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Everything posted by Cindy

  1. I was looking for topics about the EEE and this was the only one I found....so I'll bring it up again Got an EEE (4g) today from work, and I must say I'm totally in love from the 1st moment I touched her. Yes it is really a 'she' and I think by the end of the day I will have a name for her. You're all so negative! Ok, you can't run all the programs you're used to on this laptop, but the size (and the weight!) makes you take that for granted. I have a hell of a computer at home for the real work, but this is my baby which I'll take with me to meetings, conferences etc....And it's so easy to work with! A relief after a whole day of studying computer technics. Is there really no one here who can add some positive words to this topic?
  2. are you going to play mario kart wii? I feel a mario kart wii friends topic coming on
  3. Horrorpops - Kiss Kiss Kill Kill
  4. Tabula Rasa. I think I would really love the game, but my pc does not. Will give it another try when my new computer arrives in 2 weeks. Then I can really say something usefull about it.
  5. The NES controller..because it reminds me of the good old days when I made my first steps in the gaming world.
  6. Ok. For the small wireless hobby clubs : NetNiet.org and Roomware This last one isn't actually my organisation, but it's a small world and we do the same things. And this is in english For the other things, like the Robodock Festival, STRP festival and (huge!) new media productions I have to do some more research. Sites are mostly in dutch so you probably won't understand a thing...
  7. Does anyone here uses emulations or other software, hardware, or any technological knowledge for artistic purposes? I'm not aiming at the graphic designers etc, but artists who make installations, sculptures...that kind of things. I'm really into playing with wireless stuff (ofcourse RFID, bluetooth, Wiiiii sensors etc.) and interactive productions with computers (like 3d scans in a theater, where the visitors will become the actors). Just wondering if I'm the only geek who likes (and makes) this stuff....
  8. IEUWW...This kind of crap is even better nightmare material then the Grudge dvd box.. I can get very sad when I think about the girls who grow up there....
  9. The Epoxies - Everything looks beautiful on video
  10. Too bad, I thought I would see 85 pages filled with pics of cool hot guys but it's mainly comments
  11. Well, there is a difference between hardware you want based on the specs and hardware you purchase to show off. Nothing is prettier than a brand new shining pink NDS. But I agree, saying it has the potential to emulate PS stuff is not a promise it's actually gonna work...
  12. Lovely handheld to experiment with...Damn Someboddy, now I want one too!
  13. Some are really lovely! Wonder if you're still drawing..and if so, show it
  14. Last night in bed: Advance Wars - Dual Strike on the NDS, mission 24. Didn't make it so I will try it again tonight.
  15. I admit, shoes ARE my weak spot. But there are games which make me feel even more satisfied then a pair of stunning high heels. So, go on with the game talk instead of starting a discussion how feminine you are or not. If I wanted girl stuff I would have subscribed to the My Little Pony discussion forum instead. And Fatal, if you need any fashion advice, PM me
  16. I also want a chip in my arm! (and with that a house which I can control with it) Already made some improvements to my mailbox and fridge but still got a long way to go...
  17. Girls?!? Where?!? Sadly I'm used to comments like these...Guess I've to show you I can keep up with the "big guys" like you.... And that's interesting
  18. Introduction of a newbie: I'm Cindy (female, yeah), 22, Dutch, student but most of all an artist creating wonderfulll works of art with the use of new media technology. Found this site while searching for some cool NDS applications but subscribed because I found more interesting topics worth reading. Well, hi to you all.
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