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Everything posted by DoubleDragon

  1. I beat the game with the fatal fury team and i must say that i am pretty impressed with the ending. Only in KOF97 has so much effort been put into endings, well kof96 as well were pretty good. I'll have to see the other endings as well. It will be interesting to see if there is a special ending if you have Iori or Kyo or Chizuru in your team, kinda like in kof99.
  2. Anyone know how to switch it from console mode to arcade mode? or do we have to use another mame for that?
  3. Ok i'm assuming when you say andy is in the game, as in a cameo but not actually playable right? please clarify. When i got through the game as the Fatal Fury team, it showed andy in the crowd.
  4. Hi I am DoubleDragon (lol not really but its one of my absolute favourite games of all time). I am a gaming fanatic. If its out, i've more than likely played it. I am into all types of games, especially classics. A great game is a great game regardless of its time is my belief. I am also into sports, mainly hockey, basketball and soccer.
  5. Hehe too true i guess. I just want this to be out and over with. I haven't been able to at least try it out cuz my arcade sux balls.
  6. Lol the irony is that rumours is what gets all this posting of roms started. To make life easiest for us all, we should all get together on like Aol or some chat program and put together what roms we have rather than posting all of these silly sites where you have "271-v1d.bin part 1" and crap. I really hope the rom will be dumped tomorrow cuz i have 3 emus that "run" kof2k3. It now has more or less become obvious that someone has a working set and is just trickling out these roms as a way to tease or to entice us.
  7. What needs to happen instead of all this mickey mouse d/l from here and there is someone just compile one romset together and post. It's getting pretty annoying to getting dead links or links that take forever to d/l. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful but getting this romset in pieces is like passing kidney stones. I want this just as much as the next guy but we need to get something working
  8. How about instead of peeps sending links from here and there etc, we have one person gather all the rom files together (the rom files that are out and available and post it as on larger download. That would be really great, for a lot of the sites i've gone to get these roms give me the classic 404 error. If someone could do that it would be greatly appreciated.
  9. LOL thats about as real as a 3 dollar bill
  10. This is just a general thought. I really think its petty that a lot of groups who are working to dump the rom are "fighting" over who is going to dump it first and in turn won't release (if they even have it...) due to that fact. I think its better if nobody said anything about the rom until it is actually out. Also if one group would dump it or not. The only viable reason i could see why no one wants to dump the rom "last" or not first is because they put money into buying the arcade board and the effort was all for naught. The only idea i have is if people really want the rom dumped, the group who plans to dump should have a donation "drive" so they can raise funds to buy the board and dump it, and those who contributed will have access to the rom. It's just an idea. I know there are many "holes" in that idea but its just a start. I am sick of hearing all of these rumours and people making s--- up.
  11. I have Snk vs Capcom for ps2. The game is at quite a faster pace than the arcade. Still fun though. Anyways, I highly doubt SNK is putting up those pics and creating hype about their own product being bootlegged. Thats kinda a conflict of interest on their part. Would be nice if the rom was released.
  12. That's just sad. People should find a hobby if they have nothing better to do than post fake pics and info. I think those who do so (especially here in these forums) should be banned.
  13. It's hard to say. I don't really see why someone would go through all the trouble to put up fake screenshots, especially the screenshots we've seen with the emulator as well. Although it may be done as a cheap thrill for those who like to waste everyone's time with rumours and unsubstantiated "facts". I'd like to think the rom is out for I don't really get KOF at our arcades anymore. Not really sure why. Bottom line, it would really be sad if those pics of the roms and screenshots are fake, Some people have a lot of time on their hands and nothing to really do if they are fake. We'll know if the rom is out WHEN IT IS OUT!!!!!
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