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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. We just felt Europe's pain. Sony has announced that they will not be cutting the price of the European PlayStation 3 and they will not be offering the 80GB PS3 at this time either. To compensate, Sony will offer a "starter pack" at the respective countries current price. For example, in England, the £425 PS3 will allegedly have an extra £115 of content included as well. No word yet on what that will be. So, um, yeah. There's speculation of a second price cut in the States before the end of the year and Europe just can't get any love. Hey, at least for this they've got universal healthcare, good cheese, cheap wine ... we're just trying to find the silver lining in this. Sorry. Joystiq BBC News
  2. Use something like VideoLanPlayer or Quicktime to view mp4-type videos. It doesn't seem to work unless it's properly labeled for Media Player Classic.
  3. Fixed also updated it with Day 1 rankings. Will update again should there be any developments.
  4. I heard SSBB was gonna be a pretty cool fighting game. Their removing wavedashing. SSBB is automatically fail.
  5. 3 Trailers in HD here (MP4) It's sex. Zombies? 28 Days Later Angry People? DotD2004 Zombies? You be the judge.
  6. Yup, that's exactly how I precive the game as. While it does add more the lore, have to remember that the game itself, isn't really Silent Hill in the first place.
  7. The room imo is the worst game in the series. Also http://silenthill5.net/silenthill5/screens...creenshot03.jpg http://silenthill5.net/silenthill5/screens...creenshot02.jpg http://silenthill5.net/silenthill5/screens...creenshot01.jpg You missed like, 2 other screenshots.
  8. For what reason? You just post random crap all over the forum. Being gay doesn't constitute as being part of win.
  9. I was just thinking of borrowing a PS3+MGS4 for like a week then returning it. I don't need more then 3 days but you know, just in case. Also, the end is the highlight of this trailer.
  10. The health care system in Canada is vastly supiror to the one in the U.S. Also the fact it's free as well makes it even better. The only difference I see is when it comes down to quality of treatment, it's the same on all fronts, but the cost is what usually gets everyone in a twist. In Canada, when an injury is treated, there is usually a small fee for medical items (ex: if you break your leg, your covered, you just gotta pay for the crutches) compared to the U.S. Infact, the Cuban health care system is better then America's, which offer's true coverage on all fronts, which is also free. Edit: Also what makes this film appealing is that, no matter what political party you hold your views in, health care is a system that all classes should get regardless. The well being, upkeep and safety of your citiziens should not be a corperate parade for shareholders. A Universal Health Care system is something that should be supported by all citizens in America.
  11. First post updated, PM's are going to be sent as a reminder to participiants. Registration for Ranbat 2.1 will open Sunday at 5:30 PM EST after 1.1 closes. The date for that will be revealed afterwards, but Top 6 are expected to return.
  12. Keep an eye out on the first post for updates, which are coming in all the time.
  13. Wrong, NOJ confirmed shortly after launch, that a DVD enabled Wii would be released.....they just didn't say when. As for it being released outside of Japan, who knows. Correction, Ahmed claimed a blu-ray drive, which was what I specifically talking about, I thought everyone knew about the DVD enabled Wii...
  14. Well last I checked, it was a pretty much a tie.
  15. In terms of what, games or overall?
  16. Aren't I the shizzle for the low down on rumors? Anyways what Ahmad is saying is completely false, there is no indication, nor any signs that a new type of Wii is coming out, hell Nintendo is still trying to catch up on all the friking pre-orders.
  17. Exactly. MGS4 Kingdom Hearts 3 FFXIII DMC4 These are the only reasons to own a PS3...not jak and daxter. DMC4 is set to come out 360 and PC also. MGS4 right now, is under consideration for 360 due to it's raising development costs (as told by Kazumi Kitaue). So far what the PS3 has under it's hood is the main FF13 game and KH3, so far, is unannounced to any system and MIGHT make an appearence this September at TGS.
  18. Here is everything that went down at Microsoft's Press Conference (game wise). Also note that every game that was demoed will be shipping this year: - Live demonstration of Rock Band, with Peter Moore on bass I think. Looks like a lot of fun. Peter Moore botched it up horribly but it was all in good fun. - Viva Pinata: Party Animals announced. Obviously a take on Mario Party. - Mass Effect trailer, looks incredible. Keith David FTW. Shipping this November. - Naruto: Rise of a Ninja trailer. Looks really good with the second intro playing. - Madden 2008 demo..........................yeah. - Debut a lot of XBLA games, one of them being Marathon. - Disney and all their studios will be delivering content to Xbox Live Video Marketplace, starting tonight. - Project Gotham Racing 4 trailer. Looking solid as always but I'm skipping this one. - Alan Wake, Halo Wars, Too Human, and Fable 2 arriving in 2008. Peter Jackson still working on a Halo game. - Lost Odyssey trailer. *drooling* - Viva Pinata and Gears of War (demoed) coming to Windows Live. GoW having new multiplayer modes and five new single player chapters. - Unreal Engine 3 to be bundled with Windows Live. - Call of Duty 4 trailer then demonstration. Looks amazing. Exclusive multiplayer beta on 360. - Mentions Splinter Cell Conviction's being exclusive but quickly shows the Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer 2 again. Reconfirms exclusive downloadable content by Spring 2008. - Talked about Japanese support: DMC4, Katamari, Eternal Sonata, Ace Combat 6, Virtua Fighter 5, then..... - Could it be? Metal Gear Solid 4? Noooooooooo. RESIDENT EVIL 5!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got a taste of the new trailer that will debut on Xbox Live on July 26th. Takes place in Africa and it looks insane. This was the only game shown that is shipping in 2008. - Assassin's Creed demonstration (Jade is hot). Yet another amazing looking game. - Show ends with the new Halo 3 trailer. Looks awesome, can't wait to play it, nuff said. Overall a disappointment on the surprise side, except Resident Evil 5. What they did accomplish was getting you pumped for this Fall. All the major third party titles were demoed at their show. The triple threat of sales were also shown: Halo 3, GTA4, and Madden. It would have been nice to see some 2008 stuff but with so much good stuff coming out this Fall, I'm not even thinking that far ahead yet. Still no MGS4 announcement, which has been heavily hinted at for sometime now. I guess the teasing will continue. suace
  19. Wow, who buys a 32x? i recall stealing mine then losing it.
  20. Well, it was demoed on vista when the leak came out. Still waiting on the offical word, but so far it's on the games for windows thingy.
  21. Shotgun was an IGN render. Also Ghost Squad, MoH(32 Player SUPPORT YEAH) and Umbrella Chonrical, good time to be a Nintendo fan. Now if I can just get a frikin Wii.
  22. And it's confirmed for those windows games vista crap.
  23. Sticking with Thurs-Sunday Format because it's the most flexable days. The previous Idea was to hold it every friday night between 5 PM and 2 AM. But the 3 day format is better because everyone gets a chance to take everyone on at their own pace and still rack up wins/losses from other players.
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