Oh, so TGS is only for Japanese games? I see (I guess that's why its called the tokyo game show!) Yeah, they're developed by Japanese developers, but a lot of them get ported to the U.S. Some of the biggest games come from Japan...I can't make a giant list but one of the most renouned developers is Polyphony Digital, responsible for the GT series...and then that's ported over here to the U.S. (and thank god is was!!). TGS may be a Tokyo Game Show, but that doesn't limit the games shown in TGS strictly for Japan. Think of Japan like a testing ground, if the games flop, they're not ported to the U.S., or if U.S. publishers have the balls, they'll pick up rights to the game and localize it for American release...some games flop, some games are god like with their omnipresence, like the GT series, Hot Shots Golf, so on and so forth. Was that too long of an explanation? no, but I do understand that a lot of games are developed by japanese companies (the majority really). I just didn't realise that only japanese developers were involved in the TGS (in other words, I thought it was another E3-type thing).