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random guy

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Everything posted by random guy

  1. Okay, I finished my second and last exam. I'm a bit worried about this one though, as it was worth 40%, there were 90 multiple choice questions and two short answer (250 word) questions, and some (read: alot) of the m/c questions were HARD. Oh well, I did okay (I hope), and I'm just glad it's over! YAY!!! HOLIDAAAAAAAAYS!
  2. It was a 'political communication' class. There were seven questions in all, I chose to do the ones about 'agenda setting' 'foreign affairs' and 'new technologies'.
  3. I like the idea of one band rallying against the state and the 'machine'; but I must say those lyrics, while powerful, were expressing a dangerous message. It's the sort of poem you'd write at 3 am in your darkest hour - but that doesn't mean you should show it to every impressionable suicidal teenager! I dunno, call me a little biatch but while I've got no problem with songs exploring the darker side of human emotions, I don't believe any songs should openly advocate suicide.
  4. Nah, Firefox has all that and more. AND it's completely free with no strings attached AND it's 100% open source. Plus you can choose to only install the plug-ins you WANT to install - so far I have mouse gestures, a drop-down search bar which searches about 20 different databases (everything from google to dictionary.com), and an embedded notetaking program, plus more. Did I mention that the gui is fully customisable? Plus you can have bookmarks on your gui? I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Hey random, what are the names of the extentions you are using? What is that drop down search thing? I have a search bar with a few things on it (Google, Freedictionary, Wikipedia, Urbandictionary, astalavista, and IMDb), is that what you mean? And I can't download any themes yet for Firefox 0.9, I want some damn themes. Yeah, that's the one I was talking about. Also, that note-taking program I have is called quicknote. It's very good because you can just select some text, then right click on it and press 'send to quicknote' and the text will copy across with the URL at the bottom for later reference. Plus you can either have it as a tab or as a separate window. The other one I mentioned's just called 'mouse gestures' Alright cool! I don't use Mouse Gestures but I guess I can give it a try again. I fidget alot with my mouse so that's a problem. Not really, unless you often hold down the middle or the right mouse-button and move the mouse around alot
  5. My friend once had this cool t-shirt, which she used to wear all the time. It said; "I'VE FOUND JESUS" ----------------------- He was under the couch the whole time
  6. Nah, Firefox has all that and more. AND it's completely free with no strings attached AND it's 100% open source. Plus you can choose to only install the plug-ins you WANT to install - so far I have mouse gestures, a drop-down search bar which searches about 20 different databases (everything from google to dictionary.com), and an embedded notetaking program, plus more. Did I mention that the gui is fully customisable? Plus you can have bookmarks on your gui? I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Hey random, what are the names of the extentions you are using? What is that drop down search thing? I have a search bar with a few things on it (Google, Freedictionary, Wikipedia, Urbandictionary, astalavista, and IMDb), is that what you mean? And I can't download any themes yet for Firefox 0.9, I want some damn themes. Yeah, that's the one I was talking about. Also, that note-taking program I have is called quicknote. It's very good because you can just select some text, then right click on it and press 'send to quicknote' and the text will copy across with the URL at the bottom for later reference. Plus you can either have it as a tab or as a separate window. The other one I mentioned's just called 'mouse gestures'
  7. Maybe, but I hate it. In fact I hate every code of football that isn't 'soccer'. Let's see why: Rugby League: VERY little kicking involved, mainly it involves running a yard, getting tackled, getting up then running again. Only kicks are after the 5th tackle; even then they usually only bunt it. Rugby Union: Same as league, only more violent AFL: Same as Rugby league only in shorter shorts. Okay, there's actually a fair bit more kicking involved but still way too much hand contact on the ball American Football: Very much the same as league, only you can throw FORWARDS as well, making it even less skillfull and even more about running into the other player These codes should NOT be called football. If anything they should be called 'handball with a little kicking involved'!!! The reason I like soccer is that it is athletic and skillful, it requires people trying to outmanouvre the other person, not just land on top of him. That said, the recent epidemic of 'dive taking' and 'fake injuries' really does harm the sport, I agree. Such a thing is against the spirit of fair play sports are based on. Besides, though I mock the other codes, it's alot harder to get a foul playing them, THAT'S for sure.
