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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I wouldn't consider T.Hawk a grappler (his only grappling moves are Storm Hammer and his super afterall). But also Alex would be another good addition because he found his calling (similar to Ryu's lol? TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN - he has loli patrica too wtf?). Blanka, Dhalsim & Necro all together is kind of redundent. Either have both Blanka & Dhalsim or just Necro. Although all their storylines are wrapped up already, leading to sort of a problem (well, Urien COULD still go after Necro, but he already has 12, so what would be the point?). Keep Dudley, don't bring back boxer. They can throw in Cody, his brother and Guy back together of course. Ripping them right out of the crappy Streetwise game. Hugo OR Andore would be awesome as well, since Andore was original suppose to appear in Streetwise anyways! (Along with Poison O.o). I can go on forever...
  2. The problem with appealing to the nostalgic is they have to make it make sense. Sagat still has his beef with Ryu, that's a given, they haven't finished that at all fight at all, Sagat would be pretty old I'd think, maybe in his late 50s or something if they really do age. Guile has no reason to fight, Bison is dead (deader than a dead horse). Claw just needs something to do pretty much, maybe as Urien's sabordinate or something, Urien himself still wants to control the world, they could do something with that. An all new cast with ties to the past is something that's been brought up at a few other boards (SFIII with Lee from SF1 for example) as an idea also.
  3. 3s tied up everyone's life for the most part though. Ryu & Ken still train, Oro probably ended up training Ryu, Makoto has her dojo being awesome, Ibuki is happy, Necro escapes and Chun-Li practically has her own dojo now raising and training kids (there's more, i'm just lazy, HUGO got to start up his wrestling promotion after all, minus all the cameos in his ending). Also Ryu, Ken and Chun-li would be around at least in their 40s as well. If anything, new faces are really needed. Older Sakura and Karin? I'd love that, throw in Ibuki has to do another ninja related job and an older Makoto and this game is instant win for me.
  4. Wow, when they say lifetime warrenty, they really ment it.
  5. Easy, fans want Ryu & Ken in the game. They are the main strays of each incarnation of Street Fighter. Zangiefs are easy to make, their basically grapplers. Guile, well, Guile = Remy, but the reason Guile was so good in SFIICE/Turbo/CvS2 was because his Normals were beast. Best version of Guile is SFIICE then Turbo then CvS2 Guile, MvC2 Guile was just meh. So was Nash too. I'm wondering what gameplay changes they'll make, if anyone remembers that interview before they sold the rights to Capcom U.S.A., the only way they'd make SF4 was if they found some new ground breaking gameplay changes. Also for those wondering, Capcom U.S.A. licensed Capcom Ltd. to develop the title (CoJ).
  6. Corrected. Fixed. *Ducks* Fixed for great justice.
  7. It's just a concept trailer, but wow. SPECHLESS.
  8. Man, maybe we should have a review panel for stuff like that. NEW RELEASES LOL?
  9. Music board. Music board. Music board.
  10. PC Version isn't on the top of their list, it was developed for PS3 and 360 began, but it wasn't surprising when they announced it for PC (really, who WAS surprised at that would be someone who isn't really following Montreal's little studio). I guess they got around the memory programming issues on the PS3 and trying to fit 5 languages on the 360 version.
  11. Something to do with the 3.71 m33 frimware exploding or bricking. It's on our forum somewhere.
  12. Actually, I firmly believe everyone would rather want it easy like that. If XP was bitchin' off the bat, I wouldn't need to update it, tweak it and spit on it.
  13. Im all up for more niggaz like him.
  14. It's a step in the right direction to say the least. It's appealing and that's what counts.
  15. HIS SKIN WASN'T THICK ENOUG HAHA I made a funny :V
  16. Welcome wagon is official broken, again! Until next time users!
  17. Did you say before you were running a 6600GT? How the hell do you swing that; I'm at 800x600, Texture Detail 3, World Detail 2 and getting about 30-40fps. ini hacks.
  18. Looks terrible at 1024x768, Kinda like oblivion. Fun though. At least I can run it on "high."
  19. Word. I'm a Quake Fanboy all the way (except for 2 and 4), for teamplay deathmatch gametypes UT is where you have to look at, it's 1v1 it's largly boring in compairison to Quake. Edit: NEED MORE MIRRORS.
  20. I already knew about this. They are still thinking which label to go too, or maybe they'll go with XL. The plan is to get that CD out in January 08. As for RHCP, they aren't constantly challenging themselves to change their style (like Radiohead). I do love the Peppers, but Stadium Arcadium was a disappointment (ref: I made a journal entry that cut it from 27 to 12 tracks. I find my selection of tracks to be more cohesive then the actual album as a whole). By The Way had some a few memorables, but to date, Californication is there best album after 1995. While undoutebly Blood Sex Sugar Magik remains to be their top album. Artisic in melody and style and it strongly complements Californication. I guess we could bring R.E.M. into the equation sometime soon, possibly even The Cure as well.
  21. EA and Activision - Epic Wars ahead?
  22. Like all Radiohead albums since Kid A, it takes a couple of listens though to "get it." (I didn't start off liking Radiohead off the bat either ! I was heavy Rage Against The Machine and other hard rock-rap-gangsta rap-hip hop at the time.)
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