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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Not what I meant XD. Or you know, you could kill K`dash off and Wizard is his doppleganger !
  2. On the contrary, it isn't as dark as Doom 3. Far from it. The light sources give off great ambiant lighting and the game isn't in total darkness.
  3. Not really. It's more of an in-joke between Mag, myself, Reaper_Man and Mooney (and Agozer himself I think knows of this as well). Well, I do like legal lolis :V
  4. Demonoid seems to have gone under without a proper explination. Torrent will be reupped to TBP later today, stay tuned for torrent. You can still grab it, tracker is running. No oneOnly Mooney actually reads theses anyways.
  5. Plays wonderfully on my 6600 GT, but lags when theres a massload of fireballs, gunfire and the like on screen. It still isn't that bad, all that's missing is the high quality shaders that the 6600 GT doesn't support.
  6. I marked the post. Like how this post itself is my 10,003 post. In other thread, it will hold my 10,004th post, etc etc. Like that.
  7. Tried it out, no mouse sensitivity option in the menu (there be one in the final). Very action pact and switching characters isn't mandetory at times (Stuck through my first play exclusivly with the chick with the katana), also there are some Button pressing moments, raises tension, although hard (Died ALOT of times doing it). Definately on my grab list this season (And this season is fine age for gaming IMO, with UT3, QW just to name a few).
  8. THIS IS NOW MY 10,001 POST! The party is nuts.
  9. From now on, all my posts will be diverged and edited from this one. agozer: I know, but I don't post en mass like when I first joined. Mooney: I HAVE MY OWN LOLIS Gamecop: Wizard was my name before K`dash. Wizard predates K`dash name by 3 years.
  10. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=193748 Go I'm too lazy to post what they posted here. KH games for DS, PSP and Mobile phones. and here are the rest; Dragon Quest IV http://i21.tinypic.com/sdco03.jpg Dragon Quest IX http://i22.tinypic.com/esss9y.jpg Dragon Quest IV (Jumbo Size) http://i21.tinypic.com/149be2u.gif Dragon Quest IX (Jumbo Size) http://i20.tinypic.com/6qbiwi Ace Combat 6 http://i20.tinypic.com/118gkfn.jpg Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess http://i20.tinypic.com/15ph2ms Seaman 2 http://i23.tinypic.com/xljj45.jpg World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 http://i23.tinypic.com/xqaxk8.jpg ASH http://i21.tinypic.com/729czm Ar Tonelico II http://i24.tinypic.com/veynf9.jpg No More Heroes http://i22.tinypic.com/w9eefs.jpg (1 MORE POST UNTIL 10,000)
  11. PC Demo~ I've been following the game for a while, and looks like a solid horror shooter. The game infact screams squad play similar to that Brothers in Arms game Ubisoft made a while back (Which I gave high praise to it's system, mixing RTS and FPS in another way I didn't think no one would try). While not the same, it does have ability to jump between squad memembers best suited for the job at hand. Plus the story seems good. Demo clocks in at aboud 1 GB and will definately keep me entertainted. (2 POSTS UNTIL 10,000)
  12. If I recall, his hearing is coming up against the Florida BAR, he most likely won't have his attorney's license after this fiasco. (4 POSTS TILL 10,000)
  13. I think we just need a plain music section. (5 POSTS TILL 10,000)
  14. Keyboard Warriors KNOW NOTHING OF DEFEAT. tl;dr I like where this is going.
  15. Your a year late. Seriously, what the hell?
  16. See, it's crap like that, that will drive me to kill myself.
  17. Well, it's a complete overhaul of the system as oppose to just a simple update.
  19. Ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahaha oh excuse me Ahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha NeoCream wasn't enough for you? AHAHAHAHAHAHA no. If you made modship, I'd commit suicide. I like that idea. Die Ghosty isn't a viable source anymorenever was.
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