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Random Hero

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Everything posted by Random Hero

  1. d()b Vision Of Escaflowne Movie - Yoko Kanno & Hajime Mizoguchi - Sora [02:24m/192kbps]
  2. I just noticed that this might very well be the biggest forum that I am a member of. the biggest anime and art forums of Estonia are still rather small. Sorry, forgot to introduce myself: 19 years old, living in Estonia (yes, we have internetz, a lot of it)....ummm....going to University, studying German language and Literature. I am an animeholic, just got 100 animes on my list in aniDB. I can do some paintshopping (yes, I am weird, I don't use photoshop) and have done most of my signatures and such. I just discovered emulation, since I am not a big gamer, but got trapped in fighting games and since there are only a dozen of them on PC, I had to think of something. So be prepared for average n00b questions like "where can I find this" and "how do I do that"
  3. Hi to you all. After crashing in in the 1emu chatroom, I decided it would be polite to sign up in here too. Just a few days ago I lurked on this site to find help on setting up Dreamcast emulators and i got it working. I already know some people here and have seen some people lurking in havoc, anarchy and the rockers cabin.
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