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Everything posted by RMM

  1. If you don't like what BP has to say why even read his threads? Its not like anyone is forcing you to read his posts. This board also has an ignore feature. If someone bothers you that much, you should probably use this feature and you wont have to worry about it. Threads like this don't help accomplish much of anything.
  2. I hope you follow through on releasing the source as per the license. Just like nes6502 I mentioned in the previous post, you have an obligation.
  3. Sick to death of your usual ranting, bullshit & general spewing of crap. Remember what nes6502 said of you when you took his FB code without his consent...cancer on the XB scene... Nes6502 didn't write FBA. He took someone else's code and modified/added to it. If nes6502 doesn't want people using his code maybe he shouldn't use other peoples code. The purpose of Open Source projects is that anyone can take that code, build upon it and do whatever they wish. Open Source is not taking work others have done, you contribute a little then act like the project is all yours and no one is allowed to use that code. That's not how it works.
  4. You could also transfer stuff to your XBox with a USB stick provided the USB stick is 4GB or smaller (due to Xbox bios limitations). You would need a version of XBMC or UnleashX on your Xbox that has been released within the last 4 or so years so it can read the USB stick and you would need an XBox USB adapter (found on ebay for around $5 including shipping) so you could plug in your USB sick.
  5. YES as asked many times 720p is the highest coinops goes...pretty easy to add 1080i but I wont due to issues it will cause for full support... ill look at that keymap and add fixes if you have showcase 2 dont release it as it has alot of stuff that people dont like....I take it you have the 3000 game build with diff gui? Sorry BP I misspoke. I dont have showcase 2. I have showcase R2. I guess I assumed R2 was showcase 2
  6. Ive got CoinOPS Showcase 2 so Im not sure if this has been suggested/fixed in recent stand alone versions of CoinOPS but Missile command controls seem to be wrong. I would think missiles fired from the left should be mapped to the X button, missles fired from the middle should be mapped to A and missles fired from the right should be mapped to B. Just a suggestion.
  7. If you are going the SATA/adapter route I would recommend staying away from the 2TB Hitachi drives. I tried one in a couple of different XBoxs and kept getting an error 9. I have since read other people have had problems with trying to get the Hitachi drives to work.
  8. I dont think you will see a new MAME with updated core on Xbox. The problem as been pointed about before is the newer cores are more resource intensive and the Xbox is already at its limit now. As far as suggesting taking an open source software like MAME and releasing a modified version as closed source because you want to keep the improvements to yourself or you dont want anyone using your code, you are nothing but a leecher. The whole purpose of open source is having software that anybody can use, create, modify, build upon and do whatever with. If you dont agree with the principals of open source software then dont use it. Create your own from scratch and do with it what you wish. You may have put many hours in to your creation but that is only a fraction overall of what others have done. The reason there is so much done on the Xbox is because most of that software has been open source that could be picked up, modified, added to and improved by anybody. Had everyone said lets make this closed source, you wouldnt have half of what you do on the Xbox. If you want to know what really kills the scene, its leechers that want to use someone elses software but dont want to share what they have contributed even when the stipulation from the very beginning is if they use the open source software they have to release their code so others can use it for their project.
  9. I already have all the other games up to Coinops 2nd quarter. Were there any games in this release that were not in there previously?
  10. Thanks.
  11. I was trying to send a PM so I could get the link but I keep getting a message saying Im not allowed to send PMs
  12. First you will need to download an emulator icon pack that contains the images of all the various systems. Once you have the icon pack you will need to get those images over to your xbox by either FTPing them, burning a DVD of them for the xbox or using a USB thumb drive (which may or may not be supported by your version of UnleashX.) Take the picture from each system and put it in the emulator folder where it belongs. Once the picture is in the emulator folder rename that picture "default.tbn" without the quotes.
  13. Since the emulators are already on your XBox, click the white button on your gamepad and rename xbe title.
  14. FreeDO used to be open source at one point in time. If someone really had wanted to make an XBox port I think they could have gotten the source code to do it. I dont think there has been anybody that has wanted to undertake this however. The biggest problem right now as it has been in the past is FreeDO is not optimized enough to where it could run on the XBox. Maybe with FreeDO being open source again the code can be made much more efficient to where it could eventually run on the XBox.
