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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Well it doesn't cause it to explode. But it does screw up with some games. I tried it for lulz.Back to using 2gb.
  2. Any video editing software can do it. Window's stock Windows Movie Maker can do it by dragging both files into the timeline then encoding it. Edit: Should be moved to PC section.
  3. You do know I'm formerly known as K`dash right?
  4. As weirdysauce said, useless without all the documentation and SDK.
  5. Replace your backgrounds with high-res ones or upscale your current backgrounds. Since I'm not fluent in mugen, your on your own for that.
  6. "It's cos it's a low res stage. Hi-res mugen doesn't work with low-res stages. I got the same problem." There is your solution to your problem.
  7. Sad to see the man go. When I was into Rally racing for a time he was one of my constant favorites.
  8. I'm just waiting when they announce the XP/Win2k like version that isn't you know, crap.
  9. Most brand-spanking new games here cost €49.90 ($69 PS2 titles) up to €69.90 ($97 X360 and PS3 titles) Someone said that $50 is too much? EDIT: 200MYR is around USD57 Ok, when you put it that way, it seems their along the lines of Canadia pricing for the most part, except we don't exceed 79.99. When you put it that way, Agozer & euro land seem to get the short end of the stick compared to ther est of us.
  10. It just depends on Wii. First party wise the selection is decent, but when it comes to 3rd party, it's a trash bin of games mostly. Nobody is taking the time to fully invest in the hardware like when Capcom made RE4 specifically for `Cube. Anyone remember it's technical powerress then? It was MADNESS. Recently Gamebyro's SDK was just made Wiiable, so maybe a company will step up and deliver. Also news on the front is SNK is releasing a few Neo-Geo titles on WiiVC finally in the U.S. Also, I have taken a peak at the PS3 lately, because my nephew is planning on buying one, but once again, at the current time, the selection of games is just trash. and lol at LSD for the only way to him to play games is to pirate them.
  11. mame requires the neo-geo bios in the same zip file as the rom.
  12. Only problem with your theory is 64DD predates the DC Zip drive by a few years. 64DD was released only in Japan. A DVD-enable Dreamcast wasn't on the plan, but a Dreamcast DVD player (I still have an old issue of EGM which showed off a bunch of Dreamcast branded pharphirals).
  13. The strength is his suit. The suit makes him awesome.
  14. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?! Well, I think it's not worth THAT much. Probably around 2-3k at least.
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