... my condolences to you and your family, and your boy's family. I recently survived a highway car accident on the 6th, being sandwiched between a tow-truck that rear-ended the car I was in as passenger in to a pickup truck in front, along with a 4th vehicle (I have photographs but my lawyer doesn't want me talking or sharing details about the incident). I was asleep when it happened and knocked unconscious for a good 6 hours where I woke up in the trauma ER with a concussion and brain hemorrhage, some internal and external damage, then my family found me. I had no clue about any of it happening or the experience of it and being here, now, hearing about your son and thinking on my circumstances, it just makes you wonder ... why am I here and he isn't? Why ... ? I wish your son was as lucky as I was. I am sorry for your loss, ems.