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  1. hey guys, Ive save all prisoners and managed to get 95 cards... but I cant get the last 5... hu can tell me how to get card no 79, 81, 82, 83 and 100? Also, I have all the missions wif the golden tag "complete", I dunno whre to get, if u noe pls tell me. Thks.
  2. I tink its fun, cos I like these kinds of games, Im currently lv 42, if any1 wanna find me, juz reply to this msg.
  3. k, edited my original post. Just got the new dungeon level.
  4. 'cept the dungeon lv, dunno wat the hell is that... mayb need to complete the hostage list or sumting. Hate mission 5 the most, sooo long.
  5. Heyz, I completed every mission, but its deem hard to get all the prisoners, I realli will faint just to complete the hostage list. I onli managed 2 save all hostage in mission 2. 'cept the dungeon lv, dunno wat the hell is that... mayb need to complete the hostage list or sumting. Hate mission 5 the most, sooo long.
  6. Huh?? U never beat the first level?! I only need at most 1 continue to complete it!
  7. Is it a DOS type of emulator?
  8. I didn't get any blank screens?
  9. Hey guys, in ms5, is it only mission 1 & 3 u have choices to go to different worlds?
  10. Sorry, I can't download from that site 'cause its under maintenance so I can't open and see it. Well, I think your com might not be able to play the game. (Just guessing) Tell me, did u unrar the program?
  11. Maybe u hav the wrong dat. file.
  12. Hey, I wonder if ms6 is released?
  13. I'm not sure if its this website: http://www.neogamez.net If not, u got to search around this forum.
  14. Hey guys, thanks for those who had helped me in getting ms5. I 'm now using Neoragex to play. Those who wanna play it in neoragex had to search this forum, download it and unrar the program. If u do not have the unrar program, pls go to this website to get the unrar program: http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=RAR It's not direct download, so u got 2 search for the program.
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