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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Movements already started. Some insiders report that The Nails (of the Nine Inch) are planning to release their next album online and in the same vain as Radiohead's "Pay what you want" scheme, Jamiroquai is set to release their next album for 5 dollars, Oasis is planning digital only distribution for their next album, starting with a single off their next planned record which will be free. This is what the music industry needed. Kick start a new business model.
  2. Well we are too biased towards the bands we love. Chart placings since these count just as much as total wide sales of albums sold. 1993 Pablo Honey The Billboard 200 32 1995 The Bends The Billboard 200 88 1997 OK Computer The Billboard 200 21 1997 OK Computer Top Canadian Albums 3 2000 Kid A The Billboard 200 1 2000 Kid A Top Canadian Albums 1 2001 Amnesiac The Billboard 200 2 2001 Amnesiac Top Canadian Albums 1 2003 Hail to the Thief The Billboard 200 3 2003 Hail to the Thief Top Canadian Albums 1 Well in comparison too RHCP; 1987 The Uplift Mofo Party Plan The Billboard 200 148 1989 Mother's Milk The Billboard 200 52 1991 Blood Sugar Sex Magik The Billboard 200 3 1992 What Hits!? The Billboard 200 22 1994 Out in L.A. The Billboard 200 82 1995 One Hot Minute The Billboard 200 4 1999 Californication The Billboard 200 3 1999 Californication Top Canadian Albums 4 2002 By the Way The Billboard 200 2 2002 By the Way Top Canadian Albums 1 2004 Greatest Hits [Warner Bros] The Billboard 200 18 2006 Stadium Arcadium The Billboard 200 1 2006 Stadium Arcadium Top Canadian Albums 1 RHCP has 2 more top 10 hits then Radiohead does. And there you have it, your numbers. Come back when you actually have something meaningful to say fag.
  3. You and practically half the internet called it.
  4. If it was an indy band, it would matter, but this is Radiohead were talking about.
  5. I guess the numbers are more meaning full to you then discussion. And since i'm lazy to type up a few paragraphs, Imma play some vidya gaymes
  6. No... Not what I meant. I mean you can give them away if you wanted too. DOYYYYYYYYYYY But that is what I meant before you tried to correct me. So you can kindly go "DOYYYYYYYYYYY" yourself up the ass. DOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  7. No... Not what I meant. I mean you can give them away if you wanted too. DOYYYYYYYYYYY
  8. Well it's been 15 years since their Pablo Honey LP and where does Radiohead rank among those bands? Well, their certainly up there with "the list." One cannot deny the amount of exposure Radiohead has gotten since the release of OK Computer and their subsequent tours. With practically each record they've managed to reinvent themselves in ways beyond the normal specturm of artists in the last 10 years. This progression is similar along the lines of Pink Floyd in their later works, except Radiohead has managed to be minimal in sound in their latest offering. There has been no other band (who has managed in the mainstream media) to change their sound and still be able to get reviewers in awe about it in the longest time since Pink Floyd and R.E.M. Besides, without their status as one of the biggest acts in the world for the past 10 years, they couldn't of done this. How long will it take for them to reach legendary status amongest the greats (Some of which they've even idolized)? They've been together for nearly 20 years now, how long do we have to wait until someone say's their legendary for those who have no taste in what music genre they do? (man, i'd be awesome for a music publication)
  9. Failure to know this, but it was an award rewarded to them in 2001 by a poll by a british magazine, and everyone agreed. They are undoubtedly one of the biggest bands in the world and they just punched the whole music industry with their plans. Yes, their right up there with R.E.M., Pink Floyd and The Pixies. Edit: also a band of this status can achive such a thing. It's like Prince giving away free CDs
  10. Alright, first things, first. Sonic the Hedgehog, is gonna be playable in Smash Brothers Brawl (!!) Along with that, SSBB will feature Co-Op Online play. The game is set to hit North American shorts this December 3rd, and in Japan in January 24th of the new year. Capcom's Monster Hunter 3 will be coming to the Wii (leaving the PS3 version in limbo at the time), no release date has been given. Update: PS3 Version is canceled due to it's raising development costs. Mario Kart Wii will include a steering wheel controller. The game will also include motorcycles! A release is set for Spring 2008. WiiFit (complete with surfboard) is set to be released in Japan on December 1st with a price tag of about $75 USD (Y8000) A bunch of Wii Ware titles have been unvailed, one which is Pokemon Bokujou (Pokemon Farm) and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land. In PKMN Farm you have a farm... with Pokemon. It's connectable too Diamond & Pearl. And in FFCC:TYK&TPL you create and lead your own kingdom. Star Soldier R, Doctor Mario (why isn't this a Virtual Console release?) and the Bandai Namco word puzzler Mojipittan Wii were announced as well. Information is from Joystiq and Wii.ign.com's live blog of a live blog.
