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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRSisaGOD

  1. do you guys on this forum think we will EVER see mk 1 thru 4 perfectly emulated on xbox?
  2. heres the source code for the PC TO XBOX port! RapidShare Link
  3. i SOOO hope we all get ALL the mortal Kombat games running PERFECTLY ^^ some day
  4. page before? this topic is only 1 page can u link me please i dont even know howto add screen packs lol
  5. Ok, ive downloaded mkanthology how would i add it to my xmugen and how do i even add characters and stages etc. . . the Xmugen site is down
  6. i WISH we did not need linux to play this
  7. Ok peeps, i STILL have the links to my upload of this RARE and old school CLASSIC i have had a lot of requests for this im just HAPPY to help out ^^
  8. ultimate mortal kombat 3 was a ps2 exclusive with MKA there has goto be a way the thing is though was mk1,2and3 ported to xbox or are they playing via emulation.if umk3 was ported to ps2 in armaggedon then i cant see it being able to run on xbox. if its through emulation though then thats a tottally different story and would be possible i suppose.geussing you would need to alter the default.xbe in some way via xdk. sounds like a job if anyone wants to make some money
  9. ultimate mortal kombat 3 was a ps2 exclusive with MKA there has goto be a way
  10. does anyone know if theres away to HACK the mk pack and take the ultimate mk3 from the playstation 2 MKA and put it into this?
  11. wait the sheet says ALL the mortal kombat games are "GOOD" does that mean they ALL work WITH sound o0!!! Read over to column 'E'. Sound is a 'NO'. Sure if you have that pack then you have your trilogy in perfect working order anyway BP said he may be able to integrate part of the 0.72 code needed to run MK1/2/3 at near full speed with sound. It could still happen! but NOT ultimate mk 3 i WISH!!!!! unless theres away to hack that mk pack and get it working??
  12. wait the sheet says ALL the mortal kombat games are "GOOD" does that mean they ALL work WITH sound o0!!!
  13. Lol. You might want to keep links private sir. It's not exactly in compliance with board rules Fixed my bad PM me if you want the link details ^^
  14. The Hunt is OVER ive had that for years Ask and you shall receive!!! PM ME for LINK details!
  15. keep in mind it needs work on the xbox it seems to auto play once u select ur characters u can use 2 controllers once u get in game it auto plays on the xbox like a demo BUT once u play it on the pc it will allow u to play it
  16. if some one can tweak it up im sure ALOT of people can mess with this more then i could ^^ anyway here is my gift to all i HOPE U GUYS CAN USE IT SOME HOW lol this works on BOTH Pc and XBOX!!! how ever it needs some tweaking to get it stable so if some one here is a HARDCORE Mugen fan and is Freaking TIRED of using LINUX well.... heres ur chance to get this to fixed up for the fans that have been waiting for YEARS to play this WITHOUT LINUX!!!!! My Gift To The W O R L D !!! http://rapidshare.com/files/127639168/Mugen.rar.html
  17. i CANT find a download for this release. . . . .
  18. i CANT find a download for this. . . . . release
  19. i can not find ANY torrent on this
  20. Yeah I tried that before but you have to press the mapped button several times to get it to speed up properly, then press the Frameskip Decrease button the exact same number of times to get it back to normal speed. It's a messy alternative, but it's still there I guess. Any chance of Metal Slug 6??
  21. and what about games like Styder 2 and all the other games of that type?
  22. i hope within a few updates they will be PERFECT with sound and 100% FPS ^^
  23. Wow. Sorry for the off-topic post, but now we've got idol worship going on here..... lol. This gets better every day. i look at it this way BP is one of the ONLY people who still make,fix and continues to do stuff for the original xbox system so HECK yes! im going to support BP
  24. i DONT want to sound like a BROKEN record BP but . . . . how is ultimate mk 3 running and is it possible to make a stand alone player for it kind of like the sta 3 emu you made ^^
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