Dueling I think works based on who fires first. You draw and it goes to dead eye, whoever aims right and stacks up the first shots kills first wins. I don't use R1 to mark the target, just R2 to mark and shoot when deadeye ends.
^By the ocean? My gf's from Washington but she grew up on the east-end in Spokane, near Idaho. Whats your reasoning behind wanting to live in the Pacific Northwest? The weather/trees?
Did you guys get a Kentucky Saddler? Don't let it die, its like one of the most expensive horses. I joined the Rockstar Social Club but haven't gotten my Gentleman's Attire yet ;\
They should include Rage of the Dragon characters Billy and Jimmy and Lynn. And Terry looks as badass as ever. My favorite fighting game character. It's funny how much I play SF but my favorite character is from a different company lol.
Being born and raised in California, i'd say if I lived in England with that dreary, overcast weather all the time it would mess me up. And i'm not even tanned.
I think it was that girl who killed any interest I might've had in wanting to watch that movie. I watched The New Daughter last night. There's something creepy about a bunch of freak monster beings wanting to mate with a young under-age girl. Anybody know some good horror flicks to watch?
Ah c'mon you guys, sounding like senior citizens when you're not even middle-aged yet lol. It's not that you're too old for this shit, your patience has just worsened as adults lol.