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Chibi Kami

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Everything posted by Chibi Kami

  1. Okay, most/all of the CD tools listed in the freebies sticky were distinctly for burning isos to disc, not ripping them from disc to iso. I need a solid recommendation for a program that can either rip a disc to iso or bin without size limitations, or convert mdf to one of those formats. I've already checked out MagicIso; I'm not sure about conversions but the freeware version is crippled via size limitation on rips (300 MB). If one of the programs in teh sticky can do this, please indicate which one. If not, please recommend another program. Thank you.
  2. Bastards!!! You don't cancel good (keyword) games based on existing intellectual properties. You just don't! Chasing Slimer through the hotel would have been composed of epic win.
  3. American law: Any software product which has not been actively marketed (in a given format) for four years is considered abandonware (in that format), and, under various preservation of art arguments, is free to be acquired for the sake of archival and appreciation by whatever means are at your disposal (save for actual theft of someone else's copy). Canadian law: If a software product is no longer being marketed, it is considered abandonware. Same terms as American law apply. I've heard that a similar law reform was passed in America, but it was downplayed so much that few others have heard of it. Translation: NES through DC roms be legal, yo. And no, the wii VC doesn't negate the legality of the roms of any games released for it since the original roms were initially distributed in a different format (cartridge).
  4. The PS3 is between 2x and 4x as powerful as the 360 when the Cell is fully exploited (and depending on how it is exploited, of course), but few 3rd party devs are willing to actually go through what it takes to do it. In addition, most multi-platform games are developed with the 360 in mind and the devs basically just compile the code, so when the PS3 version comes it ends up running at half the frame rate because it's only using the PowerPC core. Ultimately, the only inferiority the PS3 suffers from is incompetent (I use the term loosely) development of games. It would not be difficult for any developer to call up Sony and ask them how they might exploit the Cell for a particular effect. Final Fantasy 13 will ultimately decide the winner here; I'm aware it's multi-platform now, but Versus still isn't (Nomura himself said it wouldn't be if he had anything to say about it). No Playstation console system has actually had games made for it that took full advantage of the system specs before Square showed everyone how. It'll be the same for PS3.
  5. I think I would kill for a new Marathon. Though, it might not work well since Marathon: Trinity more or less ended with the big crunch (of course, since each game in the original series loled at the ending of the previous one and said it didn't really go that way, it might not have gone that way).
  6. Because GTA games always get perfect scores. It's because of the open-ended world design that lets you do anything within its massive sandbox of crap. Unfortunately, all that most people do is jack a car, go on a rampage, and lol/gripe about it when the cops kick their ass. Am I the only person whose play style in GTA is to AVOID killing unnecessarily?
  7. A list of IP addresses may become a matter of public record. Any decent hacker viewing it would have all the info they need to track down the location of a given user. Violation of privacy right there. In addition, why does Viacom think they have the right to demand all information when they should, in theory, only be able to request information on view counts of their copyrighted material? Lastly, Google's representative should simply say "Your honor, with all due respect, **** you."
  8. Actually, I found it. He gets a teleport move in MK: Mythologies. You need it to beat Shinok (ancient issues of Nintendo Power ftw).
  9. Yes, but how many DC fans are all that into MK? The mere association may turn them off to the game.
  10. Actually, MvC had an excuse. Capcom had already made a Marvel superheroes fighting game for the PS1. I'm still not buying superhero fatalities. If they tone them down, then MK fans won't bother playing as them (because at this point all anyone wants to see in MK is how awesomely you can murder your opponent)
  11. Average halo fan: "ZOMG HALO IS TEH COOLEST EVAR AND TEH STORY IS SOOOOO ORIGINAL AND MASTER CHIEF IS TEH AWESOMEST HERO IN TEH WURLD LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Me: "WHOAAA! Take a valium!" Seriously, I don't hate Halo itself; its the dumbass fanboys who have caused what was at first a decent FPS with an unoriginal story (alien asshats have superweapon. Kill them all with your faceless protagonist) but satisfying gameplay (not so much with a controller. FPS games need a mouse) into what is increasingly a multiplayer festival for overzealous jocktards who think they're "teh l33tsauce cuz its so fast." By some weird stroke of fate, online shooter du jour, Unreal Tournament is so fastpaced that Halo fanboys fear it. I showed one such fanboy footage from UT3 and he was firmly of the opinion that all the players were on methamphetamines (speed, if I have my drug terminology right).
