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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. QFT Also for seeing various girls I know dressup. It's usually a treat. Usually.
  2. She's said there will be no difference between all the versions. But I wonder whose friking idea it was to include 5 languages with the 360 version.
  3. Unlike stepmania though, if you want FoF to actually be like Guitar Hero, you'll need a master or recreate all the guitar parts yourself with some software to add teh fub ups. I tried it, NOT FUN. But hey, it's the only way I'll be able to play Metallica and Radiohead songs with a controllitar. Who cares though, I actually play guitar.
  4. YOU ARE OFFICIALLY OUR NEW MADI!! EMO BOIIII!!! DEATH TO YOU. You've brought it on yourself for doing that with your hair actually.
  5. Grab a drink, some food and maybe the a controller. E for All Expo is here and MGS4 Demo in english is there. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/10/23/see-meta...emo-in-english/ Split into 4 parts.
  6. So yeah. Posting random characters from First General (current title I've been using for this project, also it expands as well with # General). Expect one every few days. Bio includes full name, age, sex, date of birth and locations, their Arcane Power and a small summer of what it does, personality, backstory, moves and physical description. Perhaps you can catch a trend I tend to do after reading a few mangas. But, to start it off. Concepts of the engine, perhaps the screen and selection screen as well. System Direction I used winkawaks' picture thingy. (going to be uploaded) 8 Way Stick + A B C D E buttons A = LP B = HP C = LK D = HK E = FORCE Taunt | D+E Dash/Run (Character depending) | →,→ Dash Back/Dodge (Character depending) | ←,← Super Jump Cancel | ↑,↓,↑ Parry | Tap → Block | Hold ← FORCE | Press E FORCE BREAK | E+B Universal Launcher | C+D Throw | A+B, A+B+→ or ← Throw Tech | A+B Everyone takes damage at different rates, but all have the same amount of stamina (10,000). Everyone takes stun differently. Everyone's gaurd crush is different. Everyone has a 2 to 4 Arcane Stock (A seperate bar, looking similar too AURA Gauge in Hokuto no Ken) Everyone has 2 Stocks for SUPER/PERFECT/PERFECT+ Arts. Normals, wiffs and moves that connect build up meter. Parrying is ripped right off from Street Fighter III. But is more akin too MOTW's Just Defend for timing, does NOT recover health. Normals = Command Normals, like →+A for example. Arts = Run of the mill speical moves. Super = Similar to EX moves (from SF3) or ES moves (from Vampire), uses part of the power bar Perfect = Uses 1 whole power bar. Similar to "Super Arts" or "Desperation Moves." Perfect+ = Some PERFECT ARTs can do more damage, but are harder to connect. (Ex: Oro being able to EX his Supers in SFIII or similar to Melty Blood with the C-button attacks) Screen knock back is SUPER ART & PERFECT ART determined. Gravity system forces characters to get pushed back every hit for no one getting corner trapped. FORCE button is something very similar too the "Homing" Button found in Arcana Heart. It is used to cancel out of normals or moves not normally allowed to be canceled into and requires 1 Arcane stock. The Arcana Stock refills after each round and can be used as a breaker into canceling a high damaging chain into a Perfect+. Which would be impossible without the use of the FORCE Button. There are limits however, it cannot cancel Perfect or Perfect+ moves and it cannot be used in succession with each other in one chain(LP -HP-LK-FORCE-LK-FORCE-ART is wrong, LP-LP-HK+→-FORCE-HP+→-PERFECT is the correct way). Also, it can make a character recover quicker when knocked down. The FORCE button can also be used as a "Burst" button to break out from chains and combos but not PERFECT or PERFECT+ ARTs. Chains: Ok, SFIII moment again, this is something like LP-HK-HP+→. That's a chain Combos: Combos are command normals that can go cancel into other normals, into a chain or into a SUPER, PERFECT and PERFECT+ ART. Combos lose damage overall due to canceling. This is also is affected by FORCE as well. That's the end of System Direction. Expect concepts to be updated here. As cheap as it looks, it's a concept! Controls! (yes there are some differences, but it's esscentally the same) -souten Edit: it's feedback runned. I'll only post out of interest of there is demand for more. Even 1 person. Don't stay silent you fu ckers.