  11. I'm stuck in the Antichrist era, but Golden Age a few years ago was an excellent Manson album. I'm still busy listening to Radiohead, but I'll give this LP a go afterwards.
  12. Actually, I didn't call them that, the MEDIA did. And they've been calling them that after the release of Kid A.
  13. Blog updated with review of Radiohead's latest release.
  14. Radiohead's latest release! No Introduction (sorta) and just a plain track run down! LIMITER VALVE RELEASED! Let's get the katamari rolling then shall we? Tracklisting; 115 STEP 2BODYSNATCHERS 3NUDE 4WEIRD FISHES/ARPEGGI 5ALL I NEED 6FAUST ARP 7RECKONER 8HOUSE OF CARDS 9JIGSAW FALLING INTO PLACE 10VIDEOTAPE #1 - 15 Steps - Laced with a clapping drum beat and samples of kids cheering comes the opening track to Radiohead's "In Rainbows." Proving that they can still be genre defying per release. Hearing the song just a year ago and listening to the final product brings out shades of blue for this track. Excellent tracking, noise everywhere, typical Radiohead flare with ambiant noise. Keeping it's "live" feel from last year, and the many, many, MANY live versions I've heard this song, hearing the final studio polished sound of this nearly brought tears to me eyes. This will certainly get you clapping. #2 - Bodysnatchers - Layers of dirty guitars, dry drums and an audible voice comes a song that will bring back memories of the 12 years ago to some. Sounding like it was just ripped out from The Bends era. So they've brought back the guitars and the tone and how does it stack up? You can easily place this into The Bends it's not funny. If you were a fan of The Bends LP this will certainly be up your ally. Vocals were audible, but hard to tell what's he's saying, while on purpose and trying to retain it's feel from last year's mini tour. While still retaining in esscense, I do miss the blaring guitars that practically made Thom Yorke's voice nearly inaudible. - Note: Filled with noise, alot of it. #3 - Nude - Nearly 10 years in the making. From the OK Computer era, played once in 2002 by request, and jammed upon during the Hail To The Thief tour. Radiohead afficinado will find this song to be "THE" song. As it is the most requested, most listened too and most loved (behind True Love Waits and Big Boots). What's in: New dub influnced bassline, reversed and forward played strings, wailing vocals and the calmness of both Ed & Jonny's solid notched guitar playing - What's out: The organ, the glockenspeil, the old bass, the keyboards, the distortion on the outro and Thom's guitar. The attraction: A slow lullby-like ballad that will make any crowd silent, standing, and wondering what just happened. The infedality of a relationship come to light in this song. This song was my limit, watery eyes hit me. Just hearing a final version of a song that you love so dearly finally get recorded hits you here. OK Computer fans should find this song the most appealing besides my next entry. # 4 - Weird fishese/Arpeggi - Debuting 2 years ago with a full orchestra to great acclaim, comes the final rendition of something you could of sworn they've been working on since OK Computer. Arpeggi brings shades of DJ Shadow like-drumming and can be easily compared to OK Computer's album opener, Airbag. But that's where the similarities end. With the drum beat in place, we kick the bass in and the rythmic guitar playing 3 riffs over and over. Cue in Jonny's guitar, slowly building in pace with it's quietness. Yorke's fascination with oceans comes in lyrically, together with Ed's rythmic guitar section entering, with a melody of what sounds like a thousand arpeggios, Yorke's vocals shine and Ed's haunting wails all suddenly come to a halt with harp noises, a lowly guitar, and various strings, only to get kicked back up with the drum beat and a bassline towards the final section and the return of a thousand arpeggios, this time from more then just guitars, closes the song greatly. # 5 - All I Need - The haunting noises, a trip-hop beat, drone like bass and soften piano playing over. Very reminiscent of the songs found on Amnesiac. Could this be the love song everyone was expecting from Radiohead? Well with a title like that and a chorus with "You are all I need, you are all I need." Yeah well, You probably guessed it. Hearing the song in it's final form and compairing it with all those times played live. It's come a long way. While practically the same, what's added are various horns, which cap the song greatly and the build up towards the end is espeically exciting. Is this Radiohead song actually, god forbid, happy? By all means, it's up to you. To me, it's about someone feeling lonely from being away from their loved one for a few months. # 6 - Faust Arp - An acoustic number with a string section laid out by the mad mind of Jonny Greenwood. The shortest number on the album and in Radiohead's whole back catologue. This could possible be "Burn the Witch" ? Probably, but until I get my DISCBOX and read the lyrics. I won't understand a single thing Yorke says in this song, and this is my second time (thus far) listening to it. But hey, it's an interesting song to say the least. It flows greatly after All I Need and the next track. But this could of been perfectly laid out as a B-side should they ever consider a single's release. # 7 - Reckoner - Alright, what the hell just happened here? What happened to roary vocals, grungey guitar, mad bass and drums? Wow what