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Everything posted by 1InuYasha

  1. I tried out the Pete's plugin and it works now with showing the images,i'm sorry for deleting vigilante 8,i deleted it without looking more into the problem,anyway thanks
  2. I tried out the Pete's plugin and it works now with showing the images,i'm sorry for deleting vigilante 8,i deleted it without looking more into the problem,anyway thanks
  3. its 639 mb a image file
  4. I have Jet Moto 2 a PS1 game but can it work good on a psx emulator ? It runs normal but will i go 2 the character screen it shows no character just menu's and then it freezes.Is there help out there?
  5. I have a GameCube and a Xbox and games in my country cost so much so i want to burn my games.Is there a way GameCube could play burn games and do you need the Freeloader Boot Cd. And for the XBox do you need a Mod-Chip to play anything beside the originals,like emulators,stuff to install, or movies ? I heard about the memory card trick and game trick,but i only have the game is it worth getting a memory card,meaning does this trick works good as if you had a Mod-Chip ?
  6. Does anyone know which emulator is better for what system ? e.g-Like Psx snes against Dreamcast Snes. which is fatser and at more graphics ?
  7. It was the wrong (Ps X change)disc. I told the worker and they check and they saw that all there disc were like mine.Story short ! Later down the line they found out they had the wrong disc so they chang it. Now I Play Burn & Burn Play me
  8. Gameshark version 4.0 has a audio and a movie mode,can this software be used to play movie's.
  9. Burn PS Games.Have you ever use this boot disk before?
  10. Yeah i'am using the spring.Where i'am living stores here think it hard 2 exchange stuff or refund any money.lol When I insert the Ps-x-change disc it spins and stays on the PS logo for a few short seconds then goes to the memory card screen then stops spinning then in 3 seconds it starts spinning then it goes to the Please Insert Playstation CD-Rom and keeps spinning but nothing happens. Also when I place the Ps-x-change into my pc it starts-up ( a windows 4d mouse setup ).
  11. You sure?I came across it on Gogle.com an other web sites,an it doesn't say anything about needing a mod chip.
  12. I have a Ps-X-Change boot disk an when inserted in my ps console nothing happens.
  13. Thanks for the Reply! I guess I will have 2 buy a boot disk.it cost like about 40 dollars.And you said a cheap price on a sports tape.lol,I live in Nassau Bahamas even if stuff is old it still sells at a high price here.I HATE NASSAU BAHAMAS lol So playstation games get burn just about the same as Dreamcast Games ? What ps system works best and doesn't have 2 put in alot of effort 2 play burned games ? Is it the old modules or the new smaller system modules ?
  14. I have a ps,I look in Gogle at photos on ps and psx and there the same image but anyway my system says Sony Playstation Ac 120V 60Hz 17W made in japan Model no-SCPH-1001 NTSC U/C. Manufactured SKZ KISARAZU JAPAN-October 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked and read the boot and swap tricks an I have no Ps Cd's,is there anyway a trick can work 4 me or I have 2 buy a boot disk or a original ps disc. When burning the Cdr it has to be like in a raw format ? Nero,DiskJuggler 3.5 an Alcahol works best for ps burning games ? Whats' the best Cd'rs ? I have Maxell,Verbatim an Imation Cd's that I used on my DreamCast but i only have Maxell left.Can I use Maxell
  15. I use the emulator ( DCgnuboy) and i save games in my memory card but i was looking at my memery card that shows all games on it in the 4 option screen with controll,music an so on anyway i thought i had more space on it but is there anyaway emulation saves can be erase.
  17. Shibathedog you dont have any saved nero settings what i could use,and the method you were telling me 2 burn NRG DreamCast Games was to choose the ( cd-rom/iso ) method or click file and select burn image. I use discjuggler and all my burnings work great.the CDI games are burn in raw mode and when i place the disc in the cdrom computer drive it shows me all the files and i did the nrg settings and it shows me the same image i selected for burn.what i'am asking is when the Nrg image is burn in raw mode do it show all the files on the disc or it just suppose to show the image i selected for burning. I was wondering if you could teach me step by step on NRG Burning.You dont have to answer me now,you could wail until your free. sorry for all this bothering but i just wanted to be good at burning NRG images.
  18. I live in Nassau Bahamas. Can i go online with my Dreamcast using a cable modem rather than a Dial-Up? I have a BroadBand Passport cd and a Web Browser 2.6 but don't know were 2 go from there. My dreamcast came with a area were you can plug a phone wire into,is that the BroadBand Adaptor? Now 4 burning-I use Discjuggler for Cdi and it works great. I also have Nero i follow the steps. 1.Click file the the Burn Image option. 2.I select the NRG image the speed is set at 4x,i think i've tried tao & dao and when done i put it in the Dreamcast it reads an it goes staight to the the CD Player screen.It shows the number of tracks.
  19. Are you sure on these settings? Could you talk me thru it step by step.I've lost so much CDR's and most of them i burn i put in the dreamcast and it goes straight to the Audio Screen.PLEASE
  20. Are you sure on these settings? Could you do it step by step.I've lost so much CDR's and most of them i burn i put in the dreamcast and it goes straight to the Audio Screen.
  21. I have Nero I tried burning dreamcast games using Nero 6 but it failed,either being burned wrong or i dont know.Could anyone help me out with this new Nero software on burning DreamCast Games.
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