hey guys, Ive save all prisoners and managed to get 95 cards... but I cant get the last 5... hu can tell me how to get card no 79, 81, 82, 83 and 100? Also, I have all the missions wif the golden tag "complete", I dunno whre to get, if u noe pls tell me. Thks.
Heyz, I completed every mission, but its deem hard to get all the prisoners, I realli will faint just to complete the hostage list. I onli managed 2 save all hostage in mission 2. 'cept the dungeon lv, dunno wat the hell is that... mayb need to complete the hostage list or sumting. Hate mission 5 the most, sooo long.
Sorry, I can't download from that site 'cause its under maintenance so I can't open and see it. Well, I think your com might not be able to play the game. (Just guessing) Tell me, did u unrar the program?
Hey guys, thanks for those who had helped me in getting ms5. I 'm now using Neoragex to play. Those who wanna play it in neoragex had to search this forum, download it and unrar the program. If u do not have the unrar program, pls go to this website to get the unrar program: http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=RAR It's not direct download, so u got 2 search for the program.