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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRSisaGOD

  1. any updated cores on this one??
  2. knowing your outstanding work i am SURE its an optimized MameB6 Core
  3. i sooo can not WAIT to see how the midway games run on the next release games like ULTIMATE MK 3!!
  4. NICE!! where can we find it o0! keep on rolling out build updates your the only one keeping xbox 1 arcade emulation alive GREAT JOB!
  5. Any updates / changes to the next release size, what cores have been added or changed and fixes ? GREAT JOB BTW CoinOPS FTW!!!
  6. hey grr a question in the new games read me i see this: ******Autolaunchers Added******** Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Power Drift Galaxy Force 2 Turbo Outrun AB Cop Cotton Rail Chase Strike Fighter G-Loc Thunderblade Super Monaco GP Killer Instinct Killer Instinct 2 what does this all mean ???? that this coinops can play KI 1 and 2?
  7. hey grr what about updating the sega system 32 core or sega32.c so that golden axe II for the arcade rom will have perfect emulation if you guys can perfect that game that would be AMAZING i mean the game is GREAT but playing with all the glitches drives me mad hahahaha and primal rage 1 and 2 would be EPIC!!
  8. were is MK 3 and ULTIMATE MK 3 ? add those at perfect emulation and WOW just.....WOW
  9. WHAT!! does this mean ALL midway game will run perfectly??????
  10. its the mk games from the mortal kombat pack,but i suppose the rest of the midway games could be added from the midway arcade treasures disc like primal rage,narc,rampage world tour. any way to hack ultimate mk 3 in to this release???
  11. In that case, go through http://maws.mameworld.info look through every game later than 1994 and list all the ones that say they were ported to the Sony Playstation. These are the PSX games that should be added to CoinOPS if any. I'm starting it today! I'll update post when ready! Now having metal gear running in coinops with perfect emulation would be EPIC!
  12. CoinOPS_ShowROOM_X_LITE_XBOX-iND !!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE?!?!?!?
  13. ooh oooooh any release yet? i am itchin to get this going
  14. HELL YES! and to all those who laugh at me about funding him...................why would you laugh at me he is actually UPDATING a ton of emulators to LATEST core's making him one of the ONLY current coders for the original xbox..... KEEP IT UP man your awsome! once you release everything i would LOVE to get the source cod so i can begin working on a 360 port! EDIT: also he does not have to code ANYTHING for us the is ALL on his time so +rep up for all your HARD work
  15. man your on FIRE!!!! can you port the latest pc psx emulator ? or are you going to use a current release or are you working on 100% perfect emulation?
  16. my good man i would like to start FUNDING you................. your are making this the most AMAZING emulator on the xbox! are we close to the first release?
  17. will this be able to play games like DRACULA-X for pce? its a cd game
  18. i guess what i was trying to say is what other consoles does showroom support? psx neo geo etc etc OOH BTW did you ever get around to injecting the midway stuff?
  19. OUTSTANDING!! question what consoles and arcade types are emulated in this EPIC release?
  20. i say inject the midway drivers so we ALL can enjoy all the mk games at full speed with sound like ultimate MK 3 and then release the source code so i can compile this for 360 DEV ^^ also playstation 1 would be EPIC again so then i can get it cmpilied to use the xbox 360 resources and be the TRUE PERFECT emulator!!
  21. wait so is this still coming out???
  22. how are the MORTAL KOMBAT games running ??
  23. i hope you add the fix to Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder its hands down one of the BEST mame has to offer as well as the mortal kombat games aswell when is the release? can nit wait GREAT JOB!!!
  24. The guy put a lot of effort into it, even if it is based on SNK's intellectual property. The rights and wrongs of it are not our business. We aren't the internet police. true thanks Robert for the info i was not going to ask for the bios i was just going to ask does it exist because i have looked everywhere and i am unable to find it
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