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About crocked_ears

  • Birthday 02/12/1988

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  • Interests
    I'm here for roms, not for mom.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I forgive you
  2. bphprrr... That doesn't work by moving the icon outside the screen, because you can still select it. if i can find my mugen folder, i'll tell you exactly how to make a boss unselectable, Permethium.
  3. Can I get help using 2 joysticks with Windows Mugen? I think I've had a hard time for months. Even better, can Mugen be used with X-Arcade stick?
  4. You could basicly change the 'Press Start' text into 'Insert Coin(s)'... Coooooooooollll!!!! Thats EXCELLENT THANKS MAN!!!
  5. Cna someone tel me if this exists or is there a way to make an insert coin feature instead of seeing the lame old "Press Start" screen? M.U.G.E.N rocks but one thing.... "Press Start" feels childish. I want to see "Insert Coin (s)" to make me feel lke i'm about to play something tuff.
  6. GryphonKlaw, does it do that in all MUGENs? I have about 5 different versions, i hope they all clean with that error. TTP, where can I download Electrocade? I think I'm up for a thousand characters on the select screen.
  7. so does XBOX Mame play 60/60 smooth frames without a sound scratch or graphics studder? I bet that doesn't compare my new PC i'm getting.
  8. ofcourse you can add music to individual/specific stages. Edit the stage.def file and add the line directory for your music file in the proper spot. Hope lee and i help
  9. Vir Virtua emulator my friend. Virtua emulator that supposedly emulates 2A-CRX games.
  10. Ohhhhh YOur On.. I'll Hand Your Ass To You Like I Did To Weirdanzeige At Marvel Vs Capcom!!! Or Super Street Fighters 2,.. Ok I Was Close Just One More Hit And He Lost. Bet! I'll pm you tonight and we'll have a meeting.
  11. How many characters and backgrounds can you fit in Mugen? I have over 200 characters and bunches of stages (somewhere in the 80s). So, I tried to put 40 backgrounds in -WinMugen Unlimited- and only about 10 where selectable. Also, the Capcom vs SNK screenpack has 60 slots. Can I increase that to atleast 90 slots in the.def file? Some characters, especial Mortal Kombatants, their avatars have imperfect colors. Can that be fixed? oh and i heard and seen several screenshots that Mugen is a shareware. after a few weeks, it'll poop on you. Is that true? I want my MUGEN to last for eternity!
  12. man....we'll be able to play kaillera for all our lives, it'll last until we last. ANyone who good in mame or kawaks, pm me for an appoinment.
  13. Doom Myst NiGHTS Reloaded Virtua Fighter 2 Virtua Cop ..lol
  14. ca help me find tiger electronic simulators? I'm espeically looking for Street fighter 2 and some other Bandai and Tiger electronics. those were the days and I would like to relive em.
  15. I dont know how so i'll be quiet.
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