  12. Its been forever and a half since I played it. but didn't he have a teleport in MK1? I remember spamming it to win a tourney. The game is a licensing nightmare, designed to rape our fond childhood memories of Superman/Liu Kang (depends on the type of child you were as to which of these you have fond memories of) with a crossover which makes less sense than 4chan's /b/ as a whole. They will either take out fatalities, rendering MK truly nothing but a Street Fighter clone, or they will grant DC characters their own fatalities, which 99% of the heroes in DC would never use on moral grounds. The whole thing is simply stupid.
  13. fumanchu is, unfortunately, uninformed in this matter. Metal Gear for the NES was a dumbed down "port" done by a different team than the original with completely different maps, an altered setting, horribly worse dialogue, and a complete lack of giant robots (the Metal Gear is an evil supercomputer in this version). It is noncanonical, and Kojima was embarassed about its existence. Snake's Revenge for the NES was a standalone game that could have been canonical (has giant robots. that's about it), but isn't officially part of the Metal Gear storyline. Metal Gear for the MSX is the one to go for, followed immediately by its sequel, Metal Gear : Solid Snake also for the MSX. They are full of canon, Kojima-ism, and win. Also, in MG:SS, there's a significant connection to Snatcher, so you might want to check that out sometime (I like the Sega CD version. You know, because I can read it). In addition, Metal Gear: Ghost Babel for the gameboy color (released internationally as Metal Gear Solid because Ghost Babel was too awesome a title) is a decent entry in the series which is potentially canon, if unimportant overall. Both MSX games are included in MGS 3: Subsistance, so if you can get a copy of that, you needn't bother with emulators. If you still want to bother with emulators, look up RuMSX. It runs fast on a lower-end PC (I've tested it on as low as a P3-500 with no speed issues). The only problem is that you have to enter the cartidge type yourself for Metal Gear 1. It's a pulldown menu, though, so it's just a bit of trial and error. tl;dr Metal Gear on MSX is superior in every way.
  14. Uh... That'd be id Software. Okay, maybe Raven helped. I can't remember. Hexen was the direct sequel to Heretic, although you didn't play as the last survivor of the Sidhe (your elven hero in Heretic) or even on the same world (for reasons which are explained exquisitely in the series backstory (some cool stuff about a guy piloting a ship through the ether of space and finding out that the blackness was demons clammoring to come through the wall at the end of the universe (they're on the other side). Oops, he crashed into the wall and 3 demons made it through the crack; The Serpent-Riders).
  15. CRITICAL UPDATE! The World Ends With You works now The latest version of iDeaS,, released in May runs Squeenix's urban-themed opus "The World Ends With You" without significant graphical error (every emulator up to now has shown the matte layer (black) on top of the sprites and most backgrounds). To get past the opening cinema (Neku running from the frog noise, not him waking up at the Scramble Crossing), you'll have to set your CPU overclock and frame skip to none. Then you'll have to hope it works (33% of the time).
  16. Disclaimer: Someone somewhere will take this post as an affront to women. If you do so, you're a oversensitive biatch. True story: As a gift to their boss, two secretaries at a gynecologist's office got him a custom license plate that said 2ATD0C, intended to be read as "Twat Doc." It passed the DMV's standards, but the guy got ticketed by some irate cop who couldn't handle it and he was ordered by a court of law to change it. Some people just can't take a little innuendo. Edit: W00T! 100th post!
  17. I wonder what exactly Batman would do for a fatality. Especially since he doesn't allow himself to take life (despite having a gun in the 1940's).
  18. Making Doom 4 an action-oriented successor in the vein of 1 and 2 would be a significant step backwards in game design. Essentially, it'd become a Quake or Serious Sam clone, something I'm not exactly up for. I enjoyed Doom 3's psychological horror. It toyed with your mind in every way it could imagine, leading you down deadend hallways pursuing whispered cries for help, or providing innocuous-looking doors which tried to devour you when you opne them. I'd like another go at the FPS survival horror angle rather than what would amount to another run-and-gun shoot'emup. I just hope they give us duct tape this time. What I'd really like to see, though, is a reboot of Heretic. Anyone else want to kick D'Sparil's ass again?
