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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. FB has a pretty good cult following (which I'm part of) and I did happen to see the Pixies twice during their 04-05 reunion tour which that itself was pretty awesome, but missed when FB played in a small club somewhere around Place des Arts theater. His latest album('Bluefinger' I believe is the title, using his old 'Black Francis' monkier) is a good throw back before he decided to go Nashville. His Nashville material isn't bad, but it's good see Francis rocking out again. It's as close as everyone can get to a Pixies' record. GS!YBE has only had 1 song used for a movie, and that movie was 28 Days Later. ("East Hastings" was used but the band did not want them credited). They've done tons of things on the indy scene espeically around Montreal, and alot of people haven't heard of em. Also Cobain did say Surfer Rosa was the main influence for the sound direction, but it was years later that Grohl attached that Cobain was trying to rip off "Debaser" for Teen Spirit.
  2. I just find it interesting that there are much more blacks here than other emulation sites They ain't here for the chicken that's fo sho!
  3. Help me ;_;! Double uses thread; Help me and post links on how to's. So this can get sticked
  4. They already show porn on my basic cable every saturday night after 12 for 2 hours. Some erotic crap this french channel plays from france.
  5. I is sad I missed the Bruins - Habs game last night. It was a throw back to old time hockey. 52 shots in total, 11 goals scored altogether, and more PIMs then you shake a stick at.
  6. Why do people keep saying the Pixies are underrated ;;
  7. the reason is there is hype surrounding he 360 version. It's fresh and new so reviewers give it a higher rating When it comes out on PC, they've already seen it and the ratings are affected accordingly Precisly. Case in point, Jade Empire SE for PC was released just a few months ago and it's been on Xbox 1 for ages already and 2k games published it's PC release. It recived a 81.7% compared to the 89.4% Xbox version even though the PC version came out with alittle more extras, being moddable and imporved graphics and A.I. Same applied to Gears. We've seen it already, PC version's advantages is that it can get user created content. Which is it's ONLY advantage. Controls were built for a controller and not a keyboard as well.
  8. Fails for not having the N64 MGS prototype!
  9. I'd love to say that the Pixies are underrated, but they aren't. People have at least heard OF them. It wasn't Fight Club alone that catipulted them to great fame (in the U.S. to say the least, they were VERY popular in Europe during their `87-93 tenture). The fact Nirvana openly mentioned that they admired them and took their very much loud-quite-loud music dynamic. Even as far as saying they were trying to rip off "Debaser" for Teen Spirit. Of course the Foo Fighters as well owe their style to the Pixies as well. Covering "Tony's Theme" frequently in 1996-97. tl;dr: Pixes aren't underrated anymore. Maybe 20 years ago yeah, but certainly not now.
  10. I also go for the PC counter parts as well (mostly because I can just DL em). But alas, some games are definately better on 360 then on PC.
  11. HAHAHAHA, OH WOW.... flockING BURN! If they grab you and hug you tightly during missionairy, you know your doing something right to them :3 I should know this for a fact.
  12. Yeah they reworded it to clarify. When I first saw it, I was . Now I'm ;; What's so hard about making h264 wmvs yourself? As for the emu part, good luck on that. See ya again in a few years.
  13. http://kotaku.com/gaming/halo-3/buy-a-360-...free-323892.php Applies to all Americas, not sure for Europe. I seriously didn't see this coming. But I knew a few days ago. Few days ago being Thursday night.
  14. Wizard Fixed for great justice. Really. It's a travesty. What did I say about my name you idiot.
  15. VF5 on 360 is based on Ver.C, which is as close as you can get to the arcade version. Since it's only based on Ver.C, it's mostly missing items from the actual Ver.C in arcades. Recently, the arcade version is getting a patch which gives it all the items that appeared in VF4FT. There are no words on any console patches for VF5 only that "We'll see."
  16. SATURDAY NIGHT WAS A NIGHT OF PARTY AND DRINKING. P.S. I'm sobering up now. I'm nearly freee from booze.
  17. .nsv is a NullsoftVideo file, which in turn plays in any version of Winamp.
  18. Best bet is to check which type of DVDs your drive can support. There are some issues where some drives can't dectect certain types of DVD types or brands or even Multi-session discs from different DVD Burners.
  19. Porn lover. Really? /b/ is porn? /b/ is the darkness of the internet. There for it is random. Someone kills themselves, we laugh, someone shoots a bunch of people, we laugh, we watch camwhores then destroy their lives, we laugh. In fact, when Vtech happened, we had a field day with KICKIN IT TO V-TECH YO. We laughed at deaths and at Cho. /b/ is attacking just because it's fun too. /b/ isn't full of degenerates, but of well respected people of all walks of life who are just plain bored with the world. If you want porn, /s/ /h/ /u/ /r/ are there for you.
  20. wait... what?! O.O OK WHEN THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?
  21. Well, since you ran a bunch of scans, might as well run em some more. Check which programs use an internet connect. Run a few more scans, get your Windows updates then run scans again. That honestly all you can do and hope something pops up. Alternatively, when you go to bed, you could just block all incoming connections.
  22. Everyone kept typing "Strar" was the title of the thread fixed from that??? I don't get it. And stop confusing my girl. And I don't believe anyone who says they don't know what Star Wars is. It's damn near impossible! Star Wars is EVERYWHERE originally it was a typo in the topic title, but it seems to be fixed now, rendering the joke useless... ;/ Let's pretend it never happened. Strar Wars FOR LIFE.
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