this joyce moment of kick assery. I hope this crap also gets me on emulamo to boot.
  18. Using SFII as the base I wasn't expecting, espeically since all the great and dynamic gameplay changes since then. Back to basics with high damaging HKs and retardedly strong throws I guess then. That's something I'm not happy about at all.
  19. Yeah, agreeing on don't use K-lite. It's old now.
  20. Yoshi was always pretty decent, but not definately upper-mid/mid material though.
  21. Confirmed that EVO players will have input on the game's gameplay direction by Sven. yeah right lol. anyway back on topic im not really that bothered about the graphics just as long as the gameplay is there,thats all that matters,well to me anyway. Yeah shut the hell up scrub. Also a few notes from gaf I took. The stuff that's important to notice is in bold. In short, this is SFII.5
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