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Everything posted by veristic

  1. I played someone who knew how to set it to console mode like the Europe v2 Bios in game. I set the dipswitches to home instead of arcade n reset but nothing's different. The guy mentioned pressing f10 n shift or something... I can't figure it out. Someone help please!
  2. How many of u play Kof2003 online regularly? I tried getting the kaillera to work with my mame but it wouldn't work.
  3. Thrustmaster Firestorm Digital 2 baby. Best 9 bux i've ever spent in my life.
  4. CLAYFIGHTERS! Worst fighting game ever.
  5. Dont we all know Amasuka from SS? Gawd, freaky enough. EVEN BRIDGET! O_O AND HE's FROM A DIFFERENT GAME! WTF IS UP WITH THE DEVELOPERS! Ash is a mix between Remy and Guile if you think about it. I'd say more a mix between Remy n Kyosuke. He even has that saying when he does his Nivôse move that Kyosuke says too... I think. Not to mention his Nivôse move looks just like Kyosuke's charge down, up+kick move.
  6. Well there's yur problem. Heh. There's no damn move patch.
  7. Edit yur post nexttime Riot.EXE instead of posting again a second time.
  8. You're upon deaf ears my friend, deaf ears.
  9. Dood... i'd be careful if I were u buddy, unless u WANT to get kicked from this forum.
  10. King!! She's got to have the worst sprite in the game. She looks so outdated compared to the other gurls. Who does everyone else vote for?
  11. http://kof2003.web1000.com/crc.htm You mean the s1 patch? You can get it there.
  12. I know there's been speculation on whether Ash is evil or not, n I don't know what the general consensus is on that matter... however, I just noticed on practice mode while playing with Ash as my starting character n Kim as the opposing starting character, that Kim does his usual intro animation when facing off against a villain. You know, the one where he points n his eyes glow. I forgot what he says, I know it has something to do with evil though. Hahah... the leader of the hero team being evil? I like this, n I for one believe he is evil (considering the 3 Sacred Treasures Team ending).
  13. Clark is quicker than Ralf right? He seems to jump higher to... or is it just me?
  14. C'mon all u math wiz's!! Figure out this kawaks p1 version thingamajigger kof2003 thing!!! We're counting on someone!! ANYONE!!! GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!!!!!
  15. Because MoTw and Kof are two different games... IF the characters from Motw played the way they do against Kof characters... Kof would loose big time.. Motw moves would be overpowered and too damn flashy =) They had to tone Gato down so we wouldn't dominate everyone ^^;... Dood... i'm talking about his moves. Terry plays nearly exactly the same as he did in MotW, besides the physics of both games differing, which is obvious. Terry has all his moves from MotW, y shouldn't Gato?
  16. Man... I just hit up some MotW to see how Gato felt originally compared to his KoF version... and MAN did they gimp him so bad! It aggravates me to think they removed some of his best moves n left him with what he has now, and also removing his P-Super qcf, qcf + kick animation. Aw man... they also removed his P-Super qcf, qcf + punch finishing animation... HOW WEAK!!!! WHY SNK!?!!? WHY DID U LAME A POSSIBLY TOP TIER CHARACTER FROM HIS ORIGINAL GLORY!!!!!!?!!? *screams*
  17. Is there a Hacked version for 1.48 out yet??
  18. What's the difference between Hacked WinKawaks n the regular version? Can the regular version run SvC:Chaos n all those other neogeo games with the asr.dat?
  19. I dled the mame with kaillera n started a network game up, n the little client loads up but when I double click a server (which btw, only shows 3 servers even though it's loading) it just saying 'connecting...' n stays that way. Does anybody else have this problem also?? What should I do?
  20. Because Sonny Chiba is Japanese n he isn't equated to Kung-Fu silly.
  21. I asked the same thing dood n they said he wasn't in the game... but damn, those pics do look real. ;\
  22. How would I be prevented from getting that virus if I tried to send it to u?
  23. Is there a way to turn on freeplay while using the Europe MVS(Ver. 2) Bios?
  24. Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaah...
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