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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Who are you?
  2. you need to listen to your self flocker if you don;t then i am sorry your mother was right you need medical attention biatch! hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshaahahahahahahahah] flock all of you terorists
  3. Pwned please this is how you handle situations not me! haha
  4. i would appreciate it if you would provide links
  5. on the computer! with note pad
  6. thanks i am making a mugen and i want to add charicters. where do i put the details and what do i write thank you its all right here: http://www.mugenfury.com/tutorials/aides/help.htm and here is a forum that can help you more: http://www.mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php I found both those with a very quick google search you should consider trying it before making any more topics here. i have tried everywhere what do i do must i just start editing on a note pad from scratch
  7. in which emulator can i get snk vs capcom 2? what is the latest snk vs capcom and where can i get it
  8. thanks i am making a mugen and i want to add charicters. where do i put the details and what do i write thank you
  9. yes,tell me google is nonsence tried it okay!
  10. could any1 please give me a genral idea of the .def files it would help thanks
  11. sometimes I think we are too lenient around here. Jackson has 50+ posts of nothing but the same 2 questions over and over. should have been gone after 25. hahahaha very funny being ignorant won't help at all Tell us more... about your ignorance? and most utter ability,which you can't use your common sense?
  12. sometimes I think we are too lenient around here. Jackson has 50+ posts of nothing but the same 2 questions over and over. should have been gone after 25. hahahaha very funny being ignorant won't help at all
  13. google it and you will get some documents on how to set up mugen
  14. yes a link please
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