  15. From the Great Xbox Emulation Answer Thread at Xbox-Scene: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=386399 Adamx - v3 [13-Nov-07] Arnoldx - v3 [13-Nov-07] Atari7800X - v4 [13-Nov-07] Atarixlbox - v6 [13-Nov-07] BenderMameOX HSFII Edition 23.12.2006 Blissx - v6 [13-Nov-07] Bluemsxbox - v2 [13-Nov-07] Chip8x - v2 Classic99x - v2 [13-Nov-07] CPX3 - v1a [26-Aug-07] Daphnex - v0.96 DidntXSpectrum - v2 [13-Nov-07] Dosbox - v13 [13-Nov-07] FBA XXX - 28/01/2007 (Pro is based on this version) FBA XXX Pro - v1.28 [10-Feb-07] Fce Ultra - v17 [13-Nov-07] FuseX - v0.6 [12-Aug-07] Hugox - v10 Kegsx - v4 [13-Nov-07] KI-XXX - v1.0 Lynxbox - v1 MAMEoX128 Plus! - v20060505 Mednafenx-lynx - v3 [13-Nov-07] Mednafenx-nes - v9 [13-Nov-07] Mednafenx-pce -v3 [13-Nov-07] MekaX - v2 [13-Nov-07] NeoCDSDLx Unleashed - (no version #; based on NeoCDSDLx v1.01 by Lantus ) Neogenesis - v22 [13-Nov-07] Neopopx - v5 [13-Nov-07] Odysseyx - v2 [13-Nov-07] Pcsxbox - v19 [13-Nov-07] PokemonMiniX - v2 [13-Nov-07] Sc3X - v005 ScummVM Beta (0.11.0svn) [24-Dec-07] Scummvmx - v0.80 WIP snes9xbox - v1 [13-Nov-07] SoftVMU-X - v2 [13-Nov-07] SpeXtrum - v03 beta SupervisionX - v3 [13-Nov-07] Surreal64 - Surreal64 XXX Beta 5 [16-Dec-07] Vice20x - v5 [13-Nov-07] Vice64x - v8 [13-Nov-07] Vicepetx - v4 [13-Nov-07] VirtualBoyX - v2 [13-Nov-07] Winstonx - v8 [13-Nov-07] WinUAEx - v17 [13-Nov-07] Wonderswanx - v4 [13-Nov-07] x68000x - v4 [13-Nov-07] Xboyadvance - v21 [13-Nov-07] Xenesis - v0.97bBeta Xmac - v0.2 Xsnes9x - v1.42 17june2004 XSupervision - v0.1 Xthom - v0.3 XVBoy - v0.3 Xvectrex - Beta 0.1 Xzx81 - v0.2 Z26 - v6 [13-Nov-07] Zsnexbox - v3.3 [10-Jun-07] I also want to point out that three of Xports emulators have been updated by other people which arent included in this list. These are: NeoGenesis v22 UMKT, Mednafenx-nesV9 (Fixed) and Atarixlbox - v7
  16. I dont know what your friend did but he shouldnt need to reinstall all his emulators unless he actually deleted the emulators. As for the missing custom thumbnails he put on there, he should try to delete all the thumbnails at /XBMC/UserData/Thumbnails/Programs then restart his xbox.
  17. Its not a plugin. Its box art that has been downloaded and put in the game folders. Its actually very easy to do. You simply download the box art, put the artwork for the game in that games folder and then once in the folder change the name of that box art to default.tbn
  18. I would be much more interested in having the online code finished and implemented if that is even a possibility.
  19. Registration was open for a loooong time as far as I can remember, it's just not happening at the moment. A lot of newer private trackers have a 30-day no activity auto-prune btw. As long as Pleasuredome doesnt do the 30 days thing its all good
  20. I just want to ask the people that are having troubles with CoinOPS 2nd quarter not booting if they understand this is a patch and NOT a full install. You dont delete your old version of CoinOPS. You install this on top of your old version. Maybe this could be a problem some of you are having.
  21. Well not to mention that if you do even manage to get registered, your account will end up getting deleted if you let 60 days go by without being active. I understand the need to purge old accounts from time to time but 60 day inactive accounts? That seems too unrealistic to me. I guess if it works for you then great but I would imagine it probably wouldnt for most people especially considering how hard it is to get registered in the first place.
  22. How about an alternative to XB sky. That place sucks.
  23. - kenshiro - Its good to know there are still people working on it. I hope you are able to get some help and get everything working.
  24. who knows whats going on but when the site went down a couple of weeks ago I started thinking I bet they arent going to come out with a new version as promised once again so mysteriously the site goes down. This "new" version release has become a joke.
  25. I don't know if it is feasible, but I like this idea too. All NeoGeo, CPS1 and CPS2 games I play on FBA most of the time. Cheers, Cospefogo. Why not just delete the games from the roms folder? Personally I would like to see XBox emulation get to the point where you dont need 2 separate emulators such as MAME and FBA. It would be nice if all arcade games worked under one emulator.
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