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Everything posted by Dynamo

  1. Good for you sir. And Agozer, arent you the guy who was stuck with a Pentium 1-era PC (No offense )? My specs are very quickly becoming obsolete but for low-end emus (w/o filters) it gets the job done: Dell Dimension 4400 Microsoft Windows XP Home SP1 Pentium 4 @ 1.6 Ghz Intel Pendleton D845PT (Mobo) Intel Brookdale i845D (chipset) 640 MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM 16 MB ATi Rage 128 Ultra AGP 4x Integrated Sound (with SoundMAX audio driver) 20 GB,7200 RPM,Ultra ATA/100 HD LG 16x/10x/40x CD-RW drive Needless to say, i wont be playing any Doom 3 on my specs anytime soon If only i had the "funds" to upgrade my system.............
  2. I doubt this feature will be used much because most peeps are probably afraid of being clowned or made fun of for bringing a controller to an arcade and think that people are going to be like "omg nerd". Well, at least i am Its an interesting concept though. Maybe to prevent cheating they will make the machine accept only Official Sony Dual Shock controllers and nothing else.............
  3. EDIT: Crap, im such a noob. I dont know how to link pictures
  4. Dont worry, it will be a matter of time before developers use up all that space of the blu-ray discs (look at the PS2 launch games, how many of them were on a DVD? Only 1, Kessen i think. And even still, how many double-disc PS2 games are there out there?). This will greatly eliminate the need for more than 1 disc which is always a plus
  5. Hmm, past vs present,nice. Also, looks like the PS2 still has some tricks up its sleeve as far as graphics go (i havent personally witnessed any though,as i do not have a PS2 and just watch footage or pics. Im still stuck in the 16-Bit era )
  6. Hopefully with Sega merging with Sammy it wont have to go under anytime soon .But ive heard that many big names have left due to the merger and the dissolving of Sega's studios .Wonder hows it going to be now that all the Sgea studios are under one roof so to speak.............
  7. I see, i was asking because there is a website with a ****load of video game soundtracks and they have an FTP thingy, so im sold. Im told that like BT and IRC, this requires a client. So, whats the best FTp client?
  8. I heard that it is yet another method of downloading "stuff". Can anyone school me on this and tell me if its as viable as the P2P's out there
  9. Well, i have FM, and tried it on Cassini, and while it did run and ran SLOWLY. Dont know if this is the emulator or my crappy specs (ATI Rage 128 Ultra 16 MB anyone? Only game i got running at a remotely decent speed was VF Remix ).
  10. Well, i read before d/ling mirc that it is shareware so its that going to be of any trouble? Or should i, you know (not allowed on this site)
  11. My specs are: Dell Dimension 4400 Win XP Home P4 @ 1.6 Ghz ATi Rage 128 Ultra Integrated Sound 640 MB DDR SDRAM 20 GB HD Intel Pendleton D845PT (mobo) I have to run my games wih frameskip because my vid card sucks that much. But the games sure look good (better than a real PSX),and are playable to an extent (except for fighting games, because the timing is off due to frameskip). I use the plugins from a plugins pack i got from aldostools. Out of all the plugins i have available (and there are many, 80+) i find that Petes D3D plugin works best for my vid card (it was even recommended for my card in the wizard guide on EPSXE). The only problem i have is that the screen is clippy/choppy when i play as if i werent running VSync..........
  12. I use Pete's D3D Driver as it was recommended for my vid card (ATI Rage 128 Ultra) and aside from the sluggish speed due to frameskip (which is due to my crappy vid card) it runs everything ive thrown at it yet fine aside from said problems. Can someone who also uses this driver explain to me what the terms "Off-Screen Drawing", "Advanced Blending", "Framebuffer Textures", and "Framebuffer access" mean because i noticed them in the compatiblility options of this plugin and dont know what to do with them. I just put the last settings for all of them except the last one assuming that they were the best settings possible for these options Another problem that i have with this plugin is that the graphics are "choppy", akin to not using Vsync on other emulators. Is there any way i can fix this? As far as sound and CD/ISO plugins go im lost as to which ones to use so i just picked the ones with the latest release dates (P.eo.Ps (sp) for sound and Xeven for CD) and they seem to work okay but i would like to know if there are better. Also, what does "Syncronous" and "Asyncronous" mean as they are both options in my select sound and CD plugins and which should i choose?
  13. So, should i wait until i get a minimum amount of sharing stuff to use DC, or jump into IRC (the latter somehow seems way more complicated)?
  14. I see. Guess i will have to wait till i gather up 5 gigs of sharing material. Why such a high minimum? .So,were there any other P2P programs i missed? And which P2P programs are best for what (i.e Klite:music and videos,eMule: rare files etc.)?
  15. I think ive taken the proper logical steps as far as P2P programs go: I started with Kazaa (and quikly changed to K-Lite) which is my main source for music and videos,eMule which is good for finding ISOS (especially for old systems like Sega CD and Turbo Duo) and other rare stuff, and BT which equals if not bests the aforementioned programs in all the aforementioned areas. Thing is that my needs are expanding (game OSTS,more games/ISOS which neither of the aforementioned programs have,etc) and im looking to try the so-called next logical step in P2P programs IMO,DC and IRC. Ive shyed away from these type of programs after hearing about their complexity and having a minimum amount of stuff to share (i dont think i have 5 GB worth of stuff to share ). But now that i have the free time and patience, im willing to be schooled (or linked to info) about these complex P2P programs and ask: are they truly better than the P2P programs i have already?
  16. How good are the existing Model emulators? I saw on system16 that Modeler has been discontinued (as well as any other Model 1 emulators) and that the Model 1 was only "partially emulated". How good was this "partial" emulation because i sure would like to play the original VF and Virtua Racing in my PC. Model 2 & 3 i was just curious to see how development on those were going because im sure as hell that my ATi Rage 128 Ultra wont run those platforms well
  17. I was wondering if anyone was working on emulating the Model 1,2 & 3 arcade systems as it seems strange that they havent been emulated (or heard from) already. Are they not emulated because the developers have hit some sort of roadblock or something *coughCPS3cough*?
  18. MVC2 is a Naomi game,and Naomi isnt emulated yet. Hopefully with the current development of Dreamcast emulation Naomi and Atomiswave will be emulated soon...........
  19. So is this the best GBA emulator around now? Does it emulate odd things like the GBA videos and E-Reader?
  20. Meh, i wont get to try it, my barely passable specs (1.6 GHZ P4,ATI Rage 128 Ultra, 640 Mb DDR SDRAM,Integrated Sound) would choke trying to handle this game. Maybe when i upgrade my specs.......... someday
  21. Cassini,what a crappy-ass name
  22. I found 1emulation during the whole SVC/SS5/MS5 fiasco were there was mass confusion over the many versions of each that were out. To tell you the truth i didnt think this forum was going to be up for long because of all the rom links and whatnot and thought it was going to be intercepted by the RIAA but thankfully its not. I visit this site almost every day, but mostly i lurk unless i something to say
  23. Well,guess from hearing it here and elsewhere i should d/l seperate codecs. Which audio/video/etc. codecs should i d/l seperately that will allow me to view most file formats and enhance my sound and whatnot?
  24. Which is the better codec pack out of these 2 (or are there better out there)? I currently have Nimo but ive been told elsewhere that im better off downloading the codecs seperately. Thing is i dont know which codecs exactly to d/l seperately so i stick to codec packs. So should i d/l the codecs seperately (and if so which ones) or stick to codec packs (and if so which one) because i want to be able to play all the video file formats and what not.....
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