@Gamecop. I think you're getting too comfortable with yourself, as I often feel the same way at times, not at all feeling motivated or driven or have some long-term goal to discipline and strive for. But things have changed for me. I have a job and have been doing it going on 4 yrs now, and getting fired would make me feel like a total asshole. My main problem is waking up and getting to work on time but its been worse before and i've been trying to maintain some consistency on that. I have a girlfriend, we've been together going into our third year now and i'll say if you want someone bad enough, you will try to be better so you don't lose that person. I've been doing the treadmill almost ever other day or every two days, less so the last two-three weeks because i've been having 10-12 hour work weeks (always around this time of year) but i'm still at it. Again, if I regained the weight i've been losing and went back to my bad dieting habits of cheap, greasy fast food and regular soda i'd feel like an asshole. I don't much care what people think of me or their perspective of how one should behave/retain their image so I guess i'm not shallow when it comes to wanting to be a decent weight and not look like a slob, I care for my own personal reasons and self-examination so when I say I think you're getting too comfortable with yourself it means pretty much that, nothing to light a fire under your ass.