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  1. If you like 2d shooters Ibara Espgaluda Dodonpachi Dai-ou-jou Mushihimesama
  2. I don't think Weirdy meanth MS6 but MS 3D. This one
  3. I played it now and its definitly scarier then doom 3 and HL2. It has the The gfx are great. I only have 512 mb ram so I had to pull the settings back from max. Medium still looks great in this game. I haven't decided yet if i'm gona buy it.
  4. this is my 30th post. ??
  5. Kim, Genjuro and Akuma.
  6. I don't want NGBC converted to PS2! At least not in the next two years. The arcades have to have something to keep us comming!
  7. I don't even know what a "seimetsu joystick" is. But I got this one at ultimarc.
  8. Just build one yourself! Get some wood, bottons, screws, paint and a joypad. Frag the pad and solder. et voila! An usb stick. Or an XBOX stick
  9. The atomiswave is jamma! But it has some minor diffrences. Manual Jamma has only 3 buttons for instance (aw has 5). But the connector is jamma. Thonly thing you have to look at is the sound and the extra bottons. The rest has the original jamma pinnout
  10. I think Gundam seed destiny isn't hip. But its way cool! To see the reactions here I think I should go watch Naruto. Is it that good?
  11. I'm with most of you here. Although everything is either ok or good about this game, it won't stick. I guess its the characters with me too. I have much more with for instance samsho characters. If I play this game I play with Chip cos he rox!
  12. Or the technician off course! Sorry.... Wish I could help you.
  13. The tricky part is that you'll have to ask someone who has acces to the bios if you want to unlock at an arcade. Access the Bios of the game, At the main menu --> Configurations --> System Settings --> Areas - change it to "Others." Back to Configurations menu screen --> Game Settings --> Password. Enter CM09 VIWM 1AHC 56ZL Save and Exit Bios. Now you can hold start on : - Yashiro for Orochi Yashiro - Shermie for Orochi Shermie - Chris for Orochi Chris - Whip for Venessa - Maxima for Ramon - Jhun for Kim Thanx to "Fat Cat Lim" at Orochinagi forums for this great info! Have fun
  14. Yesterday I found a code on the net with witch you can unlock : Orochi yashiro Orochi shermie Orochi chris Venessa Ramon Kim Without AWnet card! I already thougt that this game gets better each time I play it. But this brings some extra spark in the game for me! Vanessa and Kim are fafourites for me And the Orochi team is realy cool!
  15. I myself like to wear the fasion from few years back knowing it will will be fashionable soon anyway. Fashion = recycling. In other words: who cares! As long I don't look untended.
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