  8. Nah, Firefox has all that and more. AND it's completely free with no strings attached AND it's 100% open source. Plus you can choose to only install the plug-ins you WANT to install - so far I have mouse gestures, a drop-down search bar which searches about 20 different databases (everything from google to dictionary.com), and an embedded notetaking program, plus more. Did I mention that the gui is fully customisable? Plus you can have bookmarks on your gui? I could go on, but I think I've made my point.
  9. Okay, so it's decided - everyone was joking
  10. No, I thought he made some good points. I for one hate 'shakycam' and the shakycam was especially schitzophrenic during large chunks of braveheart. Maybe to some it gave the impression of being a soldier on the battle-scene - to me it gave the impression of someone staggering through a battle-scene drunk, stoned and on PCP.
  11. Welcome to m00, ieatburgers AND asterik2! It's good to see so many new members join up at once! Please stick around.
  12. Hmm...it looks like the US is the single biggest country this board's members' come from...BUT it isn't where the majority of people on this board come from. Interesting.
  13. Well guess what asshole? The world isn't built for your amusement either. Why the hell can you not just get along with people instead of judging them for being different? They have every right to live and breathe and work in your area, and also be gay, and if you don't like it, tough, learn to deal with your prejudices and go hide in a corner and lick your wounded pride. Honestly, I would have thought 'mr high morals' would have a problem with judging people based on a very limited aspect of their personality. Does not your bible preach that you should not judge, lest you be judged yourself? Does it not preach that you should love your fellow man (platonically, anyway)? PS sorry about the tirade. I have an exam tomorrow and I'm pissed off. I don't think you really read what i typed. Listen mister liberal, it would not be as bad if they were not always staring at me, trying and sit next to me (they sat next to me during lunch yesterday at work) among other things. I really wouldn't care if they kept to them selves and stopped trying to get my attention. No I am not scared I just don't feel comfortable around transsexuals. That’s it. It's kind of hard to concentrate on my work when they are right there staring at you and lifting each other up and all that other weird crap they do. So calm the hell down and get off my back mister over aggressive. Okay, now we're getting somewhere. If you don't mind them except when they are trying to get close to you, tell them it is making you uncomfortable. They probably either a) are trying to mess with you because they can see how uncomfortable or just want to be friendly, but if you just explain to them that their activities (towards you not each other, you have no right to comment on what they do together at work (as long as it isn't wildly innappropriate) - just don't look) are making you uncomfortable, you will be able to come to some sort of an agreement (and then you can stop your bitchin' ) Maybe I was a bit harsh yesterday, like i explained I was stressed over an exam I had to do; but you're attitudes towards homosexuals has been less than enlightened over a series of discussions. Hey, you called me a liberal - that means I can't stand by and let a minority be villified without standing up for them; that's just part of who I am. PS I do apologise for my behaviour yesterday (and already have in 3 places). That said, I don't apologise for the opinions I expressed.
  14. good point, kanti, that's why I was suspicious of zeppers for maybe putting that subliminal satanic message in on purpose - the words don't make much sense the right way round, after all.
  15. Okay, I don't even think i did that bad, in fact if I had to guess now I'd say I did pretty good, but still...A two hour exam in which you have to write three essays is evil. I was writing pretty much non-stop for those two hours - in fact i didn't even get a chance to finish my last sentence - luckily it made sense with only the first part i had written so I could just put a full-stop. I wrote NINE PAGES for this bloody thing. NINE PAGES. Well actually it would be more like 7 1/2 if you put them back to back, but what the hey. I'm actually pretty impressed with myself - at 40 minutes to an exam I wrote more than I expected I'd have time for. I'd hate to be the poor sucker who has to try to read my writing to mark it though! (it got pretty messy). And who the hell decided to put the exams on at 9 am? If it weren't for the fact that i didn't sleep last night, there's NO WAY i'd be awake enough at 9am to write an exam. Well, anyway, that's just my obligatory post-exam rant. It wasn't 10% as bad as last year, so really I have nothing to complain about (but I will anyway). Sorry if I was a pain in the butt yesterday, stress just sometimes does that to me. Jeez, I've got another one tomorrow. How fun
  16. What team was he in? *Yay, this turned into a Nordberg conversation* Here's more information than any of us need to know, thanks to 1/2 a second using google:
