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Everything posted by DoubleDragon

  1. Yeah I heard about this a few months back. The only reason I could see them doing this is a poor attempt to curb piracy. I can't really see video stores doing this for I would think it would cost them a fortune. It would be great for consumers, not having to worry about returns but it would all be dependent on how much the rental would be. Anyways, I think it's a rather pointless but that's just me.
  2. Yeah I tried out Conditon zero, I must say, I wanted my 5 minutes back. It's just a boring derivative FPS that doesn't really do anything new. It's just like playing online CS with bots. We all know that CS is meant to be played with other people.
  3. I just hope he doesn't steal your gun....
  4. The only excuse I can see legit is the joystick is busted for a lot of arcade sticks are messed up and the owners don't do squat to fix them. But what makes me laugh is when someone uses that excuse, loses then continues to play you. Thats when you know the guy is a scrub and sux or just a sucker for punishment.
  5. As it pretty much says on anything xbox live DIAL UP IS NOT SUPPORTED, ONLY BROADBAND.
  6. What the great thing about Ninja Gaiden is its challenging yet rewarding. When you perform certain moves like ultimate attacks and such, it really puts a beat down on your enemies. LOL someone put a post on the gamespot forums which game would be better, Nightshade or Ninja Gaiden. I nearly crapped myself with laughter.
  7. Well the key to fighting against others is recognizing patterns and countering them. If someone is button mashing it should be somewhat easy to avoid those tactics. Majority of the time, a button masher is someone that doesnt have a lot of skill so if you struggle against such an opponent, it tends to say a lot about your skill...
  8. So to buy a liver would cost you an ARM and a LEG? lol Thats pretty messed up Yes I know thats a bad joke but I couldn't help it hehe
  9. I know the WWII theme has been whored out to death in the PC world but I think Call of Duty is the best pc game of 2003. It's a really fun action game.
  10. I could see a Prince of Persia being done, but I doubt very well. Soul Calibur just seems out of it's depth to be done on the big screen. Anime would be a nice fit for something like Soul Calibur
  11. According to Gamespot http://www.gamespot.com/news/industry.html, Soul Calibur is to hit the silver screen. I personally think it's gonna suck so much ass for the fact that movies based on games generally blow. Does Street Figther ring a bell? Anyways, I was wondering what everyone else's take is on this.
  12. Sadly, prolly one of the most overlooked and under-rated games of all time. This is an amazing game that still plays incredibly to this day. I like how there was a GBA version of the original arcade and a new version (is called Bubble Bobble Oldn & New) but it only came out in Europe and Japan... I shake my head in shame whenever I bring up classic games and people say "what is Bubble Bobble?" when i mention it. Still one of my all time faves myself.
  13. Yeah it is prolly the best psx game. It was ranked number 2 overall in a poll of the best psx game by psm magazine (if I remember). I'm sure you all can guess what was #1.... Certainly one of my favourite games of all time.
  14. It's cool to see so many people from all over the world. I myself am from Toronto Ontario Canada. No we all don't live in igloos and yes we have running water and electricity.
  15. Kyo against Iori in Kof98 or Kyo's music on its own is great. The best I think is Ryu's in street fighter alpha 2, That is the most kickass sound track for a fighting game!
  16. Passion of Christ... AHH THE HELL WITH IT... I saw it and I must say its pretty intense. I use to be religeous but not anymore however I still wanted to see this movie. If this movie doesn't make you cringe at least once, then you have problems for the crucifixtion part is very graphic.
  17. It's a nice idea but that's just about it.
  18. I think it will be a nice send off for the Neo Geo this new Kof title. After all, KOF has been the MVS's most successful series and its a nice way for it to go out.
  19. I like C and N groove. The only thing with N groove is when you power up, it is so bait to your opponent that you want to do a level 3. With the C groove, you can whip out any level of super to your opponents surprise. Both are good in their own ways.
  20. Well we just have to see whether or not how they do with the new hardware. Just like ps2, the first few games to come out for it weren't all that great. I just hope they know how to use this new hardware properly. If the atomiswave is base on naomi (more or less) emulation of it could be possible for it soon for someone supposedly is working on a naomi emu. Anyways, It was a great run for the MVS. You could say it was the single longest running system in video game history, but i guess all great things must come to an end.
  21. its amazing what you can get off the internet these days... Assuming thats where he got the idea/info....
  22. Mass pro stick are ok but not as good as the X arcade. So what if it looks cooler, X arcade stick is the most revered and praised arcade stick on the market period.
  23. Mass pro stick sux. So what if it looks cooler, X arcade stick is the most revered and praised arcade stick on the market period.
  24. Bottom Line: IT IS WORTH EVERY PENNY. Yes it is a little price but it is by far worth it. Its great also cuz you can get adapters for it as well for consoles. If you can afford to get it, do so for its the only arcade stick you'll ever buy.
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