  19. Naturally, you're completely willing to discount FF6 in that assessment. My favorites are 9, followed by 6 and 8. I hated 7 because disc 2 had no storyline in the American release (they conveniently failed to make it clear that we want the huge materia because they're vital pieces of teh planet, instead of "Shinra wants them so we do too"), and everyone spoiled *SPOILER WARNING LIKE YOU DIDN'T KNOW* Aeris dying if you didn't have the game within a week of it's release. Also, everyone's too emo. As for which ones I've played, all of them. At least, all that count. FF1 (Garland fails to knock you all down) FF2 (Haven't made it past a city far to the northwest of Altea/Altair) FF3 (SPOILER! Other FFs make you work to find the floating island. Here, you start on it) FF4 (SPOILER! Cain betrays you. Repeatedly) FF5 (SPOILER! No wait, no spoiler. The hero doesn't really have anything to spoil... erm... Galuf Dies?) FF6 (SPOILER! Terra can go ZOMG SUPER SAIYAN!!!!!!!1!!!111oneoneoneeleven!) FF7 (SPOILER! Aeris dies. Everyone in school told you a week after the game came out because they all had it and you didn't have a Playstation yet) FF8 (Squall may be more emo than anyone in 7, but at least the other heroes are personable. In any case, the GARDEN battle was badass) FF9 (SPOILER! Kuja's a trap. What? You already knew that? Hmm...) FF10 (SPOILER! Auron is like Kenshiro's enemies; He's already dead) FF10-2 (SPOILER! Tidus may be someone else and Yuna is 1/2 happy, 1/2 emo and shifts almost at random) FF11 (haven't really delved into it though) FF12 (Everyone bitches about the lack of character development, failing to realize the characters are already developed) FF12: RW FFT (SPOILER! Ramza dies) FFTA (SPOILER! Marche is the best villain ever. He actually manages to destroy the world despite the pleas of his crippled brother) FFTA2 (so far it's pretty good) FF:CC RoF (I have yet to encounter the titular rings of fate) FF Fables: Chocobo Tales (uh...it's a card game...) Ehrgeiz (does it count) Kingdom Hearts (again, does the series count?) I'd list the gameboy FFs like Legend and Adventure, but those are actually games in the Makaitoushi SaGa and Seiken Densetsu series.
  20. A few options present themselves: 1: If the cause of my imminent demise is an undocumented medical condition, arrange for the removal of my head/brain for cryostorage. There are several universities that are researching this actively, with the intent to restore the heads/brains to clone bodies once a cure to teh condition is found. 2: If the cause is cancer, find out which strain and farm it's structre through several PS3's with Folding@Home installed. The PS3 cures cancer. 3: If the cause is something lame like a bomb, defuse it. 4: If the cause is December 28, 2012, it's not the end of the world, just the end of this cycle of the Aztec calender. Coincidentally (or perhaps by design, as the Aztecs knew their astronomy), It's the exact time that our solar system passes through the center of the western arm of the Milky Way galaxy. (I may be wrong about it being the Aztecs. It may have been the Mayans)
  21. Facepalm. Just, facepalm.
  22. Those would be them, yes. As I said, the system's apparent inferiority stems almost entirely from developers who just don't get it.
  23. Well, the XBOX jocktard fanboys DID miss out on Star Ocean 3 telling you that the whole universe is one big MMO... Oh, sorry, did I spoil that for you? /smartassery
  24. To be honest, I'm kind of sick of hearing crap like this. The PS3's GPU is only slightly less powerful than the one in the 360. It's supposed to be augmented by support from the cell helper cores. Designers can't figure this out so they blame the hardware. As for the 360's design, it has a significant RAM bottleneck, and is more or less set up so it has to ask the GPU for permission to do anything. It's easier to develop for because it has a more streamlined CPU design (1 main processor and 2 subprocessors), but it will always have lower top-end specs compared to what the PS3 could do if the game were in the hands of someone who read the bloody manual instead of clicking "compile source."
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