  17. I might not like it but I wouldn't be scared of them and think any lower of them. Oh well...everyone is different. Just block them out of your head, there is no spoon. Wait, wasn't it you the same guyw ho got annoyed when you "understudy" came in with a smerk on his face? Would it have been different if he were smilling about you or at you? Besides you had a gay roomate, you've become accustomed to it so it probably doesn't bother you as much as him. Imagine this, you're in a warehouse, in the middle of gay fatal town when you;re packing boxes and all of a sudden soil samples come in through the wall and start smilling at you and ask "TEST ME!" and they all come out negative. Thats what he sees. He came in with a silly grin like James Watson in this picture. It wasn't gay, just goofy. And the day soil samples walk up to me, give me a coy smile, and say "Tesssst me, hot stuff!", I will become an active gay basher. Jesus christ, man, you're going to be a doctor - you're gonna have to examine peoples genitals occassionally and maybe even their rectums. Why the hell are YOU so uncomfortable about homosexuality? i'd have thought doctors would be the ones MOST able to take peoples sexual preferences with a grain of salt considering the disguisting things they have to do / look at which can be considered alot worse than the practice of homosexual sex. When did I say or even imply I was uncomfortable around gay people? I lived with one for two flocking years!! If you cared to notice, we were talking about SOIL SAMPLES!!! Most other people would know that we were joking. Jesus christ! Take a flocking chill pill and get a flocking grip you flocking hippy. No, I have an exam tomorrow, this is my defense mechanism kicking in - ADRENAAALINE!! Okay, fair enough i thought you guys were using 'soil samples' as a derogatory term, I must have missed something. You must admit, calling homosexuals 'soil samples' would be pretty offensive if you were!
  18. The problem with gmail is that you are UNABLE to delete emails after they are sent. Sure that won't matter to alot of people, but if you email anyone about any illicit activity or vice versa the gov't can get an order to raid your email account and the incriminating evidence is guaranteed to still be there.
  19. I'd say you've got two options - either install ad-aware AND spybot - s&d OR install Spy Sweeper which will work better than both of those combined.
  20. I might not like it but I wouldn't be scared of them and think any lower of them. Oh well...everyone is different. Just block them out of your head, there is no spoon. Wait, wasn't it you the same guyw ho got annoyed when you "understudy" came in with a smerk on his face? Would it have been different if he were smilling about you or at you? Besides you had a gay roomate, you've become accustomed to it so it probably doesn't bother you as much as him. Imagine this, you're in a warehouse, in the middle of gay fatal town when you;re packing boxes and all of a sudden soil samples come in through the wall and start smilling at you and ask "TEST ME!" and they all come out negative. Thats what he sees. He came in with a silly grin like James Watson in this picture. It wasn't gay, just goofy. And the day soil samples walk up to me, give me a coy smile, and say "Tesssst me, hot stuff!", I will become an active gay basher. Jesus christ, man, you're going to be a doctor - you're gonna have to examine peoples genitals occassionally and maybe even their rectums. Why the hell are YOU so uncomfortable about homosexuality? i'd have thought doctors would be the ones MOST able to take peoples sexual preferences with a grain of salt considering the disguisting things they have to do / look at which can be considered alot worse than the practice of homosexual sex.
  21. I might not like it but I wouldn't be scared of them and think any lower of them. Oh well...everyone is different. Just block them out of your head, there is no spoon. Wait, wasn't it you the same guyw ho got annoyed when you "understudy" came in with a smerk on his face? Would it have been different if he were smilling about you or at you? Besides you had a gay roomate, you've become accustomed to it so it probably doesn't bother you as much as him. Imagine this, you're in a warehouse, in the middle of gay fatal town when you;re packing boxes and all of a sudden soil samples come in through the wall and start smilling at you and ask "TEST ME!" and they all come out negative. Thats what he sees. That is bullshit and rediculous. Do you think women who work with straight men spend their whole worklives being terrified of being sexually harrassed and raped? For that matter do YOU live your life in fear of getting sexually harrassed by women? OF COURSE NOT. So what the hell is so different here?
  22. true but given that he was a famous football player before the movies, i consider it a cameo
  23. I am, but I am taking a biology class, Biology II, which is just taxonomy. Taxonomy sucks! And I refuse to take an English class during a compressed semester because its just too much writing in a short period of time. Is that anything like taxadermy(stuffing dead animals)?
  24. It is - OJ Simpson played Nordberg in Naked Gun 1, 2.5 & 33.33
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