a long shot this song came out to be. But by all means, it isn't bad, just weird to me. Here we have, probably what I find the most radio-friendly song on the whole album. It's subtle song with various precussion instruments everywhere with strings and guitar. I don't know where or how to compare this to previous material. But wow, you'll wonder. #8 - House of Cards - Slow Radiohead ballad again! But this is actually very interesting song, Ed practically fills this song with his noise, from his guitar no less and and slow, steady rythm makes you feel at peace. But behind all the calm rythms lies the sinister lyrics, about constant denial. "Changes from the live setting" you ask, dear reader. Well for one, there's more ambiant noise. Live I always thought this was a weak number. It never could really grab you in, this may of been the time passed between the first time I heard this in June till now, but it's grown on me a little since them. Not bed, but not good either I find. But will it see a future with only the Next Track button being pushed? Time will only tell. #9 - Jigsaw Falling Into Peices - After a slow peice, we bring up the tempo again, this time with an arpeggio of acoustic guitars! Not a solo number by any means, but a full band experience. Gone are the rocking overdriven guitars, replaced with similarly rocking, but not overdriven acoustic guitars and loud, but not too loud bass. Ed's chilling Ohhs make this song quite a number and fills perfect with Thom's vocals. In typical Radiohead fashion, synths and ambiant sounds are ahead for you. This piece would find a nice home following Amnesiac's "Knives Out." #10 - Videotape - And it all comes down to this. The album closer, and it's a heartful one at that. Probably the best closer since OK Computer's "The Tourist" (Not saying the previous albums had bad closers, but this ranks near the top of excellent closers). Also by far one of my favorite songs off the album (and in Radiohead's extensive catologue). The calmness of Thom's voice, the beautiful piano riffs and the lone high bass - all playing to a harmony of one man's journey through life captured on videotape. What is said is probably one of the most memorable lines ever written by Thom. 'this is my way of sayin goodbye, bcoz i can't do it face to face coz im talkin' to you - whatever what happens now you should be afraid bcoz today is the greatest day i ve everseen' If that doesn't hit you somewhere, well then, time you did a little soul searchin. In The Grand Scheme of things - This is a great album by Radiohead. Catering everyone's tastes from nearly every era (Sorry Pablo Honey fanboys/girls). Now with the most bias as possible, this album is the best. Ever. Ha, actually I'll go more into it, maybe a track ranking by my tastes. AT NUMBER 10; Faust Arp - Nothing against the song, it makes the album flow. Which is the only reason I see on the album. NUMBER 9; Reckoner - Wonderful song, but severaly different from what I expected. NUMBER 8; House of Cards - It's getting there. NUMBER 7; Jigsaw Falling Into Place - I like the live version more because of it's overdriven sound. NUMBER 6; 15 Steps - How come I end up where I started~ NUMBER 5; Bodysnatches - UHH THE BENDS NUMBER 4; Arrpeggi - I like Airbag, I like this. You like Airbag, you'll love this. OK HARD PART NOW, REALLY REALLY HARD Number 3; Nude - Alright, I love it, it nearly made me cry. It's awesome. Number 2; Videotape - The album closer is an excellent song, why is it ranked #2? Well, I miss it's great build found in the live version from last year. Number 1; All I Need - Ranked #1, only by a bit. This is an excellent album, and best of all you can get it for free at www.inrainbows.com by regging up with W.A.S.T.E. However, if you don't fancy signing up, here is another link. Also before the police come running in (Gamecop). Radiohead has expressed their opinions on the distribution of the new album, go crazy. It's 160kps MP3s, DRM free and we can do whatever we want with it. Even if it's eventually released in stores on CD. You want to support Radiohead's cause? Sign up with W.A.S.T.E. and hit pre-order for the download only and put in how much you want. 1 pence is enough for their cause, and they know it. It's a great album that's worth my 10 something dollars. Comments are welcome for this review
  15. SELF BUMP IT'S OUT It's OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. And more imporantly, I can give out links because they allow me toooo! TRACK BY TRACK ANALYST WILL APPEAR ON MY BLOG IN A FEW HOURS. ALONG WITH A LINK TO THE OFFICIAL SITE WHERE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT. FOR FREE. (or a sendspace version)
  16. It's just better to say the bad pun then to avoid it at all.
  17. Look out your front window. OH SHI I'd drive 200 miles just to knock on your door for holloween. I live about 64 miles north of downtown Toronto according to Mapquest (Starting on University Ave.) How close, and whatcha wearing for a costume? My daughter is going as a puppy. I don't really think it's 200 miles from Montreal to downtown Toronto. But uh, since I'm 19 and all, me and a couple of friends gonna make a haunted house at their place for ol Hallow's eve. It's one for the children, maybe I'll dress up as a zombie or something.
  18. Look out your front window. OH SHI I'd drive 200 miles just to knock on your door for holloween.
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