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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I saw it both ways and I'm for the most part ambidexterious. But I know for a fact that I'm left side dominate, as I do everything BUT write with my left hand.
  2. Compared to SFIIHF, TDR and DOA4, it's a step back in what they could of done compared to those.
  3. But to be good with low tier, you have to be pro.
  4. Everything accomendates me for the most part, but still waiting for a bit. Too bad I won't know for sure until next week.
  5. Making one? I'm sure Capcom will release a SF2-specific joystick for the game when it is released. Naw, it isn't a "major" arcade to console release, you'll have to grab a Hori stick, which are pretty decent, but not HRAP like, which is my major dislike about it.
  6. So take away 2 extra players and what type of game is it to you then? In bare bones it's achived a sort of nirvana of "a perfect" fighter. It's even on all fronts for the most part and it's enough that no one is a simple clone of each other beyond weight classes (ala MK series, where the difference was only in Special Attacks). Replaced the life bars with lives and damage indecator. It also takes place on a 2D plane. Bad analogy, but it's like a hockey game; Both reset towards the center ice for the puck drop, and it can either go in your zone (defensively when your running at 100%+) or their zone (When your doing all the damage). I honestly hate that analogy, but it's the best description of SSBM. But hey, it took me like 5 years for me to accept SSBM as a "fighting game." Well for one, it is a fighter but isn't in a traditional sense. Ultimately, this list boardlines both niche and mainstream selections. If one would ask "Why no Capcom vs SNK 2" would be simple. Marvel vs Capcom 2 is simply the more accepted game because of it's ease to get into (Same applies too SSBM ironically).
  7. Actually, they said they were still in need of hiring more sprite artists the last time I checked. Meaning XII will be still 2D based just telling from that.
  8. Pssh nigga, you should know me by now. Gaming/Multimedia. And yes I do plan on OCing MAYBE.
  9. I won't take SSBM out. It's actually pretty deep, balanced and even plated all around. I should know because I picked it up on a whim and got destroyed in 1v1, after a while I started using Zelda/Sheik and talk about tight matches.
  10. (SFAnniversary's SFII is HSF.) Uh, no. Besides your tastes are horrible when it comes to fighting games. 3s is the defining moment in the SF series as a whole as it brought a new system that is simply one of the best and most refined fighting game systems ever developed. HSF's system is still broken, as it kept ALL the bugs from previous final revisions. And it's sytem is still not refined enough. Or maybe it's because you suck at 3s I dunno. I'll tell you why. People have put tons of quarters into it, as oppose to TDR. Sure TDR is doing well, but majority says T3 is still the best. VF5 on the other hand is welcomed to take the top spot from V4FT. I suck at 3s? If I recall, I beat you numerous times in a row while we played Kaillera. Now I'm not saying I'm anywhere near as good as Magnis, but I can still whoop your ass any day of the week. Speak for yourself, before you speak of others. Let's go then. Also we played on Good NOT Excellent connection. Which puts me at a sever disadvantage on Good.
  11. (SFAnniversary's SFII is HSF.) Uh, no. Besides your tastes are horrible when it comes to fighting games. 3s is the defining moment in the SF series as a whole as it brought a new system that is simply one of the best and most refined fighting game systems ever developed. HSF's system is still broken, as it kept ALL the bugs from previous final revisions. And it's sytem is still not refined enough. Or maybe it's because you suck at 3s I dunno. I'll tell you why. People have put tons of quarters into it, as oppose to TDR. Sure TDR is doing well, but majority says T3 is still the best. VF5 on the other hand is welcomed to take the top spot from V4FT.
  12. Doesn't that maybe hint as to what happened here? Just a suggestion. Also in said threads, my house doesn't have a history of violence nor murders or weird deaths. It's just a run on the mill house with freaky encounters is all.
  13. Enlighten me. It was dark then I moved to turn on the light, passing directly over where my sleeping stranger could of been. Also my house is particularly attributed to being "spirutally aware." (other threads have stories about the mysterires of my house!)
  14. Same stuff that has been presented by fans since we first saw the trailer and they said "Just look at the trailer at the direction we're going." 2D gameplay - 3D models, A V-ism like meter with dashing, a much better looking Tech Throw animations, and distinct Okami style artstyle. Basically it's stuff WE already know. Edit: Also, that question was from an old interview where they talked aohe SF4 trailer and SFIIHDRemix.
  15. I do believe there is a SNES one, but only works via modchip method. I also believe there is a Neo-Geo CD one as well, once again only with a modchip. And a Neo-Geo one as well, but it doesn't have enough memory to hold it all.
  16. So, my computer decided to finally die on me. My PSU decided to fry itself and hopefully it didn't take anything else with it. Still working on recovering the drives provided they weren't taken out with it as well. So, at the discrestion of my dad, to make a list of good quality parts, at a modest price possible, from NCIX.com (because they SHIP to Canadia or possibly any other vendor that ships to the great White North). SLI is not needed, but if there's killer deal recommend it, triple points if it's forward compatible with 45nm Core Duos, OCZ or Kingston ram are the only brands I trust, for mobos, Asus, DFI or Giga. As for CPU, Going towards the duos No case, no monitor, no KB needed and hopefully no HDDs. So far I've decided; http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=23934 OCZ Stealthxstream 600W ATX12V 20/24PIN Active PFC ATX http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=25369 Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L ATX LGA775 http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=19337 OCZ Platinum XTC REV.2 PC2-6400 2GB http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=25297 Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 Dual Core Processor http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=27091 EVGA E-GEFORCE 8800GTS Planning to go with those if there are no recommendations until possibly a few weeks from now before Jesus Day/Chrismanunnkwanza.
  17. Pretty much. That's the recommendations on nearly all x360 websites. Which in hand in hand moves with the PC mentality. If you want to play it online, buy it. Some dude got his XBL account banned for 9999 years by Bungie for playing Halo 3 before the release date.
  18. Short but typical COD material. Since I skipped 3 and The Big Red One, can't compare to those. But once again, typical material. As always, fun and intuitive SP campaign, with the Epilogue being my favorite mission. Beat that on Hardened in 24 seconds. You need picture perfect aim to do, and was it hard. Which small map are you talking about anyways?
  19. No. No. No. The last thing I did before I go to sleep was play Front Mission on my DS D:~
  20. HA I'M ASIAN NIGGA! Seriously though, when the hell did I pick up that crap. I don't even hang around that many black folk.
  21. Irony that I WAS going to post #3 today but my computer ended up going kaput. I'm posting this on my sister's and now on a mission of recovery to check if drives work. I fear for my music, movies, games and pornography.
  22. I was fully awake and aware of my actions to boot. It wasn't a false awakening type dream, because I knew I moved my body and I did (I moved my leg OFF my bed to make sure). Or this is a sign that I'm getting controls of my dreams (a.k.a. Lucid Dreaming). Also: SUP INKSAUCE
  23. Alrighty. This could be just my body responding to something weird, but today at around 3:56 AM EST, I felt the strangest sensasion the right side of my body. Someone of great and calm nature I felt lay down beside me. I felt her hair hit my side and her take a good grip lovey-dovey grip on my side. Which gave the hint she was also very beautiful, but not on my life could not turn my head to look at her until I moved my legs to bring myself back to reality to turn on my lamp and radio just to check if someone did lay down beside me. Someone explain what the hell just happened to me.
  24. Working on several modules for NWN w xpacs + NWN2 with xpac + The Witcher + FFT + other random crap I have lying around
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