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Chibi Kami

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Everything posted by Chibi Kami

  1. If one were to be made, it'd have to be based on OoT (which would be too long) or LttP (which isn't fleshed out enough on it's own but could evolve quite nicely with a little script) to be any good. The rest would ultimately be kind of blah. And the CDi games can take a hike right now.
  2. Given how I basically bounced up the rocks that lead to the basin of Yosemite Falls, I could do a hike like that no problem. My balance is top-notch and I don't get vertigo provided everything feels grounded. On the other hand, freestanding manmade structrues hold the potential to freak me the hell out. For example, at the Raging Waters amusement park, the have (maybe "had" by now) a waterslide called High Extreme. The slide itself was nothing to be afraid of, but the stairs to the top weren't exactly anchored to a wall. Making matters worse, you would invariably have 20-30 dumbasses at various points on the thing shaking the rails trying to dismantle it. Whenever I see something like that, the first thought to enter my mind is "throw them over and be at ease."
  3. Inform them that setting records for work and in turn recieveing loftier business goals is grounds for significant raises.
  4. Every layer of interface and interpretation that data travels through reduces performance by approximately 90%. No crap. Personally, I'd just set up a linux machine with WineX to run windows DirectX applications. To solve the onboard Intel graphics chip problem, STOP BUYING PREBUILT COMPUTERS!!! GigaByte motherboards come with built-in high-end nvidia geforce chips (mine's a 6100. It's no 8800, but it does kick ass) AND a PCI-E16 or AGP port for putting in your own. Microstar motherboards will even give you 2 PCI-E16 ports on some models so you can slave the cards' cumulative graphics processing power. RAM can be bought at 1GB 667mhz for around $100. An Antec chassis with a sufficient power supply shouldn't cost you more than $120. The processor is NEVER that expensive if you're willing to go with last year's model (a good idea as last year's AMDs happened to kick ass). And you probably already have a monitor capable of at least 1024x768 resolution. Anything else you might need shouldn't run you more than $100 And there you have it; A gaming computer system with all parts for around $800. Now all you need is to know how to build the thing without blowing it up.
  5. When you depend on your gamertag scores to prove the size of your e-male organ, you have serious problems.
  6. I pay my internet bill to NOT get bandwidth capped. If they're going to start doing that crap, I'm going to start pulling up contracts in a courtroom setting.
  7. ...Can I get a Pepsi instead? Dr. Pepper always tastes like prune juice to me.
  8. Mininova IS Supernova. After Supernova's domain name got bought out, they changed domain hosting and switched names.
  9. Are you talking about Jedi Power Battles or Masters of Teras Kasi? In any case, both games sucked.
  10. The only GTAs I've enjoyed were SA and Advance, and then only because the storylines encouraged you to be a nice guy and not go around killing the pedestrians on a whim. *gives every last one of you the eye* The open sandbox world design is nice, but 8 year olds DO get their hands on the games and the first thing they do is open a can of whoop-ass on the undeserving. Then they biatch and moan when a cop kills them.
  11. The PSP version is the original. The PS2 version's graphics are exactly the same. I've seen the PS2 port of Size Matters being turned into cannon fodder by some critics. I was referring to the console original R&Cs, such as the first game. When I played Size Matters on the PSP, the graphics were nearly identical to R&C1
  12. mininova.com has all sorts of stuff. They might have Carmen. If you find a source, tell us pl0x, so we too can enjoy A Capella's awesome barbershop quartet
  13. Best. Tamagotchi. Ever.
  14. If this is just an argument of Guns vs Fists, the answer is simple. Bullet shatters fist. Beatemup/fighter goes to hospital. Spends 100k+ in reconstructive surgery.
  15. mininova was always more reliable anyway. They host only the torrent files, never the files being torrented, have zero tolerance for viruses, and make a point of not maintaining records.
  16. Lucy Lawless would make a good Baroness if she could make herself look a little dour. She already has practice with a whip. Wonder if Serpentor will be in here. Though he's really more of a sequel kind of bad guy.
  17. I could do with some more Dragon Quest. Sure it's a go kill foozle plot every time, but it's always so well executed. Chrono Break got cancelled because there hadn't been enough interest in Cross. The team kept putting Break off and eventually it got swept under the rug. I do wish they'd at least tell us what the plot was going to be. It'd help out the Temporal Flux team out with their Break project. As for FF12 and the Zodiac Spear, you can actually get it as a rare (super rare, really) drop from one of the monsters late in the game, enabling you to deck everyone out with it.
  18. Earlier and less intense PS2 games are perfectly playable on the PSP. The PS2 didn't see it's potential truly tapped until God of War 2 and MGS3. Among titles that can easily go cross platform are any NIS titles, most any sprite based game, possibly FF10, any of the launch titles, etc. If anyone would care to look at Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, the graphics are almost exactly the same as it's console counterparts.
  19. The problem is that, by being all-encompassing, there's a very real danger of crossing lines; www.doujinstyle.com has a game in their doujinsoft section which plays like a beatemup but has you dodging bullets like a danmaku shootemup. Suddenly, you're both championing it for diffeent reasons. Figure out your stances please.
  20. In the name of a properly conducted argument soon to turn flame war, please stipulate that you, basilbr are favoring fighting games, not beatemups, and that you, Exp44, are favoring, from what I can tell, 1st and/or 3rd person shooters, not shootemups. The differences between these genres are vast and many.
  21. Hmm... On the one hand, we have River City Ransom (win), Streets of Rage(meh), and Final Fight(good). On the other, we have Radio Zonde(angel murder win), Ikaruga(progressive win), and the Touhou series(shrine maiden win). I'm gona have to say Shootemups are better. Edit: Call of Duty isn't a shootemup. It's an FPS (possibly TPS in 4's case. Haven't played it yet). Street Fighter isn't a beatemup. It's a fighter or fighting game, whichever terminology you like.
  22. Internet! Keep your MySpace out of my Google! Okay, so what they're doing is making a standardized format? Is that what I'm reading?
  23. >>>It doesn't need a remake anyways, the game got a 10/10 and is one of the best games ever released for the Playstation. Of course it got a 10/10. Every other RPG for the PS1 had sucked ass (Beyond the Beyond, for example). *Spoilers* It would have been one of the best if Cloud didn't turn into a complete wuss about 1/3 through the game and give Sephiroth the black materia simply because Hojo told him to (I know he was under mind control, but they completely failed to make that clear in the script). And if you didn't have the game by 1 week after it's release, everyone at school was already talking about Aeris's death (I'm not going to debate the Aeris/Aerith naming sceme. It's easier to say Aeris) and you were subject to spoiler hell. And everyone's emo as hell. What's up with that? It's true that Squall was 2x as emo as Cloud, but at least everyone else in 8 had a personality that wasn't rooted in misery and self-loathing. And you CAN keep Aeris alive. With a GameShark. *I think that'll do it for spoilers* FF9 was a far superior game. It captured the feeling of the old school Final Fantasies and delivered a quest so massive that you felt like you had played a full RPG by the end of the first disc (a feat topped only by Xenogears, which felt like you had played a full RPG by the 1/4 mark of the first disc). For that matter, 8 had better scenes. Anyone remember the perfect assassination plot? The Garden battle? The freaking monsters from the bloody moon? FF7 is so beloved because it was most people's first RPG experience. It provided lush (for the time) environments, and interesting anime-ish characters at a time when anime's popularity was on the upswing.
  24. We demand Sgt. Slaughter
  25. They mentioned both a mother and a foster mother in the article. Why is the mother not retaining custody?
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