F*** DREAMCAST... CONTROLLERS!!! You're such a C@@& sucker, you know they invented "adaptor converter" meaning you can use a ps2/ps1 contoller on your dc(i bought one even though i dont use it..what a waste 14 bucks down the drain...) but anyways you can have closest thing to arcade perfect it being dc and all but no you suck "c@$%" and you having the option of being able to download dc game off the net and burning them onto a regualr cd-r and not pay for them and no modification to the dc requierd(in most cases) but no you're a....Nevermind you get the point. On another note. The "improvement" you guys are talking about in "cvs" is "cvs pro" which in the ps1 title was twicked up a bit with 2 more characters(dan and joe) and some other stuff which they did have on the dc but was a japan only title on the dc but which you can still find on bit torrent or "dc++" to download. Relax fool, it was partly a joke. Geezus christ someone joked about dreamcast oh no it's the end of the world, I must type out a lengthy n thorough retort to feel better. I own a dc man, I like the system (it was easy to burn for n Sonic n Shenmue rocked), I just never liked the controllers. Don't lynch me now, geezus.