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Everything posted by Wugy

  1. Ok boys! I received the link! Soon I will test everything! Thanks!
  2. Hi friend! Don't forget me! I'm very happy to testing this version! Thanks!
  3. Sorry, but do you have tried to burn everything on a disc double layer? My Xbox read the disc double layer! Thanks!
  4. Saturn and PSX version are BAD!
  5. Sorry! I don't seen that some games included! I went out head! In recent days I tested many games in MAMEDOX 1.1, approximately 10000! For "Battle K-Road" I think that you can work with the function "Throttled"! I seen that increasing "Throttled" resolves the problem of slowness, with sound on! Please add this game, is fantastic! For "Don Den Lover Vol. 1", I can tell you, that this game is infinity! Do you tested this? I sent to you! Please add this game! Thanks!
  6. I second that. The movie and game are rubbish. For the movie agree! For the game no! The coin-op version is good!
  7. This games don't work on Xbox mame, they require more memory: -Strider 2 (ASIA 991213) -Soul Edge Ver. II (SO4/VER.C) -Soul Calibur (SOC14/VER.C) -Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage
  8. I have seen Mortal Kombat series in adds list, but with no sound... but Street Fighter The Movie? It's playable with no sound! It's a great game! Thanks!
  9. Thanks BritneysPAIRS! I love this games: -Battle k-Road (Realistic fighting game!) -Don Den Lover Vol. 1 (This game has bewitched me and my girl!) -Oriental Legend (Don't you like this? Do you tested this game? I love the japan anime '80 years! Between roms that I have sent you, you must select the third of list. It works fine! It accepts insert coin!) -Spider-man: The Videogame (Great game of Spider-Man!) Please! Can you add these? Please! Thanks!
  10. Can I know what games you added? Thanks!
  11. I had asked to watch these games, but only 1 or 2 have been added: Ashita no joe (ASHNOJOE.ZIP) Asura Blade - Sword of dynasty (ASURABLD.ZIP) Battle k-Road (BTKROAD.ZIP)---------------------(Fantastic game!) Bubble 2000 (BUBL2000.ZIP) Burnig rival (BRIVAL.ZIP) Capcom sports club Change air blade (CAIRBLAD.ZIP) Dead angle (DEADANG.ZIP) Diver boy (DIVERBOY.ZIP) Don Den Lover Vol. 1 -----------------------------(I thought to find it...) Dragon ball Z (DBZ.ZIP) Dragon might (DRAGOONA.ZIP) Dungeon magic (DUNGEONM.ZIP) Gals panic (GALPANIC.ZIP)----------------------(isn't Fantasia..) Geostorm (GEOSTORM.ZIP) Holosseum (HOLO.ZIP) Kuri Kinton (KURIKINJ.ZIP) Mach breakers (MACHBRKR.ZIP) Martial champion (MTICHAMP.ZIP) Mobile Suit Gundam (MSGUNDAM.ZIP) Mobile Suit Gundam Ex Revue (GUNDAMEX.ZIP) More More Plus (MOREMORP.ZIP)--------------------(Fantastic game!) One-two (ONETWO.ZIP) Oriental legend (ORLD105K.ZIP)(ORLD111C.ZIP)(ORLEGNDE.ZIP)(ORLEGNDC.ZIP)(ORLEGEND.ZIP) Othello derby (OTHIDRBY.ZIP) Outfexies (OUTFXIES.ZIP) Pang poms (PANGPOMS.ZIP) Pass (PASS.ZIP) Peggle (PEGGLE.ZIP) PerfEct soldier (PSOLDIER.ZIP) Ping pong Pop 'n pop (POPNPOPU.ZIP) Power instict 2 (USA) (PWRINS2.ZIP)--------------(work fine!) Prime time fighter (PRMTMFGT.ZIP) Pulirula (PULIRLA.ZIP) Ribbit Ring rage (RINGAGU.ZIP) Rod-land (RODLNDTB.ZIP) Roller games (ROLLERG.ZIP) Scud hammer (SCUDHAMM.ZIP) Sen-Know (SENKNOW.ZIP) Sokonuke taisen game (SOKONUKE.ZIP) Spider-man: The Videogame (SPIDEYJ.ZIP) Splash! (SPLASH) Super slam (SSLAM.ZIP)(SUPRSLAM.ZIP) Tao taido (TAOTAIDO.ZIP) Tattoo Assassins (TATTASSA.ZIP)------------------(Similar of Mortal Kombat! with sound!) The Cliffhanger-Edward Randy (EDRANDJ.ZIP) These are good games that work greatly and I tested on MAMEDox v.1.1! I would be very happy if someone test them! Thanks!
  12. Thanks BritneysPAIRS! Thanks you by all the Italian people!
  13. These are Other best games that work and I tested on MAMEDox v.1.1: Ashita no joe Asura Blade - Sword of dynasty Battle k-Road (Fantastic game!) Bubble 2000 Burnig rival Change air blade Dead angle Diver boy Dragon ball Z Dragon might Dungeon magic Gals panic (isn't Fantasia..) Geostorm Holosseum Kuri Kinton Mach breakers Martial champion Mobile Suit Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam Ex Revue More More Plus (Fantastic game!) Capcom sports club One-two Oriental legend Othello derby Outfexies Pang poms Pass Peggle Perfct soldier Ping pong Pop 'n pop Power instict (USA Bootleg)(Work fine!) Power instict 2 (USA)(work fine!) Prime time fighter Pulirula Ribbit Ring rage Rod-land Roller games Scud hammer Sen-Know Sokonuke taisen game Spider-man: The Videogame Splash! Super slam Tao taido Tattoo Assassins (Clone of Mortal Kombat!) The Cliffhanger-Edward Randy Ultimate Tennis I would be very happy if these games were included in MAME Arcades 2.0! Thanks!
  14. Don Den Lover Vol. 1 I would be happy just for this! Thanks! P.S.: Street fighter - the movie work on the mamox 128 plus!
  15. BritneysPairs Great, you are great! I would be very happy if you could include in mame arcades version, these excellent games: Asura blade - Sword of Dynasty Asura Buster - Eternal Warrior Battle k-road Big fight - big trouble in the atlantic ocean Blazing Tornado Breakers Revenge Burning Rival Cotton Cotton 2 Cotton Boomerang D. D. Crew Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels DJ Boy Don Den Lover Vol. 1 Dragon Master Dragoon Might Fantasia Fantasia II Fantasy '95 Gaia Crusaders Gals Panic Gals Panic 2 Gals Panic 3 Gals Panic 4 Golden Axe - The Duel Guardians - Denjin Makai II Holosseum Hyper Street Fighter 2 The Anniversary Edition Kaiser Knuckle Legend of Heroes Martial Champion Metamoqester Night Slashers Power Instinct 2 Power Instinct 3 - Groove On Fight Power Instinct Legends Ring of Destruction Slammasters II Riot City Shadow Force Street Fighter Street Fighter The Movie Super Visual Football European Sega Cup The Killing Blade The Legend of Silkroad Title Fight Violence Fight WWF Wrestlemania WWF WrestleFest Thanks!
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