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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Looks like I'm the only one here who has read Pokemon manga.
  2. Pfft, your out of disk space when you have 0 KB left. You can save a bunch of text files with that! For the record, I have 780 GB. One of my drives just went kaput on me like 10 minutes ago (my 120GB, again). I need to send it to my guy to get the boot-table recovered so can back it up.
  3. Then maybe your right, because all I remember about my weight is it never changes and never goes beyond 190. But recently it's dropped to around that. Meaning; I BROKE MY CYCLE. MY GOLDEN AGE HAS ENDED. NO Edit: I have a terrible memory.
  4. 5'9" 125~130 pounds. Been like that since 2001. I eat what I want, I don't do crap other then play basket ball and hockey and sit around and write all day.
  5. Those belts are heavy... Unless you mean random nubs.
  6. As previously stated. The build seems more like "was just compiled for the sake of compiling".
  7. Beating everyone with Zangief in HSFII only using 360s, 720s and BIG GREEN PALM.
  8. And I believe a fat man can lead me to nirvana. Pretty sweet eh?
  9. Alternatively, you can just worship the sun, the constanstilations and the the other various planets. Because it's what all religions are based on anyways! HA!
  10. Stratocaster. Can't tell on the make though. Going out on a limb and saying it's a Squire.
  11. I actually know what your talking about. Sometimes Televisions can pick up radio signals when theres a pictuer, but no sound (as in silence, TV isn't muted). There's a running faucet in my backroom, that's been running for about 2 months now (pipes are kaput on it), and it occasional gets radio broadcasts. A faucet of all things is getting a broadcast signal.
  12. My mother has told me, that out of my siblings, I'm the most spiritually aware of my surroundings (I don't get the cool stuff like seeing a statue cry, my sister saw that). Well another one. Before I moved down to the lowest point of the house (the basement!), my bed room used to be at the highest point of the house (3rd floor), which would make this story about 7-8 years ago. As I said before, my house has absolutely no history in anything. One day I was on the computer, mid summer, terribly hot, had the window open, a couple of fans on and alone in the house, mother at work, sister went to the pool. So from my point of the house, I can hear practically everything downstairs. The TV, the stove, the microwave (this was all before we replaced them within the last 4 years), the downstairs bathroom, even the garage, this was also before we had an alarm system put in. As I was casually listening to music, I hear footsteps coming from the living room, thinking it was my sister. I shout out for my sister to grab me a coke on her way up. No response, just more footstep sounds. Wondering whats taking so long, I head downstairs to check up on her. Called out her name a few times, check the usual hiding spots, no where in sight, not a peep in the house, just my music playing upstairs. I head back upstairs, to continue my internet exploration on gamefaqs. I turn off my music, head my PSX which is directly across from me, before I turn it on, I hear the microwave turn on. Thinking that my sister pulled a fast one on me, I head downstairs and so I can 1up her and scare her. No one insight in the kitchen. Microwave was on, nothing inside, not a soul in sight. A similar think like this happened about 12 years ago when my cousin babysat my sister and I. Microwave turned on by itself, the upstairs telephone kept ringing for some reason as well. She was scared shitless, I was just as scared, but what happened 6-7 years ago, I just went back to what I was doing, called a few friends to invite them over for some gaming madness to get my mind off it. That night we managed to beat Thousand Arms lol. I have more stories, but it's 5 AM, so I'll post back after a a few hours rest.
  14. 3 Street Fighter IIIs (New Gen, Second Impact, 3rd Strike), Red Earth, 2 Jojo(Original then Sequel).
  15. tl;dr: this is wtfsciense thread. Their have been some recorded fatalities on the ball lightning. I believe the most famous death would of Georg Richmann. A professor from Russia who made a kite-like thingy similar to Ben Franklin's kite thingy. He rushed into his home to take down his notes and boom, the ball went into his home, passed through his head and instantly killed him. Moving on. I got tons of stuff like this, but they fall under WTFCREEPY then this. So here's one. My house doesn't any type of violent history or the like (this place was trees for the longest time before sometime in the 50s). But multiple accounts, including myself, have heard a radio with a female or male voice (depending on person) from various points of my house. My sister and myself first encountered this last summer. This happened at around 3:15 AM, the supposed Devil's Hour (As oppose to 3:00 PM, being the time Jesus of Nazerath died on the cross), in my room. We were marathoning Angel (ironically, vampires, devils and the like) and my sister told me to pause the DVD player. We turned off the TV, my computer's speakers, checked my ipod and radio and we both heard different things. She heard a woman's voice sounding as if it was coming from an old radio, while I heard a man's voice. We triple checked everything, and it was coming from nothing. This lasted for about 20 minutes before we returned to continuing our marathon. Since then, I never sleep at or around 3:00-3:45 AM. Either I wait it out till 4 AM or later or sleep at 2:30 AM. Fast forward several months later. My god brother (not actual brother, cousin) was living with us. So we stayed up all night together playing/calling each other names in WoW. One night I decided to sleep earlier then usual (see above). He knows the stories of my house, and at around 3:20(I know this because he woke me up) he went up stairs to make some food. He heard the radio in the kitchen, female voice edition! He was freaked out and didn't go back upstairs for the food. Now a month or 2 later, I was all alone in my house at night (GB gone out to work, sister wasn't coming home until much later at night due to cousin's party, dad was on a trip to B.C.). I heard the female voice radio, this time from living room. I turned off everything in the living room, turned off my speakers, checked the radios and I still heard it. But this time it happened at around 12:30 AM. I am seemingly unfazed at this and return to watching TV. Rather loudly. This event happened randomly ever since, my friends have heard it (collectivly), some of em were freaked, I returned to my normalcy. Have I heard it recently? Yup, last time in August, around the same time I first heard it, but with a male's voice. This time it was a woman's voice, I couldn't tell what she was saying due to the static, but it felt like she just wanted to talk.
  16. Manga related, the manga is back on track after a whole month break! Scene 74!
  17. Sweet, he's attacking me, HOW AWESOME IS THAT? He just has to call me a nigger and it's practically a hat trick of insults!
  18. He's in Jersey right? There's a bunch of places he can jack em from. No one would care cuz it's Jersey!
  19. Quoting because I feel like insulting you just because it seems fun to tease you. RTFR.
  20. Downloading the mp3s, planning to pay for the flacs after a run though. I want to listen to this on my CD player.
  21. Good luck finding a CPS3 board and the game, they run up several thousand dollars. The cabs are a different story altogether depending on what you want. Some basic cabs you find the u.s are the standing upright ones, you could probably find those locally, then theres the japanese h2h cabs which is 2 monitors-2cabs-1 JAMMA board w/ various connectors which you most likely have to order overseas.
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