  7. International raids target music piracy site Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:23am BST By Luke Baker LONDON (Reuters) - British and Dutch police shut down one of the world's largest sources of illegal pre-release music on Tuesday and arrested a 24-year-old man. The raids, in Amsterdam and Middlesbrough, followed a two-year investigation into a members-only Web site, www.OiNK.cd, which allowed users to upload and download albums before their release. An estimated 180,000 members of the site paid "donations" via debit or credit cards, ensuring that they could continue to access the site and its catalogue of music and other media. The site provided access to more than 60 albums before their release this year, according to industry experts. "OiNK was central to the illegal distribution of pre-release music online," said Jeremy Banks, head of the anti-piracy unit at the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which helped in the investigation. "This was not a case of friends sharing music for pleasure. This was a worldwide network that got hold of music they did not own the rights to and posted it online." Pre-release leaks have become one of the most damaging forms of piracy for the music industry which is struggling with falling sales worldwide -- recorded music sales have fallen by more than a third in the last six years, the industry says. As opposed to illegal sharing of music after its release, pre-release piracy is seen as particularly damaging because it leads to unauthorised mixes or unfinished versions of artists' recordings appearing on line. Often it is those in the industry, who get promotional or demonstration copies of albums before their release, who are involved in leaking them to Web sites such as OiNK. British police said they arrested the 24-year-old on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and infringement of copyright law. He was the only person arrested in the raids. Dutch police seized servers and other computer equipment. The shutting down of OiNK comes at a time when artists are themselves experimenting with new ways of distributing their music, sometimes for free over the Internet. Radiohead released its latest album on the Internet and invited fans to pay a donation to download it. Such techniques have frustrated the music industry which is struggling to come up with ways to regenerate revenue. Reuters I'm glad ONiK is gone. Their community was by far one of the worst BT communities I've ever experienced, they even had the nerve to post concert recordings in a lossy format even when it's clearly mentioned it's forbidden by the person who recorded it.
  8. Assassin's Creed got pushed back for 08 for PC. Console only releases this Nov. UT3, CoD4 (Demo was AWESOME), Crysis (Computer = ;_ are pretty much what I want. Hellgate can take a back seat, GoW i has on 360 and Gh3 = 360ing it up as well. Unless the PC version has online play too.
  9. I'm losing interest in Bleach, Watching it on YTV and Adult Swim and it's been 20 past episodes or so of the same thing......I been waitng for them to kill Rukia since last December lol their still on namek. Your in for a treat, it ain't gonna move along past that place for a WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILE.
  10. You know what's funny, I was so drunk after last night's hockey game, the moment I saw this, I took another shot of vodka.
  11. You'll pretty much need a lindbergh or if you somehow crack the protection protocal and hope you computer is a beast you can run it too! Coinop-express.com (give or take the hypen) for all your arcade hardware needs.
  12. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26833.html INTERVIEEEW
  13. Nope, not even close, my picture is a few pages back. The guy in my avatar is the mangaka for Sayonara Zetsoubou Sensei.
  14. Ok then. Raito begs for Ryuk to save his life and Ryuk writes his name in the book and Raito dies - lol irony.
  15. Hard upkeep of my hair, uses alot of shampoo and condition that would put a woman to shame probably on the amount I use.
  16. Not a clue, I miss the dude. Certainly a person great to talk too.
  17. He's not Violence-quality meterosexual, he's sorta a the middle of it.
  18. Man, LSD already seems too asian, I'm friking flip man. I don't look asian at all.
  19. SFA3 was pretty soild too ya know (beyond the fact V-ism completely broke the game). Comparing CFJ to SFA3, are 2 completely different matters. CVS2's gameplay is soild as well, but it was boring. Totally boring. Playing it, watching it and screaming at it. Boring, boring, boring. 6 Grooves to choose from and the only good ones everyone uses are the ones with Rolling so they can Roll Cancel and use Blanka to completely screw with you. Or A Groove and CC you to death. Which is comparable too V-ism infact. 6 Years later and it's still the same with CvS2. The tiers haven't changed between 03 and now and a R2 Sagat is still retarded. Since CFJ was a mixture of gameplay types and the game was pretty balanced to a degree also, it lead to some great match ups, plays and tons of great battles.
  20. My hair is beast. Seriously, I don't care what anyone says, that hair style I had for a month was totally awesome.
  21. Now why do you have to say that. Beyond it looking awful and selection of characters is questionable, the gameplay is solid and gives the best representation of his gameplay ideas (Match Ups). And that's what matters.
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