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random guy

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Everything posted by random guy

  1. Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti does a little Undercover Work.
  2. I guess the choice really comes down to graphics power vs novelty. IMHO, if the choice was going to be PSP vs GBA the PSP would walk all over the GBA in sales, but because of the touch-screen on the DS (and also the fact that Nintendo has a big fan base of portables-players), the race could well be neck and neck.
  3. LOL. All this reminds me of a book called "The Book of Heroic Failures". If you guys like stupid criminal stories, you should check it (and its sequel) out.
  4. My favourite cartoons as a kid were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Thundercats, He-Man, Transformers...probably more, but that's all I remember.
  5. My version Yep I am going to uninstall this plug in <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That could just be because the format they've chosen to use only shows repeated lines once.
  6. I haven't played either, but strictly by comparing the two's specs and games, I'd go the PSP by a mile.
  7. I'd Rather Get A Nudy Picture From Fatal Or Axl, And BTW Axl Said Maybe. EDIT: After Posting I Saw Inky, So I Think I Want His Too. EDIT#2: And Gryph And Violence. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How about a pin-up calendar; "The Boys of 1emulation"
  8. F.ucking genitalia on a stick with herpes, which rock do these guys keep crawling out from?
  9. If someone tried Happy Corner on me, I'd kick them in the face.
  10. Thanks, but the idea of playing a PORT of Daikatana.... ...sorry I blacked out there. Even saying that in a sentence is so contrary to anything I would willingly do, that I got caught in a logic loop and passed out.
  11. No, wasn't Flynt, Michigan the place where the Columbine shootings happened? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Columbine took place in Littleton, Colorado. Michael Moore is from Flint, Michigan and that's where a different shooting took place, the one with the really young kids. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's right - I knew it was mentioned in Bowling for Columbine sometime.
  12. I'm Australian, and I "know" (I say "know" because I could be wrong)
  13. No, wasn't Flynt, Michigan the place where the Columbine shootings happened?
  14. I freaking HATE that "life after love" song, it's so damn annoying, more so than 12 hours of lamchops singing "The song that never ends"
  15. Forget Streisand (although she's definitely the 2nd worst), but what about...CHER!!!
  16. WOW! Someone's doing a fan re-make of Space Quest 7! Check out the website: http://www.sq7.org/, and especially the teaser video at http://www.sq7.org/release.php It's looking awesome, and Sierra didn't seem to mind (before they went under anyway ). MAN I hope this game gets made!
  17. It isn't that I am not intelligent, a fact that you seem to be flauting, it is that I don't do ANY work outside of school. I mean, I didn't turn in a 10% of my grade essay just because it was outside of class. So, your lazyness is not in my league. Anon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't mean it that way (although I realised right after I posted it that it probably seemed like gloating...trust me it wasn't), I was just agreeing with your sentiment of not doing any work yet still getting passing grades. It's just that our definitions of minimum work are different.
  18. Well, during college (years 11-12) I never worked very hard at all, slacked off with my friends heaps and *still* got a UAI (University Admissions Index - basically the combined score of all my grades expressed in a percentage) of 93.8%.
  19. same here but too bad most people that download songs don't buy the cd even if they like it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well a surprising amount of people do. Its same philosophy as games. many ppl download games, but hell they buy it if they like it. Even Deviance and Razer buy the games with their own money. Its just to support the game and also to get a cd key. Plus downloading doesn't mean that it will always be in the bestest quality <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm...really, that's interesting. I'd never have guessed that they'd be buying legitimate copies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats probably cause u haven't been reading the readme.txt files both of them include in their torrents <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I only skim the readmes for installation instructions. But I'm sure I have a deviance.nfo somewhere on my PC, I'll take a look.
  20. same here but too bad most people that download songs don't buy the cd even if they like it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well a surprising amount of people do. Its same philosophy as games. many ppl download games, but hell they buy it if they like it. Even Deviance and Razer buy the games with their own money. Its just to support the game and also to get a cd key. Plus downloading doesn't mean that it will always be in the bestest quality <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm...really, that's interesting. I'd never have guessed that they'd be buying legitimate copies.
  21. How the hell do you hide a bomb in a baby? I demand proof of this instance, and until I see it I'm going to assume its yet another urban legend!
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