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Chibi Kami

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Everything posted by Chibi Kami

  1. Shin Megami 1 is, unfortunately, horribly glitchy in AGTP's english translation (it wasn't what you'd call thoroughly beta-tested). SMT2, however, has never given me problems. Now, onto listing... SNES: Dragon Quest 1+2, 5, and 6 Chrono Trigger All FF's Rudora no Hihou (Treasure of the Rudra's. AGTP did an awesome translation on it) Star Ocean (biggest SNES cartridge ever. Dejap did a good job on it, though the yes/no choice graphics are still in Japanese. Also, you'll need to use their utility to decompress the graphics. or ZSNES won't run it right) GBA: FFTA Demikids (Megaten may have predated pokemon by nearly a decade, but this is obviously a pokemon clone. However, it's storyline kicks far more ass. Help Lucifer save the world from the evil ruler of heaven (you don't even want to know how THAT happened)) Sword of Mana Golden Sun 1&2 And an nes one, why not? Musashi no Bouken (Adventure of Musashi. it has great dialogue like "I will defeat Kojiro, and maybe even get laid!")
  2. I'd have to say the 4-button method works best for me. when capcom ports their fighter to the console, it always ends up with heavy attacks assigned to shoulder buttons, and that makes control kind of awkward. Besides, Samurai showdown had heavy attacks too. All you had to do was hit light and medium for rthe attack type.
  3. I'm a fan of crazy dutch bastard Arjen Lucassen's music (his bands are Ayreon, Ambion, and Star One), and I've probably beaten more RPGs than the rest of you combined.
  4. An exceptional amount of knowledge, intelligence, and trivial information. When the EFF put up their patent busting ad on Nintendo's attempted stranglehold patent on handheld emulation (in general, not just for gameboys), it took me 2 minutes to submit Gameboy 98 and MEKA (decent Game Gear and SMS emu) as prior art.
  5. Actually, everyone does have a personal magnetic field; It's typically very weak and it's always different for each person. This guy I knew was just fine when it came to using a factory manufactured computer but when he played solitaire on my self-built machine (which was way too powerful for mere solitaire, mind you), he actually managed to fry my IDE ports when he got up.
  6. The world is short one uber-gek, and already seems a little brighter. If this keeps up, even our basements won't be safe from the light.
  7. I was going to quote Corban Dallas from The 5th Element for a first time and introduction, but "Uh...hi" didn't seem like something too many people would get right off the bat. So....Hi, I'm Chibi Kami, but you knew that as you no doubt read the box with my name in it to the left. Just to clear up a few things, I'm male and I'm straight; The potentially-viewed-as-girly name is actually my real name translated (very roughly) into Japanese. 10 points if you can figure out my real name from that little pice of info. I'm a manga-style artist currently attempting to put together a plot for a comic book to be later submitted to and subsequently rejected by Marvel for being too good and original. My interests include just about anything related to computers, video games, and science fiction. My favorite games are...um...Pick an RPG/action RPG/tactical RPG and I probably like it. You can label me a pink Haro now. Addendum: Halo sucks. Flame war commences.
  8. And here, I've been thrilled with 667 mhz on my RAM...
  9. Sounds like it's time to go Phoenix Wright on their asses. "OBJECTION! How do you know I didn't simply download those MP3s for demo purposes?" "OBJECTION! How do you explain the vast increase in sales of older albums following the mainstream introduction of MP3s in the late 90s?" "OBJECTION! Your honor, the prosecution has no dick!"
  10. If you need drugs for inspiration, you weren't ready for writing in the first place (same applies for art).
  11. Higher speeds means faster p2p. I feel sorry for the FBI. Stopping software piracy is hard enough as it is (not that I'm complaining they haven't caught me yet).
  12. As long as they were being bought by people who realized they were fakes, no fraud has been committed.
  13. You forgot a few. Green and Pink from Gunstar Heroes Several legitimate characters from Sonic Space Michael from Space Channel 5 Too many to count from Jet Set Radio Alis, Odin, Noah, Nero (lol, he's dead), Lashic, Usis (Rolf), Nei, Shilka (Shir), Chaz, Alys, Wren, and a few others from Phantasy Star. But not from 3 because 3 sucked (only by comparison) Nights, biyatch
  14. Looks like it was inspired by the Knightfall storyline from the early/mid 90s (for the uninformed, Knightfall was when Bane set free all of the inmates of Arkham as part of a massive plot to drive Batman insane. I don't have the last few parts of it, but I think it worked (at least temporarily)). The only remaining questions I have are: Will it have Azrael? Will it have Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, or Stephanie Brown as Robin? Failing Jason Todd as Robin, will it have him as Red Mask? Will Raz Al-Ghoul be in his correct role (he is NOT Batman's martial arts instructor, but rather a 500+ year-old man with a world domination plot who is kept alive by the lazarus pits. I don't care what Frank Miller says)? Will they pronounce his name right (it's pronounced "Raysh")? Will the overall feel be of the dark, brooding, philosophical, badass 1990s TV series, or the overly vicious, one-sided plotlined, not-nearly-as-awesome series currently running on Kids WB?
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