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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRSisaGOD

  1. he sends you a chip all i want to do is have a dump of it so we can use it in coinops....there has GOT TO BE SOME ONE WITH IT out there ........some where
  2. sweeet! your done release that bad boy
  3. i've tried to locate the neo-geo uni-bios 3.0 and after 3 weeks of looking i gave up can you help me out i need to find these bios or are you going to include them in the next release? or if you know were i can get these bios please pm me man and btw GREAT work and DONT listen to what anyone else says your awesome!
  4. looks like your using an OLD mame core because Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder still has MASSIVE graphic glitches anyway you can "ADD" a fix to that game its one of the BEST mame games ever and to date i DONT think any emulator on the xbox runs it without glitches by the way YOUR THE MAN! EDIT: here is the driver info http://www.arcadehits.net/datObase/rom.php?zip=ga2
  5. i can not seem to locate the universal bios 3.0 ANYWHERE i was hoping some here had it thanks to all
  6. does anyone have the neogeo bios i am looking for the latest uni-bios i believe its uni-bios 3.0 (uni-bios_3_0.rom)
  7. well once you add the midway drivers i am sure i will MASSIVELY enjoy playing ultimate mk 3 with full speed and sound man all u have to say is WOW..........
  8. runs 100% smooth i love it but i wish "1" emulator can play it all cps 1,2,3 neo geo ALL mame snes sega etc etc
  9. sweeet my xbox has 128mb of ram i just hope you will add the midway drivers and what about games that use CHD files?
  10. if you have 128mb xbox the FINALBURN.XBE within coinop x will launch all cps3 games even 3rd strike which is a huge game. Final burn plays these games much better than cpx3 emu. Warzard plays so smooth. The jojo games also are smooth. just change the status on these games in the romstatus.xml to launch the finalburn.xbe. You can even use a .cut file to launch these games from xbmc dash lol i remember finding that out on accident lol but i mean NO ONE has been able to run ALL the mk games full speed with sound and what about ki and CHD files?
  11. Also does killer instinct 1 and 2 work it keeps telling me the CHD file was not found and any chance of cps3?
  12. wait wait wait your telling me its done meaning like ALL mk game would run smooothiny and with sound............. oh and btw NO ONE has been able to run primal rage 2 ...yet (a challenge for you?)
  13. what about full speed MK games and primal rage 1 and 2?? and here is a question games that need a CHD where do i put the CHD files???
  14. lol i need a ps3 ;-P any word on games like mk2 mk3 and ultmk3 running at full speed with sound or will that be an emulator on the 360?
  15. WHAT!! tekken works on an updated xbox? ive never tried it i have a 128mb xbox that would be a good option to have in coinops more games would run better if the emu allows for 128mb instead of 64mb
  16. is there a way to extract the SNES360betaV0.21 package because when you extract SNES360betaV0.21 out of the rar it extracts to Data0000 but i want to extract all the files out of the Data0000 file is there a way?
  17. Now where can we get the final fight hacked rom
  18. hi all HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ok......... i have gotten ALL CPS3 games to run the ONLY one that gives me an error is SFIII: Third Strike i ether get an out ofr memory error or i get an unable to read rom error i have a modded retail box with 128 mb of ram heck i am still hoping some one will make an MK emulator that would run MK 1 , 2 ,3 and ultimate 3 perfectly
  19. What about the framerate? In HD or non HD? With filters or not? With a standard Xbox or a custom nuclear one? Where do you live? What's your name? lol Edit: looks i have my answer... As i was 99% sure i got a nice "out of memory" on all the games lol So i assume you don't have a standard Xbox with 64Mo of RAM. i believe all normal settings all i did was download ALL the roms from the mame 0.134 rom set ftp'ed them and did a rescan
  20. how can i rescan for roms???
  21. ooh yeah i forgot i DO have a 128mb box but thats the ONLY thing updated on this box is there anyway possible to get 3rd strike to run??? or even a SPECIAL 128mb edition of this emu its a FANTASTIC emu btw!!!
  22. "-There is no CPS3 emulation nor will there be. The Xbox is not fast enough to emulate these games using Final Burn Alpha." LOL!!!............ then why do BOTH jojo games work i thought those were CPS3 games??? UPDATE i NOTICED SFIII 2nd impact works perfectly 3rd strike gets an out of memory error but one of the roms of 3rd strike i get a ROM ERROR unable to load the rom press A to exit.... and the first street fighter 3 the new generation runs PERFECTLY one of the RED EARTH roms from the cps 3 emu runs but i get an ingame error "NO CD-ROM DRIVE"
  23. hi everyone ive been away for a while does any of these CoinOps have full speed mortal kombat games like ultimate mk 3 etc etc?
  24. mk4 dosent emulate at all full stop on mame for xbox,the other mk games emulate but need sound turned off in the later versions. i was the one who posted mk 1 , 2 and 3 loader BUT umk3 was never in it i am hoping one day that some one will hack that loader and add the umk3 rom to it with perfect sound
  25. MIDWAY DRIVERS OFCOURSE!!! lol so we can FINALLY enjoy ALL the MK games with sound and perfect frame rate!
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